The Apology

"Are you guys back so quick?" Silvia let out a soft statement.

Elena Gomez fixed her hazel eyes on Johnson as his head dropped down.

"Johnson" She called.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He let out the shocking outburst.

Elena gasped as that was the least thing she was expecting from him.

"She made us do it, we never wanted it to happen, you were a good person, Elena"

"It's alright Jackson, I forgive you"

Silvia turned to her with a creepy look.

"Yeah, that's me, I'm a forgiving idiot, I just can't hate people, no matter how much I try to"

He exhaled heavily and turned to Silvia.

"Yeah, I underestimated you, we all did and you kicked our asses pretty hard, I know you might come at me one more time and I'll be good as dead..." He dropped to his knees causing everyone to gasp.

Almost immediately, the physics stepped into the classroom and paused seeing the scene.

" And who's proposing to the new girl? "

Johnson jolt to his feet immediately and everyone burst into laughter.

" He was pleading for one lollipop, typical Jackson" Darwin replied from the back where he sat.

Elena turned slowly to see his plastered cheek.

He waved at her and she couldn't help but smile.

Everything seems like a dream to her, she never imagined everyone loving her but they do now.

Was this all because Silvia took down a bunch of bullies all by herself?

They were probably scared of pissing her off.

"You should get things for the girls not try to rip off lollipop" The teacher said as he moved to the board.

"I couldn't show up on Friday, that's the reason, Miss Rose took my place, I hope you enjoyed the maths class?"

Sarah could hear soft giggle from behind which angered her to tighten her fist.

Who could forget the eventful Friday?, obviously no one.




School was over for the day as the bell rung loudly, students hurriedly arranged their books into their bags and found their way out of the class except Elena who was still chatting with Silvia.

"You took down a bunch of student all by yourself, they call you, The Queen, now"

"Queen?, awful, I've been hearing that word since morning "

"Yeah, that's you, you earned a royal name for yourself"

"You kids are really unbelievable" Silvia revealed.

"C'mon man, hurry up, we can't afford to miss the movies" Johnson tapped the shoulder of Darwin who was sluggishness arranging his books.

"Ouch!, C'mon man, I got bruises there"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, we all got one" He replied and turned to the girls direction.

His eyes met directly with Silvia's like she was expecting it.

He quickly looked away and cleared his throat.

"Oh shit!"

"I'm done, man, let's move"

They moved for the door when Sarah came from nowhere and blocked the way.

"So, this is it...."She inquired with hands raised.

" We told you, Sarah, we're done, enough harm, we're on the verge of getting expelled but you, you got your father to always come to your rescue, he's one of the founders "

" You're insensitive "She fired.

" You're wrong, you're the insensitive one, you've done enough harm already "

" And all this because of the bee girl? "She asked turning to where Silvia was.

" We're late for a movie, Sarah, step aside "Johnson warned trying to control his anger.

" You're going nowhere, not until you apologize to me "

" That isn't happening Sarah, we owe you nothing, no one in Stardom High "

They tried to move past but she grabbed Jackson by the shoulder, he hit her on the face and she let go of him.

Turning slowly with red eyes, sarah watched them exit the classroom with students watching from every corner.

" You'll pay for this "She whispered staring into Silvia's face.

She took her bag and left angrily.

Silvia wanted to go after her but Elena pulled her to sit.

" C'mon, not again "

" Seems I'll be adding one more thing to list of ruining the lives of the Grimes, I'll kill this little b*tch and drop her head at the entrance of their mansion"

"Hey, Hey, no killing, Silvia"

"She's ...."

"She's what?"

"She's getting on my nerves"

"You've ruined her enough, Silvia"

"Your soft heart will always make you weak Elena Gomez" She warned getting to her feet, Silvia laid hold of her bag and found her way out of the classroom.

"C'mon Silvia, don't be like that, wait for me"




Elena waved at Silvia as they got to her house where to came to a halt.

"Not on any circumstance, you come to the woods" She warned.

"But...." Elena was saying when she cuts in.

"Don't but me, just don't step into the woods except you're called by me"

Elena nodded and Silvia cleared her throat.

"Now go home, don't look back"



She got to the door of the building and paused.

"Um... Sil..."

Turning back she couldn't find Silvia anymore.

"Via" She exhaled heavily and scoffed.

"I thought she was werewolf and not ghost"

Elena pushed open the door and entered to see detective Gomez going through files on a glass desk.

"Hey, Dad, you arrived early today "She pecked him.

"Welcome Elena, how was school today?"

"Stressful,my question"

"That's right, Lieutenant wants me to take rest, I stressed myself out the previous week"

"And here you are working and not resting"

"There are lot of unsolved cases there, Gotta solve them, the warmer got your lunch"

" Where's mom?" She asked opening the refrigerator.

She took a bottled water and gulped in the content.

"She's busy, you know that " He told her and turned.

"That's mine"

"Sorry dad, I was only thirsty" She smiled climbing the stairs to her room.


Sarah could be seen walking angrily into a mansion after alighting from a limousine in the compound, she almost collided into Elvis who was moving down the stairs.

"Hey girl, you're looking so full of anger"

" Dad, can you believe Johnson slapped me? "

" That's bad,really bad, Is this because of the nerd and the new girl, Silver " He asked holding her face.

" It's Silvia dad not Silver and yes its because of them, He pleaded with them for forgiveness, I always knew from the beginning that he was a scared, Darwin and everyone else, they've all abandon me for the fear of expulsion and the girl coming for vengeance again "

" What?, He's such a fool, okay?

"Dad, I'll make them suffer, one day they'll come back begging at my feet" She bragged.

Elvis tapped her shoulder with an evil smile.

"That's my girl, I gotta go now, I got works to do"

"Is it the werewolves?" She asked.

"Somehow, we're just waiting for the full moon when they'll be out of control and forced out, then we strike, we believe there are more sneaking around in Stardom "

"Um, when will I follow you to kill the b*tchin' werewolves" She asked.

"You're still a kid, daughter and this pack is a dangerous one l, you need more training"

Sarah frowned with hands folded.

"Am I not fit enough already"

"You just need some training and if you can beat up Silver and regain your status as the Queen of Stardom High, I promise you'll follow me on the next hunt"

"It's Silvia, Dad C'mon, are you so obsessed with silver?, I'm working on it dad, I'll make you proud soon"

"That's why you're my daughter"

"Gotta go". He smiled and left.

He stopped by a door which he opened and moved down the stairs stairs that lead underground.

There was the girl who was tied to a chair, her entire body was full of bruises now, which showed that knives were used on her.

"Badoo, she haven't spoken yet" Elvis asked the dark skinned man who was leaning against the wall.


"Witches don't heal quickly like werewolves who are resistant to torture, but this one is stubborn, she refuses to talk, I've tried all I can"

He moved close and looked into the piece of cloth used to tie her eyes region so she wouldn't see.

"The witch with the ability to see visions, the one who knows everything that happens in the city, the past, the present and the future, like a goddess she sees all the werewolves that moves in and out of stardom but now refuses to give out their names"

As he spoke, with his voice echoing in her ear, she could see Elena collapsing into her bed with a big smile, then Maggie who was seated on the edge of a skyscraper, not them alone but several more pictures playing in her head like a movie in monochrome motion.