The Twin's Birthday

In a few months, Yun Shu's younger brother finally turned one. 

Yun Shu could still remember their small figure at the hospital. But now, the twins had turned into two active monkeys, climbing around everywhere they could climb.

Seeing them made her heave a heavy sigh. 

It has been nearly a year since she and Qi Zheng both decided to have a baby. However, it seemed that there was no result between them until now.

This situation made Yun Shu worry. She began to worry that there was something wrong with her body, but Qi Zheng said that having a baby was a natural thing. When the time comes, the baby will soon appear in their lives. 

Other than healthy bodies, fate too played a big role in a woman getting pregnant.

The most important thing for her was to relax and not stress out about this matter too much.