Rescue The Witch

Few minutes later. Devina and Rick arrived at the building and the two alighted. 

"I can't believe a girl just rode me home. Seems you still good at riding after all " Rick smiled while placing his boomerang at the side of the bike.

"Did you seriously think I'll crash? "

"Not really. Looks like a mother dropping off her son at school. You're big now you know "

Devina laughed gently and hit his shoulder.

"I've really missed your jokes, Rick" 

"You know I'm just glad that you're alive Devina. We all thought we'll never see you again but here you are and we're a team once again"

"Yeppy. Just like before" She nodded in agreement. 

"The Werewolf Squad" He smirked making her shake her head. 

"I'm a witch, Rick. And Tara too ". 

"How forgetful I am. Seems you guys are the odd number now"

"You are never serious, Mr. Rick " She was chuckling when her eyes vibrated heavily.