Vampires Vs Werewolves

They all drove off and in few minutes, they all assembled at the entrance of the wood.

Silvia, Elena, Tara, Devina, Mrs. Peace, Ella, Andy and the twin wolves.

Devina was holding a large map that showed every in and out in of the forest.

"I just had to draft out a plan as fast as possible, we all know there's no way we go to the ocean without going through the woods, and the vampires wouldn't take nicely, I must say that we might face the true vampires this time around and if the elder vampire, Primus, shows up, we fight him together " Devina instructed and paused.

Silvia collects the map from her and scanned through it.

" Here's the plan, mortal go against mortal, wolves against vampires, witches against witch.... "

" Witches against witch? " Ella asked.