So You might know where I'm going with this of course I'm not sure It will work but I will never know till I try so here goes nothing
So I put my hand I say hand by my soul to the body immediately everything went dark when I open my eyes again I found myself looking around I can see that I'm in the place where I was before
I can also sense that my soul is grown and instinctively can use my new ability
I can see the others body's around me now it's time to see if my suspicions were right
Going over to the first body that I have designated which is
Body: female
Ability/skills: Wisdom Lord Raphael
Bloodline: mermaid
Now it's time to see if it would work then I say " absolute devour " as my ability activate I see black mist Coming out of my hand onto the body in front of me
Okay I've been out this for about 10 minutes now but it's almost finished and there is done I can also feel my power increase as well it seems that all these bodies have a blank soul with only the skills in graved in them so I don't have to worry about having a week soul Compare to my power
Time to check " Raphael" I called out
"How can I help you " said Raphael
"Nothing for now Raphael" l say back now I know the skill works I can move onto the next task moving to the next body which is the body with the Skills/ability: Degenerate and Bloodline: low class fallen angel
Although the bloodline isn't good still I need the skill so l can be more effective then I ask Raphael to use absolute devour on the body in front of me it's a lot quicker with the help of Raphael
Then I continued onto the next which are
Body: male
Bloodline:high human
Ability/skill: limitless potential
Body: male
Bloodline: lesser vampire
Ability/skill: Instant mastery
The reason I chose these two of course obvious limitless potential which should easily help with the rest of body and instant mastery to help control abilities I will get and bloodline
With the ones that I wanted the most already done it seems that I can continue so I speak with Raphael and ask "how long would it take to use absolute devour on all the bodies in this room Raphael"
"With yours truly we can have it done in 4 hours 20 minutes " said Raphael
"Are you messing with me Raphael" I ask as why did she say that
"Mmp" did she just never mind "okay Raphael let's get it done"
After the amount specified by Raphael we were done I don't know if she lengthen the time or not but it doesn't matter as it's done now.
"Now Rafael help me synthesise all the skills/abilities that I have devoured and do the same with the bloodlines how long will it take" I ask
"Mmmm 69 minutes" she said
'Sigh' "it doesn't matter just do it Raphael "I said
After waiting 69 minutes Rafael said "evolution available"
I quickly asked "Raphael what is this evolution available until"
"This evolution will merged all bloodlines into The progenitor meaning you have access to all the bloodlines you have devoured at the highest degree of the bloodline and switch between them when you want to" said Rafael
"Does that mean I can use all abilities of the bloodline's even if I don't switch between them" I ask Raphael
"Of course what do you take me for I made the best possible outcome for merging all bloodlines mmp" Raphael said
"Sorry I know you are the best Raphael" I said quickly to appease her
Then I ask Raphael to start the evolution I'm not sure how long it took but it doesn't matter
Okay now what to do I suppose I should try that right so I say to Raphael "help me switch to the male gender"
But what shocks me is that she says no I thought I missed heard so I asked Raphael "what did you just say"
Then Raphael says "the body has been locked to female is impossible to switch to the male gender"
"WHAT" I shout then I heard Raphael say " when all the bodies were created by OAA he locked the genders in place"
So right now you're probably thinking what is the plan what should I do but you know what there is nothing I can do apparently according to Raphael who I trust even though we just met but she is part of me as well now so there is little I can do about that
At the moment I'm sitting in a corner drawing circles with my finger trying to think of what to do but to be honest it's not all bad I suppose at the very least 'sigh'
So I suppose it's time to press that button to call back OAA hopefully he Won't be mad that I devoured all of the body he prepared but then again why would he care I'm sure he can create more hopefully then I pushed it
"So I take it you're" then he paused looked around and looked at me and said….
908 words
(A/N it's not quite 1000 words but I think it's best to leave it here for the time being also please comment let me know if I should continue or not I have a rough idea what direction I want to go and I will look at your answers to my questions in auxiliary chapter but I am using my phone to write out each chapter so it might take a bit longer but I will try my best I might not post any more chapters today but maybe tomorrow)
(A/N also what appearance should the MC Be I was thinking maybe quite a cliche one but female version of Gojo let me know)
(A/N seems like I will keep it strictly Yuri I don't mind either way but yeah just so people know)