Extra Careful

Yun Shu headed back to her mother's house after visiting the hospital. 

She was tired after a long flight and decided to take a few hours of nap. When she woke up again, Yun Shu could smell the scent of something delicious in the kitchen. She went out and found that her grandmother and the dietician were preparing something for her mother.


Yao Ying turned around upon hearing her voice. "Yun Shu, you're awake? Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"Mmm... I've slept long enough." She peeked into the pot and asked, "Grandma, are you going to the hospital later?"

"No. This is for tomorrow. It's better to stew the chicken for a long time." Yao Ying said. "Your Uncle Zhou will stay with your mother at the hospital. I don't want to be a third wheel."

"That's good." Yun Shu lay her head on her grandmother's shoulder. "At least you can accompany me at home."