
Should I still spy on her?" he added a question.


"But sir she knows me, I guess you might have forgotten Elena is a smart girl, the blood of the detective flows through her vein"

"That's true, maybe we'll have to find someone close to her that we are trust"

Inspector, I need you to compile a list of all her friends, go to her school and get more info, we might be able to find a perfect match"

"Right away, boss "

Hours later in Stardom City hospital ...

Detective Gomez could be seen discussing with his wife and the doctor as bodies were were moved into the hospital building.

"How's it going, doc?" Detective Gomez asked the middle-aged man.

"Frankly speaking, this a mystery" The doctor replied with a shake of head.

"What do you mean?"

"The bites were from animals, a wild animal I guess with sharp fangs"

"Like a tiger? " Mr. Gomez asked.

"Like a tiger" he confirmed and continued speaking.