"Ohh look at you." Petunia cooed at Dudley. Harry and Iris are fighting so hard not to laugh. Dudley is wearing his Smeltings uniform consisting of a maroon tailcoat, orange knickerbockers, and a straw boater and he even carries that gnarly cane that Dudley doesn't think very highly of because it is for "old people" he says. However, he looks unhappy with it. Orange knickerbockers. Who wears orange and thinks it is good?
"Oh, c'mon Dudums." Petunia said. "Stand there so I can take a picture and your cousins can take a picture with you too."
Dudley groaned. "Why are you guys not in uniform?"
"It's just black robes, Dudley," Iris said.
"Also, we have to go to King's cross and it is discouraged to wear it in the middle of a non-magical area," Harry said.
"Also, our uniforms would look better after we are sorted. So, let's take a picture when we get back." Iris grinned.
"Ugh." Dudley rolled his eyes. "Meanies." The three of them chuckled as Aunt Petunia took picture after picture of them. She finally got one of those digital cameras which allows her more pictures compared to the old film ones.
"I'm going to miss you two," Dudley muttered as his gaze looked longingly.
Iris laid her head on Dudley's shoulders. "Me too, Dudley."
"Me three," Harry said as he wrapped his right arm around his cousin.
"You guys better inform me as soon as possible what houses you are sorted," Dudley said. He has been reading Hogwarts, A History on the side. He enjoyed reading it because "it's like the lord of the rings, but it's real".
Once Aunt Petunia is finished, she looked at Harry and Iris. "Did you pack everything? Your books? Your clothes? Your book satchel? And your wands? Where are your wands?"
"Right here." Harry and Iris pulled their wands from their holster that was hidden under their clothes.
"If we left anything, you can send Smaug to the school, Aunty," Iris said.
"Or we can send Hedwig," Harry said.
Hedwig is the name of the snowy owl Harry got. Iris thought it was a little morbid after knowing that Hedwig was the name of the patron saint of orphans in the book. But Harry thinks it's a good one. Smaug was the name of the small tawny owl that Iris got from Uncle Sirius. It was inspired by the dragon in the Hobbit novel that Dudley liked. Iris argued against the name. It was Dudley who named the owl and Iris thought it doesn't fit him because one, the owl is freaking small and adorable, while the Smaug in the hobbit was huge and supposedly scary, and second, the owl is brown and white all over and the two cousins argued that Smaug is black. Unfortunately, the owl wouldn't answer to any name so they all settled with Smaug (to Iris' annoyance).
They made the arrangement to leave Smaug (and even made monthly deliveries for owl treats and food) with Aunt Petunia so that she and sometimes Dudley when he returns during the weekends after school can send them letters without waiting for Harry or Iris to send an owl so they could respond.
"Knock. Knock." Oggy knocked on the side of the door in the living room. "I think it's time to go."
Harry and Iris both sighed. Aunt Petunia and Dudley could not join them because she has to drive Dudley to her new school. "The Potters are here?" Petunia asked. Oggy nodded.
Petunia turned to the children. "Do you still have your phone?"
Harry, Iris, and even Dudley pick up their phones from their pockets. It was a Nokia 3310, one of the latest of the Nokia line that came out (A/N: To those who don't know, it's an old phone no longer exists, and it's freaking hard as a brick it can be used as a weapon, lol). It was a very expensive item so they have to be very careful with it and also not just randomly leave it anywhere just in case someone will steal it. This was more of a warning to Dudley than to Harry and Iris, as a muggle would know the value of the phone more than a wizard or witch. Even though Harry and Iris know that cellular phones would not work in the magical world, their aunt still insists they carry them, "just in case they find themselves back in the muggle world and needed help." However, both Harry and Iris also thought, how exactly do we charge this thing in Hogwarts?
They rode in a limousine.
Harry and Iris could not believe it. Their parents sat in front of them with Lilac in the middle still being quiet but now looking at them with an eerie look. While Godric sat between them trying to talk their ear off mostly about quidditch. "I can't wait until we get into the team. I always wanted to be in quidditch. Too bad you can't join the team in the first year. Dad's one the best chasers in the Gryffindor house."
"I'm sure we are going to have lots of fun when we get to Hogwarts. I'm looking forward to flying and defense the most. What subjects are you interested in?" Godric asked.
"Charms. I'm also interested in Runes but we won't get that until the third year." Iris answered.
"Defense and potions," Harry answered.
James groaned. "Your potions professor is a git."
"James!" Lily slaps her husband on the arm.
"What, Lily-flower? He is! He'll bully the children if he had a chance. So, you three better watch out against Snivellus." James said earning another groan from Lily.
Snivellus? Harry and Iris both mouthed the word in confusion.
When the Potters arrived at King's Cross, Harry and Iris did not expect to be bombarded by crowds the moment they crossed between the walls. It seems everyone was aware that the boy who lived will be starting Hogwarts this year that there are even non-parents sneaking in. There were also photographers from various media in the wizarding world trying to chronicle Godric's life as he enters Hogwarts. Harry and Iris got aggressively pushed aside. Lily even has to grab Lilac from the crowds while James deals with them and Godric does his publicity smile for the photographers.
"C'mon. Let's get you settled. They are going to be a while." Lily said as she grabbed the children and their trunks inside the train. Most of the children and teenagers on the train were too busy gawking at the boy who lived to notice them.
"Is this uh, normal?" Iris asked Lily.
"Unfortunately, yes." Lily sighed.
"Can we get a compartment at the rear end?" Harry asked.
"Sure, Harry," Lily answered.
They found an empty one near the end of the train and Lily activated the feather-light charm on the trunks to carry them up to the storage area. She also enlarged Godric's trunk and placed it along theirs.
"Settled in?" Lily asked. "I'm sure Godric will be with you after this whole mess."
I'd rather he takes his time. Harry thought. He does not want to be constantly disturbed by the people just because they wanted to talk to the boy who lived. He really could not imagine being famous like this. It feels unsettling.
Iris and Harry waved at Lilac when she followed Lily out of the train. Their youngest sister finally smiled and waved at them although she still never said a word to them. They have this distinct feeling that their sister might either be mute or just severely introverted. Either way, to them she is fine. In Harry's opinion, living with a famous brother might not have been easy.
Harry deliberately asked for the farthest compartment mostly in the hope that Godric will take longer to seek them out. It's been 20 minutes of silence after the train left the station with Harry reading a book about Wizengamot on his lap. Iris left to go look around. He asked her to let him know if she found Blaise. Knowing Iris, she probably made friends along the way. It was one of his sister's charms after all.
He wondered where Blaise is. They promised to meet on the train but the crowds when they entered overwhelmed both Harry and Iris so the first thing in their mind was to get away as much as possible.
"There you are!" Godric exclaimed. "I've been looking for you for ages!" And Godric is not alone. He is accompanied by a red-headed boy. There is dirt on his nose, freckles, and light blue eyes, and Harry isn't sure but his clothing seems a little larger for him.
"This is Ron Weasley. He'll be in our class. Ron this is my brother, Harry!"
"Hi, Harry. Godric told me about you." Ron said.
"Likewise," Harry said blandly.
"Where's Iris?" Godric asked as he and his friend sat down.
"She went out to the loo but I got a feeling she got lost since that was ages ago," Harry said. "She's probably out making friends."
"I hope she'll be careful. I don't want her getting stumbled with a bunch of Slytherins." Godric muttered. His sister is a Potter and others might take offense, especially the children of the death eaters.
"Yeah, I think we should go find her, Godric," Ron suggested. "Just in case she is lost."
Before Godric could even reply, their door suddenly opened.
"Excuse me? Have you seen a toad? Neville lost his." A brown bushy-haired girl with large front teeth opened the door.
"Neville lost Trevor already?" Godric asked.
"You know Neville?" The girl inquired.
"Yeah, but we didn't see the toad, so no," Ron answered.
"But where could it be? We have been searching for a long time now." The girl mumbled.
"You could just ask for an older student or the prefects. There's this spell called accio that allows them to summon objects. Maybe they can use that with Neville's toad?" Harry suggested.
"Oh, yes. Thank you for the suggestion." The girl said. "I'm Hermione Granger by the way."
"Ron Weasley."
"Godric Potter."
"Are you?" Hermione eye's bulged when Godric introduced himself. "I read all about you. You were in modern magical history, the rise and fall of the dark arts, and the great wizarding events of the 20th century!" she sat next to Ron.
Godric just turned red while Ron looked a little miffed. Harry smiled at the girl's boldness.
"Are you a muggle born? Cause most people already knew all that." Ron said, clearly annoyed by the girl.
"Yes, well. I am muggle-born. It was a surprise when I get my letter but I am very pleased. I heard Hogwarts is the best school there is (Harry almost snorted at that). I've learned all the course books by heart but I hope that will be enough." The girl said very proudly.
"It's enough. We all start at the same level anyway since magical children also are not allowed to learn magic before eleven." Godric answered.
Hermione turned to Harry and noticed the book he is reading. "What book is that?"
"About the Wizengamot." Harry answered and was taken aback when the girl suddenly said "Really?" And then point out random facts she learned about Wizengamot so enthusiastically they wondered if she has time to breathe.
The three are gaping at her and Harry wasn't sure what to say. Harry could see that Ron and Godric are uncomfortable and are trying to figure out a nice way to get the girl off their back. But the silence was obvious, even Ms. Granger finally realized it. "Oh, I, uh, better go look for Trevor. See you in Hogwarts I suppose."
When she left, Ron piped, "Whatever house she is, I better not be in it."
"Well since she memorized all the course book," Godric said with quotation signs in his hands. "She'll probably be a Ravenclaw."
"But she's going to be a nightmare, that one!" Ron replied.
"I'll say." Godric laughed. "The poor Claws!"
This time the door opened again. Harry groaned. Don't these people know how to knock? This is the second time.
"I was told, Godric Potter, the boy who lived is in this car." The familiar newcomer said. "Is it you?" he turned towards Godric with the signature Potter hair and glasses.
Harry recognized it immediately as Draco Malfoy. The boy isn't alone. Two beefy-looking boys standing behind him reminded him of security guards.
"Yeah, I'm he, and I know who you are, Malfoy," Godric stood and growled at him. Ron chuckled.
"You think my name is funny, do you?" Malfoy turned to the redhead. "And I know who you are. Red hair, freckles, hand-me-downs. No doubt a Weasley." Malfoy smirked at them. Both Godric and Ron turned red with anger.
"Shut up, Malfoy!"
Malfoy held his hand to mean no threat. "Potter, please. I'm sorry for offending you but you are a famous person and an heir to an ancient and noble house, obviously, we are going to have to get along as future members of Wizengamot. It's very important to get the right sort of friends."
Harry is looking at the two with interest. He didn't see this side of Malfoy and frankly, he is a bit disappointed a little bit. He thought he was a bit arrogant but alright back Diagon I guess his personality shined this time.
"I can find the right sort of friends by myself, death eater," Godric sneered.
Harry noticed Malfoy's eyes narrowed. "If you are referring to my father, he was under imperious and I'm eleven Potter. I highly doubt I am a death eater."
"Come off it, Malfoy. Your family is all Slytherin! All Slytherins are dark wizards! Just like You-Know-Who!"
"You-Know-Who was in Hogwarts? That wasn't mentioned in the book." Harry interrupted, which made Malfoy realize another passenger was in the compartment.
"What?" Ron looked at Harry in confusion but Harry ignored him.
"I just find it weird that you would judge an entire house just because someone is dark. Like all the other houses have their fair share of dark lords even Hufflepuff and one of the worst dark lords is Emeric the Evil and he happens to be a Gryffindor."
"How do you know that, Harry?" Godric asked.
"Didn't you hear about Ms. Granger rambling about a book called The Rise and Fall of the dark arts? You were also mentioned there as well Godric. I took it up as a reading since you were mentioned." Harry said. Not really, I was just curious about the book. You were just one of the topics in there. Harry then turned to Malfoy.
"Hello, heir Malfoy." Harry greeted. "Thank you for coming. Also, you are wrong. My brother isn't the heir to the ancient and noble house of Potter. That would be me."
"What? Oh, it's you. Uncle Sirius was looking for you in the train station and was disappointed." Harry was thankful he decided to wear contacts instead of glasses. With his brother always wearing glasses, it will make it easier for him to be recognized. Although he still keeps his glasses in case of emergencies.
"Ah, yes. My sister and I were trying to get away from the crowds you see. I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet him. I'll write to him later. If you can reach him, let him know I missed him too."
"Yeah, well there is some sort of an issue lately thanks to your sister. The whole rumor about him and Severus got around."
"What rumor?" Godric asked then turned to his brother. "Also, when did you know Malfoy, Harry?"
"I met him at Diagon Alley. If you want to know about the rumor, you should ask our sister. It was kind of her fault that got around." Harry answered. "Also, heir Malfoy. I think you were okay in Diagon Alley but you kind of made a bad impression today. I was expecting someone who was raised in such an ancient and noble house and had a future in Wizengamot to be more respectful."
"I am being respectful," Malfoy said annoyed while also glaring at Godric and Ron.
"Not at this moment," Harry smirked.
Malfoy just frowned. "I guess a Potter is always a Potter." Then he turned to Godric. "You should choose your friends wisely."
"I know how to choose my friends, Malfoy," Godric said angrily. "And you are not it."
"C'mon Goyle, Crabbe." Malfoy turned to his companions and left.
Godric grinned at Harry. "That's amazing Har. You really told him!" And then he laughed. "Hey Har, you want to play exploding snap? You know exploding snap right? I mean, Mum told us you were able to get some magic knowledge."
"Hmmm. I think I'll go look for Iris, she is taking too long." Harry said and left the compartment. He barely shut the door when he heard Ron's voice.
"No offense, Godric but your brother is weird."
"I guess?" Godric shrugged. "I mean, at least Iris talks to me and Lilac. Harry's just quiet. Mum and Dad thought they were both squibs and left them to live with my Aunt Petunia who is a muggle but they actually struggled a lot and seems my parents forgot to keep an eye on them so they kind of blame them. They still won't call our parents mum and dad. Even Iris calls them by their first names. I think they are just being a baby about it, to be honest. Mum just said to just wait until they forgive them but how long will that be?"
Harry just exhaled and turned slowly only to see Iris standing there. It would seem she also heard everything.
"Where have you been?" Harry whispered.
"Um, I found Blaise," Iris answered.
"Hmmm." Harry turned to walk away.
"Are we being assholes Harry?" Iris asked suddenly.
Harry inhaled and looked at his sister. "No."
Iris is currently in the train's bathroom. She just washed her hands when she turned and noticed a toad. She wasn't sure if she saw it right, so she closed her eyes and shook her head, and looked again.
Why is there a toad in the bathroom? She thought. Iris likes animals, especially sea animals. She has a lot of fish, dolphins, and whale plushies at home (she secretly brought some of them in her trunk). But she swore the toad looks like a cane toad. Those things are poisonous, she thought. So, she grabs her gloves and picks up the toad. She didn't think the toad should stay there in case someone would accidentally pick it up and get sick. She was heading towards the engine room where she plans to talk to the train conductor to safely dispose of the toad.
"I'm telling you; Godric Potter is part of triplets. He has a brother and another sister." That voice is familiar.
"Shut it Zabini. You have been saying that all summer and I still did not find any hair of this Harry and Iris." Said a girl's voice.
"We were supposed to meet at the train station but those crowds were a menace. Did they forget this was a place for families to say goodbye to their children not to greet the boy who lived? Some of those people don't even have children!"
Yup, that's definitely Zabini. Iris thought and decided to knock.
"It's open." Another girl's voice said.
Iris opened the door and peeked at them.
"Hello, Zabini."
The young Italian turned and looked relatively happy. "Iris. There you are." Then he glanced at the girls he was with as if telling them, "I told you so". One of them has shoulder-length dark brown hair with glasses and she is wearing a headband. Another girl is blonde with icy blue eyes and is very pretty. Two other girls were sitting across them. One is pink-faced with blonde hair that she wears in pigtails and the other has long red hair that she wears in a long plait down her back.
"Where's Harry?" Zabini asked.
"Compartment near the end of the train. He probably was unable to leave if Godric found him." Iris replied.
"Wait, wait, wait." Pretty blonde hair muttered. "Are you really the boy who lived's sister?"
"Yes," Iris answered. "I'm Iris Potter. May I sit down?"
"Of course." Zabini smiled smugly at his friends.
"Is that a toad?" Pigtails asked.
"Wasn't there a boy looking for a toad earlier? I think it's their pet." Red hair said.
"Looking?" Iris looked confused. "Why would anyone look for this toad? It's a cane toad. It's poi-" Iris never finished it when the toad zoomed out of her hand. "What's just happened?"
"Looks like one of the prefects summoned it for him," Glasses said.
"Somebody really owned that?" Iris looked alarmed.
"Well, yeah. We are allowed toads, cats, and owls as pets." Zabini answered nonchalantly. "Though I heard someone brought a rat and a spider."
"If it's their familiar, it is allowed. I check the handbook." Pretty blonde said. "Anyway, are you really his sister? I mean, the only news we had about the boy who lived having siblings is a younger sister."
"Lily and James thought we were squibs and left us with muggle relatives. Turns out we weren't really squibs. Also, we are triplets. Harry is the eldest, Godric the middle, I'm the youngest of our trio."
"Merlin. Leaving a magical child in the hands of muggles? Are they insane? If the press finds out about this, they will have a field day." Pretty blonde said. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Daphne Greengrass."
"Tracy Davies." Glasses said.
"Hannah Abbot," Pigtails said.
"Susan Bones." The redhead said.
"Hi." Iris waved at them.
"I still can't believe it. I was going to ask what it's like to have him as a brother but since you grew up with muggles, there is no point." Ms. Abbot said.
"It wasn't that bad. Our aunt was nice but she has trouble reaching out to our parents so she tried her best. MACUSA took over though. Helping her with raising magical children."
"MACUSA?" Ms. Davies looked curiously. "Isn't that the government back in America?"
Iris nodded.
"So that explains your small accent," Ms. Greengrass said.
"I guess."
"So, your other brother is Harry? Blaise wouldn't shut up about him. We thought he was joking the whole time." Ms. Greengrass asked.
"Yeah. He and Godric look very much alike minus the scar and Harry prefers to not wear his glasses. Zabini already knew about us since we were eight."
"What?!" Greengrass glared at Zabini. The boy looked guilty and tried to look away. Zabini didn't really bother to tell anybody until the summer that he knew that the boy who lived was actually one of the triplets of the Potter family.
"Well, I'm going to tell Harry you're here Zabini. He must be worried. I've been gone a while. He has been inching for someone to talk to." Iris said as she opened the door only to be surprised by older boys who are wearing the Ravenclaw colors.
They also looked surprised. One of them peeked at their compartment and smirked, "You got yourself a harem, huh, Zabini?"
"Shut up, Warren!" Zabini growled.
"What's a harem?" Iris asked the older boys.
This caused them to sputter. They just realized they are talking to eleven-year-olds. Young, small, innocent, eleven-year-olds. They decided not to say anything and run off.
She turned to her new friends. "I know what a harem was. I just want to see them speechless."
They all laughed.
"I like you, Ms. Potter. Let's be friends." Greengrass grinned.