New Students

"Here comes the Alpha" 

Silvia stepped on the brake and the car was brought to rest.

Tara already jumped out with her body burning with fire. She landed in front of the cave and directed the fire to the blockage which pushed the entire rock into the cave hitting two of the figures away.

The ray of the sun was given access into the cave setting them aflame. 

The one was grabbed Devina let go of her and wanted to dash into the dark part of the cave but Devina eyes glows and she threw him out of the cave.

Silvia leapt out of the car and grabbed him mid air to the ground.

She pulled his mask off but his body went aflame and burnt in seconds with his scream filling the environment. 

The other let go of John and escaped into the cave.

Devina ran out in tears and hugged Tara tightly while John staggered up slowly and James raced up to him.

"Oh bro, what happened?"