Back Away

Elena drove into the mini garage in front of her house and she alighted from the vehicle with Ella.

"I guess you should be thinking about what we're gonna tell mom" Ella told her.

" I wrote the note so it's your turn to seal this" Elena responded and they walked toward the door.

"We don't look like someone who just hit the gym" Ella voiced out and she replied.

"Good, but we do look like people who just fought against two psycho vampires, I'll be happy to tell mom that "

"Not forgetting to tell her that you're a werewolf" Ella said opening the door.

They walked in and she closed the door behind them.

"Where does that scent comes from?" Elena asked.

"From the kitchen" Ella revealed while walking away.

She stopped by the kitchen and peeped to see Esther cooking.

"Stop peeping Ella" Mrs. Gomez told her without looking back.

Ella smiled and walked in.