Fixing The Mess

Elena, Maggie and Silvia could be seen hiding behind a building while watching Mr. John Anderson drive to the entrance.

Elena already told her father according to the plan and they were already at his place, hoping to see his reaction.

Fortunately, the phone of Mr. John who was almost driving through the gate rang and he had no option but to take it.


With their wolf heading, they could hear detective Gomez asking him to drop the report.

"Noted detective, I understand you want to keep your daughter safe from harm and I'll respect your decision"

"Thank you so much for your cooperation"

He chuckled loudly and flung the phone to the back seat.

"You're making your money, detective, do you know how much I can make from this story, fresh bath and then upload on my blog"

He glanced back and saw his laptop bag.

"Here you are"

He drove into the compound and the girls stared at each other.

"You heard that?" Maggie asked and

Silvia nodded.

"That's why a plan b is involved" She told her

They waited for a minute before climbing over the fence, they were careful not to touch the electrocuting wires.

"I'll go in, you guys should watch the perimeters" Maggie told them.

"Wolf hearing will be activated so you'll tell when there's trouble" Silvia assured her.

She entered through the fire exit and listened carefully as she climbed to stairs to the upper floor.

Hearing incoming footsteps, she quickly entered the kitchen and hide behind the refrigerator.

Mr. John entered and after taking a fruit juice, he left.

Maggie heaved and tip toed after him

She stooped by the edge of the corridor and strafed out to see the activities in the living room.

She saw him pour the juice into a glass cup and gulped in the content.

There was his laptop on the table and the poco m3 device beside it.

He soon stood up and left for a room.

Maggie left her hiding and moved behind the couch carefully.

She focused on the room and was able hear the sound from the place.

Hearing the droplet of water from and his singing voice, she came to a conclusion that he was taking him bath now.

It was time to take action.

She walked out of her hiding to the table but was still conscious of her surrounding.

It took time before the system had s successful boot which afterward requested for the password to gain access.

"Let's do this " She whispered rubbing her palm together.

She slowly inserted the flash drive to the USB port and looked around.


Dism /offline /boot sector /featurename:TrojanFX3 /All /Source:D:\Sources\sxs /LimitAccess, on the command prompt widow that appeared, she exhaled and a sequence of program began to run.

She tapped the enter key and the operation began to load from 1%.

She took the syringe from her bag and shot the content into the juice drink, both the one in the bottle and the glass until she noticed that the sound of water from the bathroom had stopped.

"Shit "

She looked back at the operation on the screen and it was 40% now.

"Damn slow!"

She heard incoming footsteps and quickly closed the laptop, used his handkerchief to cover the inserted flash drive before hiding behind the couch.

Mr. John stretched out his body as he appeared and approached his laptop.

He was now on singlet and a short.




Elena was getting worried as Maggie wasn't showing up yet.

"Are you sure she's gonna be fine?"

"When it comes to Maggie, she'll always be fine"

"So she does the hacking thing?"

"Still a mystery to me, she's not bookworm but she's pretty good at anything"

A dog walked from behind the building and seeing them, it began to bark aloud.

Silvia stared at the dog angrily and her eyes turned red with her fangs becoming visible.

She roared out and the creature became frightened.

It puts its tail between the legs and walked away.

"What's wrong with the dog?" Mr. John expressed concern as he rose to his feet and left.

"I'm fine but you need to leave now, he's coming" Maggie typed in the message box on her device and sent it to Silvia.

She opened the laptop and stared at the screen to see the progress at


"Common move" She whispered.



She soon heard the incoming steps to the living room door.


He pushed open the door.


'Operation was successful' Was displayed.

Maggie held the power button and as soon as it turn off,she closed it and pulled out the flash.

She swiftly went to the back of the couch after taking his phone and almost immediately, he entered.

"Always barking aimlessly " He soliloquize as he sat down.

He wanted to open the laptop but could feel the temperature.

"Warm" He whispered wondering why it was so but he shrugged and switch it on.

The system had a successful boot but started with an unending noise.

"What's wrong with you" He cursed slapping the keyboard keys

"No boot device available" He read out.


"SATA-1 drive not available"

"SATA-0 drive not available"

"SATA-3 drive not available"

"PATA-0 Drive not available"

"PATA-1 drive not available"

He kept reading the displayed information till he got frustrated to drink the content of the cup before him.

"What's wrong with you?" He yelled while navigating his way to the boot sequence.

"Floppy disk drive"

"SATA drive not present"

"PATA drive not present..." He was reading when he suddenly dizzy and dropped unconscious to the ground.

Maggie jumped over the fence and smiled seeing that they were waiting for her already.

"It's accomplished, took his phone too, I'll do justice to it"

"Thanks Maggie" Elena hugged her tightly.

"Just don't cause problems again"




Elena marched into the house and headed straight for the kitchen when she heard noise from the place.

Silvia had explained what Maggie did to Mr. John system, only a genius could do it and she wondered why a genius like Maggie wasn't ready to start school.

She paused when she saw her cousin, Rick, doing the dishes.

"Rick? You're here?" Elena smiled opening the refrigerator.

"Mom and Dad said you went to see visit a friend"


"No compliments for helping you do the dishes"

"Oh, thanks Rick"

"Hope you are satisfied now" she added squatting to lose her shoe.

"Definitely" He replied and the glass cup he held dropped from his grip.

It hits the ground and scattering to pieces, a piece cut Elena's cheek.

"Ouch!" She winced covering her cheek as she stood up swiftly.

She took her hand off it and there was no cut , not even a scar, it has healed but there was blood on her palm.

"I knew it"Rick announced and she raised her head up to meet his eyes meet.

"You're a werewolf" He told firmly.