Who's Family?

Elena entered into the classroom to meet the chemistry teacher explaining a concept to the class.

She made to enter when he turned from the board and she paused.

"I don't need to tell you that you shouldn't attend my class ever again "

"Sure. Just want to apologize for yesterday, yeah, that was kind of rude talking to you in such manner, but I was not in my right state of mind, you know, just wanna say, am sorry " Elena apologized and turned to leave.

"You don't leave my presence, Elena, until I say so " He voiced out and Elena smiled softly.

"Get to your seat" The teacher told her and Elena moved up to her seat.

Silvia was not in school yet, seem she wanted to spend some time with her sister.

Elena sat beside Ivory and they exchanged pleasantries.


"So tell me, Sister, are we going against this scientists or we're just gonna sit back? " Maggie asked stirring her cup of tea with a spoon.