The Death Battalion

"Congratulations Mr. Tom" detective Gomez smiled as he escorted him with peace outside the station. 

"Thanks for your help, detective, you've done more than enough for us" the Doc replied him

"Also Doc, go and cause problems no more. Be careful of who you work with and what you work on, you've successfully proven that this supernatural creatures exist but in a negative way "

"He'll be careful from now" Mrs. Tom smiled and he nodded. 

Doctor Tom turned back to meet his wife who was in tears.

"You're free" She said In a low tone.

"Yes.... free" He chuckled and hugged her tightly.

"Thanks for your help. Those girls are really what you say they are " He whispered into her ear.

Detective Gomez walked into the SCPD tiredly to meet lieutenant Duke who was waiting for him.

"So what now lieutenant? We lost the bastard "