
"Wow!, Devina or what's it again?"

"It's Tara, Olivia, right?"

"Seems someone still remembers I exist, I heard about your sister, I'm sorry"

"You don't have to be, you're gonna end up like her if you keep spying on her" Tara said looking down to see Silvia who swept a student off her feet with the club she held.

"I'm just scared Silvia is gonna expose herself with her reckless anger"

"Should I remind you she's not scared of anything?, that's not why you're here, you've been following her since the start of the day, who were you talking to about her on the roof?"

"Godamn!, you creepy creatures!" She cursed.

"I'm not a creature" Tara fired.

"That's right, If I'm right, you're not the one with the vision thing, volcano, right?,"

"Not volcano, you got no business with that, I'm just telling you that if you keep with this chase, you'll end up dead"

"You think she's gonna kill me"

"She's not gonna do it but I sense death all over you, Olivia, I shouldn't be talking to your kind"

Tara marched away but paused midway when Olivia spoke.

"I have no family, Tara, they're the only ones I can stick to now"

She choose not to reply and walked away instead.

"Damn!, snobbish creatures, not creatures, that's right"

Silvia hit the last student on the back with the club and dropped it.

Elena gasped as she turned around to see the bodies writhing in pain all around.

How on earth could a normal human do something like that?

At this point she fully understood what Tara was talking about.

Silvia was truly something else.

Sarah staggered to her feet with her bleeding nose and moved to stab Silvia with the knife but she caught her hand midway and twist it causing her to groan gently.

"Silvia, stop!" Elena screamed and almost immediately the school security guards came out of nowhere and laid hold of her.

Silvia struggled with them as they led her away.

"You're coming too Miss Gomez" She heard a voice and turned to see Miss Rose.




Elvis could be seen yawning as he staggered out of his room.

He could men and woman loading ammo into guns and crates all over the large living room.

"You're awake, Son " He heard a voice and turned to see Garrick in a black robe.

"What's going on father?"

"What does it look like?"

"War father, it looks like a preparation for war"

"That's right son, we're preparing for war, you should get ready too"

"What war?"

"The girl spoke, she gave out the location of the Nicholas"

"That can't be true"

"It's true son, our little bitch will always be loyal as long as she's treated well"

"She might be leading us to a trap, again"

"I've put measures in place already, I found someone that matters to her more than life itself, she's ready to cooperate from henceforth, congratulations son, we got the eagle's eye on our side" He chuckled running down the stairs.

"When do we attack?"

"It's a cottage in the southern part of the woods, we attack at dark"

The ticking noise of the clock now sounded like an echoing bell as she bowed her head.

There they were in front of the chubby principal who was tapping his desk with a pen.

He seem restless in his coat as he occasionally adjusted his tie.

Silvia seems be fearless since she was busy gazing at the moving vehicles from the window.

On the other hand was Elena who was shivering with sweat pouring down endlessly.

The land-line on the table buzzed loudly and he took the call.


He paused for he while as he listened.

"Thank the heavens, make sure they're treated well, I'll deal with the perpetrators, Bye for now"

He dropped the phone and raised his head up.


In fear Elena sat but Silvia did well to drag her feet from the window before sluggishly sitting.

At this point Elena was already regretting having a thing to do with Silvia, it was inevitable that they'll be punished.

She never knew her new friend could go to this extent, Tara was right.. she was....

"Fifteen students! " Principal Bryan yelled jerking Elena from her thoughts.

"Fifteen good students"! "He added.

" Good, they're no inch close to that "Silvia tapped on his table.

" You, keep shut, your first week in school and you've caused enough troubles already, you'll be expelled, you know that full well "

Silvia let out a smile and cleared her throat.

" What's funny? "He asked.

" The thing is if I get expelled, you'll lose your job too, probably spend a few time in jail "She whispered.

Elena's heart was at the verge of exploding this time.

She thought it was the end of this madness but here was Silvia aggregating it further.

" Stop Silvia, just stop, you've done enough "

" You should listen to Elena Gomez, she has been a good student of stardom high until you moved into her life"

"Good, a good victim of bullying in this institution"

"I don't know what you're talking about" Principal Bryan fired.

"Sarah, her parents are one of the founders and so she's free to exploit other students with no objection"

"You might want to stop talking, Miss Silvia Nicholas"

"Miss Silvia, I so much love that"

"This confidence of yours will take you nowhere but more troubles, you broke the school rule by fighting, fifteen students are in hospital beds because of you, what are we gonna tell they're parent?"

"Simple, they got what they deserve?"

"What?, I'm going to warn you Miss Silvia, we have incriminating footages of what you did at the scene, your application profile says you're 19, what do you think about the prison home at this early stage?"

"Pretty good, you know when they recover from the hospital bed, we can just send them there, nay, that will be too hard, expulsion will the best option"

"I'm talking about you?, we can nail you in court for this act...."

"Civil right violation, I was going to say that"

"Good thing said you that, you should be on your knees begging"

"Um, I hope the cameras also caught the opening scene of the fight"

"Excuse me"

"The part where they came at me, hit me up like a piece of sh!t until i retaliated, I call that self defense, Mr. Principal" She grinned.

At this point Elena had no doubts in her heart anymore, Silvia was totally something else.

He exhaled heavily and folded his hands.

"Your parent, was anyone of them into law, a prosecutor or probably a lawyer"

"As you might have seen in my profile, I'm an orphan" She whispered.

"Yeah, that's right, you seem to know how to maneuver your way out of crime and I'm impressed"

"Thank you"

"Miss Rose Danielle and I were discussing about you when the security operatives reported the incidence"

"Wow!, Am I so popular now"

"I heard what you did to Sarah, what are you trying to do, Silvia?, play hero girl?"

"I'm not a hero, Mr. Principal"

"That's right, heroes don't hurt people"

"of course they do, to bad guys"

"You're right on that, I hope you understand your expulsion is inevitable now"

"That's the thing, I won't go down alone" She whispered.

"I don't understand you"

"I have evidences that proves that Elena Gomez have been a victim of bullying alongside many other students in this institution of yours, yet you all play blind eyes at it, there's even a bully organization already, the bully squad, with a queen who happens to be the daughter of one of the founders, what happens when detective gomez finds out all that his daughter have been going through, he'll listen to me, he'll take the evidence and you know what, this pretty institution will be down in no time, you might not be lucky, you might spend few months in jail if we find professional lawyers, like I said, I won't go down alone, I won't even go down, self defense, remember "

At this point, he knew it was checkmate, he thought he was dealing with an ordinary person but she just proved that she could ruin things in the twinkle of an eyes.

" What do you want?, Silvia Nicholas "He said angrily.

" Mmm hmm, I've been waiting for that all day long, you know what I want, why don't we bury this issue, here and now, we all pretend all is fine"

"And what's the guarantee that you won't come looking for troubles again"

"I don't look for troubles, they come to me, as long as Sarah and her people don't come near me or Elena Gomez again, we're totally cool, so do good to inform them when they're off beds"

"Is that a promise?"

"I only make promises to my friends but it's an assurance, the thing is I only hurt people who come at me"

"What are you exactly?"

"I'm Silvia Nicholas, are we done here?"

"Yes we are, Just take your bags and leave the school premises, I don't want to see you for today, resume tomorrow as fresh beings and cause troubles no more"


"We will sir" Elena cuts Silvia off.

"Thank you so much, we'll take our leave" She added leading her away.

"And Elena Gomez?"

She turned to see Principal Bryan.

"Stay away from her, you won't go far if this alliance continues"

She nodded slowly and moved out with Silvia.

"Did you just threatened the principal?" She yelled closing the door.

"What does it look like?"

"You're so something else, Tara was right"

"What did she say about me?"

"Just forget about it, let's go"

"Elena, are you angry?"

"I don't know"

"Mixed emotions"

She nodded gently.

Silvia pulled and hugged her gently.

"Yeah, I might do crazy things but there's one unchanging fact, I won't hurt you, okay?"


"C'mon, let's get out of this godforsaken structure"

