15 Hour Old Wolf

Silvia could be seen on her knees with her head between when a voice from a distance jolt her up.


She sniffed gently and seems to perceive the incoming scents.

"Maggie, no!"

The door pushed open and Maggie stepped in with Elena who was behind.

"No, Maggie, I'll never forgive you if you do this"

"Yeah, I figured that out too"

"Hey, Silvia" Elena called out.

"Leave Elena, run away"

"Don't speak pathetically sister, can she really run away from me, a 15 hour old wolf if my calculation is correct"

Elena raced to embrace her but on getting to the circle, a force repelled her badly and she crashed on a close by chair.

"Can you see that?, your beta, sister"

"What the hell is that?" She cursed staggering to her feet.

"I changed my mind, the last thing I should be do is causing a separation between me and the only family I have, my beloved sister, by the way, Elena Gomez is cool, I think I'm beginning to like her"

"Really?" Elena smiled while slapping off the dust on her shirt.

"But that won't stop me from killing you if you leak our secret"

"Um, Am I suppose to answer that cos I don't understand a thing you just said "

"Let me out, Maggie"


"Let you out?"

"Stay away, Elena Gomez or I'll kill you earlier than expect"

Maggie kicked the wood in front of her and it spin forward clearing off a part of the salt.

Silvia's stepped out of the circle and exhaled heavily.

Elena stared blankly at the salt, wondering what was going on.

"Hey, you alright?" Silvia asked holding her face.

"If I say yes then I'm a lier, I'm going crazy, I keep seeing this flash of images of you having fangs like a snake and biting me"

"Snake" Maggie laughed but was quick to change her mood when Silvia turned to her.

"And then red eyes, you know what, everything seems different this morning, can you believe, for a moment, the color of my eyes changed, it changed...."

"To golden yellow and you felt aches in your tooth"

"Woah!" Elena said aloud taking few steps back.

"I knew it" She added.

Maggie glanced at Silvia and scoffed.

"My instinct was right about you two then, I know you what you two are, I thought magic was all fake"

Maggie's eyes popped as she moved toward her.

"What are you talking about?"

"You two are Witches!" She announced.

Maggie tried her possible best to conceal her smile but she eventually let it out.

"I don't know where you found this girl, sister, but she's hilarious"

"She knows nothing about the other world, Maggie"

"Then don't waste time, tell her what she's become"

"um, what i...." She stammered trying to understand Maggie's statement.

"We're not Witches, Elena"

"You definitely are, you can read out what's on my mind even before I say it"

"That does not make us Witches"

"I read a book about witches, they can read people mind, it was a fiction literature"

"And I very much want to kill such authors, they paint the supernatural like they're one, just bunch of lying craps for bucks"

"So you're not witches?"

"No, we're not but we're something" Silvia told her.

"Something..... like...."

"I need you to be calm hearing this Elena, I got you okay..."

"Your face, what you're about to say is scaring me already"

"I did something bad to you, last night, Elena"

"Yeah, we got chased by bad guys with guns, I watched you kill them and then you bite me and asked me to run, I can't keep lying to myself that it was a dream, there's a sea of bodies in the woods"

"Of course Elena, It isn't a dream"

"So you're killer?, you kill people"

"I kill too, I hope you now understand why I use the word quite often"

"Stop scaring the girl, Maggie"

"You're scaring me already, Silvia, you've been killing before?, that was why you were able to take down Sarah and her gang easily" Elena said with tears in her eyes.

"So, Elena, you're gonna abandon our friendship because I'm a killer"

"I like you Silvia but that makes you a bad person, you kill, oh my goodness, all the bodies that were found in the woods days ago, don't tell me it..."

"That's also on me but the thing is, they all came at me, so it's kill or be killed"

"No, My best friend turns out to be a serial killer, I don't believe it" she sobbed with tears flowing down her face.

"You have to listen to me, Elena"

"There's nothing I to listen to, Silvia, I'm out of here, okay?"

"I guess we're just gonna execute my plan to kill her"

"You're gonna kill me too"

"For Silvia no but for me, a yes" Maggie said moving towards her.

"You can't hurt me, my father is a cop"

"Duh! "

"Stop it, Maggie"

"I gotta go" Elena said hurriedly and turned to leave.

"If you don't listen to me, you're gonna do worse then I"

"I can't be you, Silvia, Tara was right, you're not who you say you are, you're a killer"

"Yes I am and I'm trying to save you else you'll go out of control"

"Nothing you say makes sense, okay?"

"We're werewolves and you're one now, that bite turned you into one of us"

Elena gasped and turned slowly to her.

"Um, I don't still get you, the only werewolf thing I know is, the once on books and the internet, Stop trying to stop me from leaving with crazy words, Silvia"

Silvia turned slowly to the wall and shut her eyes.

"I never wanted you to be part of this Elena, I cherished our friendship, I never planned turning my best friend to my beta but now it's happened, I'm sorry for doing this to you, Elena"

"You're saying crazy things, Silvia, goodbye" She turned her and made to turn but Silvia did already.

Her eyes were fully red like it had some sort of illumination from within, and traces of thick hairs could be seen around her face.

She slowly opened her mouth revealing the fangs at the opposite ends of her mouth.

Elena was frozen to spot as she gasped with a racing heart.

She turned to go for the door but there was Maggie with visible fangs too and her eyes were different from Silvia's, they were blue.

Feeling a heavy dizziness, Elena collapsed to the ground and passed out.

"Your 15 hour old beta just passed out, sister, isn't that impossible but awesome"