The Unstoppable Trio

"Abran fuego" Sambora's voice roared again.

Elena leapt speedily behind trees confusing the gun men who opened fire sporadically but couldn't get a clean shot.

She leapt out from behind a tree hitting one the men down, the other turn his gun at her but she launched the whip and wrapping the man's hand pulled him forward.

Elena kicked him and he hits against a tree.

"Over there!" One of the men yelled and they turned to where she was.

She leapt up to the branch of the tree and thru raised their guns firing as she jumped from branch to branch. She punched a big branch and it cracked around.

She pushed it down with her hand and the men dived into different direction but it hits some.

She took that as an opportunity to jump down hitting two of the men away. Elena turned swiftly and whipped the face of the two men behind causing them to cry as they dropped their guns.

Elena dashed behind a tree and the two behind fired at her.