Waiting for Her Answer

Knock! Knock!

Yun Shu was in the middle of looking at a few documents when she heard a knocking on her door. Without bothering to look up, she asked the person to come in. It was only when she noticed the long silence that Yun Shu finally looked up again.

Seeing Qi Zheng appearing at her door was surprising. It took Yun Shu a few seconds before she snapped out of her trance.

"Why are you here?" Her brow furrowed as she remembered something. Yun Shu glanced at her wristwatch and spoke, "It's already this late?" Yun Shu looked at the documents scattered on her table again and started to panic.

Early that morning, Qi Zheng had already reminded her that they are going to Wei's residence for dinner. A few days ago, Wei Jun Hao and his wife invited them and Qi Zheng have to wait until he did not have to work the night shift before they could go.

"Sorry. I didn't notice the time," Yun Shu spoke. "I'll pack up really quickly."