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While waiting for Qi Zheng to come home, Yun Shu began to pack up her bags.

Hearing that her mother was already in labor made Yun Shu start to panic. However, she still decided to wait until Qi Zheng came back. 

Initially, she planned to call Qi Zheng and tell him about her mother. However, She knew that Qi Zheng was quite busy with his research, and this time, the research had reached an important stage. She did not want to disturb him.

After a while, Yun Shu heard the sound of the door and Qi Zheng's figure entered the door. Yun Shu stood up immediately and walked over to Qi Zheng's side.

Qi Zheng was about to greet his wife when he saw that his wife's expression did not look quite right. "What's wrong?"

"Uncle Zhou called earlier, He said that my mother is in labor." 

Qi Zheng's face began to change. Then, he began to understand that his wife wanted to go to his mother's side. Previously, they have talked about this matter.