The Wolves Camp(2)


Seven old witches were gathered around a black casket that was dark and gloomy in a creepy way.

They held hands and hummed loudly as the fresh wind engulfed them strongly. The candle sticks around the casket went off immediately putting the entire place in darkness.

Another presence could be felt as the casket opened immediately releasing dark smokes.

"Mistress Sabrina" They chorused bowing down before her

"And where's my sacrifice?" The husk voice of an old woman snared from the casket.

"We have the girl. We're performing the normal rites until she's ready for you, as usual Mistress" One of the witches responded.


Elena groaned y as she forced her claw into Maggie's back pulling out the bullet and threw it up with blood. The bullet exploded causing her to crash to the ground.