The Unraveling

"And that's brings us to end of today's class" Mr. Hopkins announced and turned from the board.

He took his textbook and left the class immediately.

"I told you he was boring" Silvia who had a lollipop stuck in warmth of her mouth told Elena.

"Maybe, he's a good teacher". She replied.

"I see"

"You want more?" She asked dipping her hand into her bag.

"No, I'll just consume one lollipop for today"


"You can't hide it, Elena, I see sadness in your eyes and I'm yet to unravel the cause"

"Mmm hmm, this moment you detect the boringness of a teacher and the other you're... Just forget it, still wondering why I'm speaking to you, we shouldn't be friends"

"Why?, I don't know but I felt a connection the first moment I set my eyes on you"


"Stop giving me that face, I'm not trying to flirt with you"

"I never said you were"

"Do you feel the connection?"

"No, I feel nothing because I definitely need no friend right now"

"Now that sounds awesome"

"Sincerely, you're weird"

"Am I"

Elena was about to speak when she

saw Sarah entering into the class angrily with her bag behind.

She wasn't around throughout the physics class, did Johnson tell her already?

Sarah walked past the seat of Elena who was scared already thinking she was advancing to heat her.

"Your heartbeat could literally pump a flat tire" She heard Silvia's voice and jolt from her thoughts.

She packed her books hurriedly and left the classroom.

"Elena!" She called out but she was out of sight already.

Silvia rose to her seat and followed after immediately.

"Oh my God, she's beautiful" A male student said from behind Sarah.

"Beautiful is an understatement, she's fvcking hot" A Chubby one replied from an extreme end.

"Stop the damn noise" She roared and silence was ensured immediately.

"Hey, are you alright?, you're late today" Johnson said moving toward her.

"Family issues as usual, no one is gonna penalize me for coming late"

"Um.. Sarah, Elena...."

"Don't tell me about that sh*t called Elena, Johnson, I'm trying to think here..."





"I'll call you back in ten minutes" Detective Gomez could be seen speaking to someone over the phone as he closed a door behind him.

He looked around to see his colleagues who were moving around with files before proceeding to his desk.

There was no idle hands in the SCPD building, everyone always had something to fix or attend to.

He sat on his swivel chair and dragged it forward so that he was face to face with the screen of the computer system in front of him.


He laid hold of the mouse and began clicking when he paused to see Sergeant Kim who approached him.



"Have you sent the weapons info to your friends at interpol?"

"Yep and they just sent the result in less than an hour"

"That's pretty fast"

"Things go fast when you got friends at high places, the manufacturer have been traced using the serial numbers but that of the revolver had non, no serial number on to use for tracing, couldn't pull prints out of it too unlike the other guns "

"Missing murder weapon, bullet with no serial number which is for this weapon, this is no coincidence, Detective"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"There was someone else who was the last man standing, used the weapon and left with it"

"Hell yeah, there was also no marking on the bullet that they could use to link it to the manufacturer, there's suppose to be one except it was purchased illegally from the black market"

"Black market stuffs got this things, detective, I think we should be talking about an illegal manufacturer, by the way how did, Esther know the model of gun the bullet belong to"

"She's been in this for years, not excluding her intelligence, the bullet matched a similar one they had in custody, the only difference is that one got serial number and marking but this does not"

"Makes sense, the manufacturer, is that all interpol could pull?"

"Not only the manufacturer but the buyer, the result was sent to my mail, let's check it out"

"Here" He added and touched the screen.

"The manufacturer, it's a government company, Raytheon Technologies Corporation..." Sergeant Kim said aloud.

"Now I understand why they told me to keep it safe, the information is confidential and shouldn't leak"

"Detective, we're talking about a massacre, it cannot be left unchecked"

"You know me, Sergeant, I'm gonna get to the root of this, whoever this guys are, they were literally wielding sophisticated firearms manufactured by a US company and they're not cops, military or anything related to the government, just normal men with normal citizens identity "

" Look here Detective, they traced the sales record and found the buyer of the weapons model "

" They've been supplying them for ten years, what the heck? "

" There's a name Detective, it's a Family name, the buyer's name "

" The Grimes? "

" Wow!, Raytheon Technologies have been supplying The Grimes with weapons for ten years, that sounds more like a revelation " Sergeant Kim whispered and Detective Gomez's phone buzzed.

He took the call and continued scrolling with the mouse.

" Hey, Esther "

" Detective "

" You got something? "

" Yeah, the identity of the bodies, we ran facial recognition program on them and guess what?"

"I hate suspense, Esther"

"They got something similar or should I say they all worked at the same place, according to their ID which we were able to find after the facial recognition program was successful"

"You mean they were workers at the same place?"

"Says the ID info, it's a warehouse that belongs to a family..."

"The Grimes"

"Wait a minute, does my tongue now plug into action before I ask it to?, I didn't say it, how did you know because you're absolute right, It's The Grimes Family"

"We got a hit, I'll call you back Esther"

"Hey wait!, we're testing the blood on the bullets found in the scene, whoever pulled out those bullets from his body was one of them and probably alive, we're waiting for the result to see if it's from one of the dead men, we have their blood samples already "

" How many bullets are we talking about? "

" Three bullets, Detective, yeah, probably from one of the dead, pulled them out and still ended up dead ".

" Was there any body with bullets hole but no bullet in? ".

" That's a point, no, "

" Send the result to my mail, gotta go "

He disconnected the call and turned to his friend.

"I heard that Detective, The men worked for The Grimes, one of the founders of Stardom High"

"Exactly, we have to question them, they will definitely know about the this"

"We might need a warrant Detective, by the ways, did interpol check for fingerprints on the bullets"

"Yes, they couldn't pull any from the revolver's unlike the other bullets collected"


"We can't get a warrant, Sergeant, you saw the mail, it's a confidential info, like classified document, we can't let Lieutenant know about this, not yet"

"You're right, detective,"

"Cmon then Sergeant, grab your coat let's do done questioning"




"Sorry" Silvia apologized as she bumped into a student.

She made to walk away but pulled him back.

"Hello Pretty, how may I be of service?" He said full of smiles.

"Have you seen Elena Gomez?"

"Which of The Elena Gomez?"

"Are there two?"

"Um no, Oh, Elena, The Bully Queen's puppet" He chuckled.

"What did you say?"

"Can we hang out later?, I got a class now"

He made to walk away but she pushed him against the wall.

"Aha, hot girl, hot move, what do we have here" He smiled stupidly.

"Repeat what you said" She yelled.

"This is getting scary, she's a puppet, you heard that, let me guess, new student, a piece of advice, Elena Gomez face attracts people to her but stay away from her or you'll get burnt, by the bully squad" He said into her face.

"Tell me everything"

"As much as I got my eyes on you, I got a class right now, I want to make up for my bad grades"

"Silvia!" She heard a voice and turned to see a amber haired girl marching toward her.

Silvia let go of the dude and he staggered away immediately.

"Showing up, have you changed your mind about joining me in school?, Maggie "

"School and I are incompatible, so for you, we returned for the vengeance" Maggie replied with a straight.

"I did, you only joined me later, this is my campaign so whatever I do, is my business, I know what I'm doing"

"Including signing in your real name into the school register, first day at school and the name Silvia Nicholas is flying all over the air"

"So cool to be popular, right?"

"Hunters, Silvia, they're everywhere, you need to be careful"

"Mmm hmm, I checked the school register, about ten students bear Nicholas so if you're here to lecture me on Carefulness 001, thank you sister, return home while I catch fun"

She tapped Maggie on the shoulder and turned away.

"Is this it?, we don't get to revenge because you lost focus" She said with tears in her ears.

Silvia turned back to her sister and hugged her tightly.

"You silly head, The Grimes are one of the founders of this stupid building, I'm here to figure out how to destroy it best"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"Don't be, you're only worried about me, I got everything in control babe"

Tara could be seen watching them from behind a wall.

She turned and walked away.

"Nicholas Sisters, you should have stayed away forever " She whispered angrily.