Of Course, It's Good News

Yun Shu went to wash her face before she headed to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. She glanced at Qi Zheng a few times and saw him smiling back at her. 

He looked tired, but Qi Zheng was determined to accompany Yun Shu for breakfast before he would take sleep.

Yun Shu chose to make a simple breakfast. Then, the two of them sat around the table to have their breakfast. Yun Shu could sense that Qi Zheng seemed as if he had a lot he wanted to say to her.  However, during their meal, Qi Zheng chose to be quiet.

Each time Yun Shu asked him what was going on with his research, Qi Zheng would smile and tell her that he would tell her about it after their breakfast.

It made Yun Shu wonder whether Qi Zheng was going to tell her good news or bad news.

The way Qi Zheng continued to keep on quiet made her think that Qi Zheng had bad news. However, the look on his face seemed to tell her that it was good news.