Chapter=3 (Finally it's starting?)

Over the table, A silent fly flew from nowhere, wondering over something, flapping its wings in a circular motion, and finally sat over the edge of the tip of the rounded glass. It was non-other than his wine glass. Who would've thought he would be forgetting about the wine..he poured? It is always the same case. Being caught up in the loop of overthinking and forgetting the rest of the things.

Not to mention the hygiene of the utensils as well. So clean that even flies got summoned to kiss the lid!

While on the other side newmoon could care less about what, who, or where is happening to his utensils!

Newmoon stretched his head and tilted his neck more to the edge of the bed. Where he learned his lower legs against the wall.

As if his blood pressure got flipped upside down along with his head too, he snapped, " Oh right; That girl"

Once again, A nightmare hits his thoughts. No matter how much he tried to console his own heart her chapter was already closed, still once in a while, his mind suggested to him making him suffer endlessly.

A worried expression appeared on his face.

"Everybody has their problems going on with their life."

He began to mutter to himself jumping to his conclusion.

"Like how that girl had about her love life, and for me, it's another..!"

Slowly and steadily, He squirmed his body gathering all of his energy into waking up.

"I know it's a given fact, reality..still.

In just one go, he swallowed every drop of it.

A 'thud' sound was heard as he slammed the empty shot glass on the table.

He wrinkled his eyebrows,

"Somehow, somewhere deep inside my heart can't accept the facts!"

He again goes for another round, pouring more into his haywire thoughts on the other side,

"-Can't accept the truth!"

Just when he was about to gulp the next shot like a bucket of water, he paused when it came an inch near to his mouth,

A movement of his blinking got slower as his eyelids got drooped down a bit,

"-And can't move on!"


Instantly, right at that moment, his phone began to ring beside his bed.


Quickly, his gaze stopped at the large name popped on the front screen of the phone over the bed.



He made sure to pick up taking enough time.

"Hello? yeah! Mr.foodie-

Before he could even call his name fully, A sharp voice pierced through his right ear..,


It was truly so loud to a point where it almost could blow up the ceiling with no effort. Now it would seem strange if Newmoon's ear would be fine.


A bunch of murmured soldiers like a bee clan echoed inside his head, in each respective ear, leaving him in déjà vu of what exactly did he hear?

"Sob..Sob..! Oii..Listen to me ma..n"

A lot of hiccups struck his throat, unable to let out his words.

However, Newmoon was like a loading internet, waiting for a connection to connect again. The buzzing sound was still there. It took him a few more extra minutes to return to his senses.

Newmoon thumped his hands to his ear and softly hit the eardrum to make that sound go away, as he answered,

"First of all..stop yelling-

Speaking the second sentence, Newmoon's face faltered at once.

A tint of red dim, watery blood stuck at one of his index fingers.


When he said that the sound would almost burst the ceiling off then he wasn't lying. Look at what he has done to Newmoon's ear.

He stretched his green t-shirt up to the ear, slightly tilted his head down, and started to wipe the whole ear in and out while speaking out, "-Calm down and tell me what happened-

As if he realized something, his eyes got widened.

"- wait, I think I know! It must be your new breakup right?"

With a pause, an excited voice sounded from the phone.

"Aww.. as expected from you man..,! you indeed know me at a very advanced level!"

Hearing this, Newmoon just sat still cleaning his ears in intertwined eyebrows. He seems as if he was in a dilemma of whether he should cry or laugh.

"Yeah yeah. Of course, I would know. Besides me, who you have got even?"

"I know right? Anyway, hear me out Nah..that recent one got me real. Blah~Blah~Blah~

The scenarios always repeat the same. It doesn't matter if Newmoon knew or not the things his friends always end up explaining every bit from the point of saying hi to point of saying bye at the end. To talk about surprise, when it comes to this field, his memory power becomes super active, analytical, and detailed oriented.

This 'Mr.foodie' named person was one of his childhood friends where they grew up, and studied together! By the name goes out, he was fond of food that's why he was given such a title ever since they were small.

You could say they are close friends.

Good for him he decided to explore outside the room and bought alcohol, and snacks for himself that particular day. Now the fact that he had to give his ear to Mr.foodie.

After a long moment of elaboration, Mr. foodie's named guy finally came to an end part. Whereas Newmoon was lowkey excited now not cause he was invested in his love story somehow but because of the thing, it finished finally.

However, who would've known his excitement would barely last seconds when he figured out every bottle has been already finished. God knows when he had the last drops of alcohol and the last taste of that remaining spicy potato chips on his tongue.

Licking the leftover crumbles of the spicy chips around his lips, he suggested in a carefree manner,

"Common foodie, I never know why you always go out hanging out with girls, taking out them on a date in the first place? when you know you have zero luck in dating. Why don't you accept the fate God gave you, and simply follow the average typical lifestyle of Korean Singles. Hmm?"

"Every time I met you, you're either tangled with girls' stuff or crying for them..!"

"What the man- OI.. only a few times okay?"

Mr. foodie argued as if he was wronged.

"and for your kind information, I'm not your typical type of playboy. When I love anybody then I go all heartily-

"-Like as if the girl would realize that!!"

"wha-? Oii Rapper..! Don't hit me at my sore spot, I'm already at the edge point, and yet you-

"yaa, Mr.foodie,

For some unknown reasons, Newmoon's tune got a little cold, " How many times should I warn you not to call me by that 'term'?

"blup~ "

Mr.foodie bluffed it down and turned a deaf ear to,

"Didn't hear it, didn't hear it!"


With a short pause as though Mr.foodie came up with something brilliant idea, a cunning tone could be felt in his words out of blue,

"Okay okay, you want me to stop using that words in front of you again right?"


Newmoon flinched but he didn't reply to anything.

Having not received any response, Mr.foodie continued on his own, "Let's make a deal! Why don't you help me out this time? in return, I'll delete that word all inside and outside from my memories! and never will I utter that 'Rapper' word in front of you again.

"What do you say?"


The only reaction newmoon ever showed during the whole time was massaging his temples.


It hasn't even been a minute since they had hung up and already his phone was buzzing.

Without any effort, Newmoon slanted his eyes and saw it was written the name 'Jina noona' on the phone screen.

This time he instantly stretched his stunk blood hands to pick up a phone.

"Yeah..noona! What's up?"

His tone was an average one when first heard but compared to the earlier one, it was quite calm and serious too.

"OH Newmoon..h…ow are you?" As soon as Jina noona answered it, A large cracking sound and howling noises echoed in the background. But being wasted in mind Newmoon couldn't hear it.

Rather, A sweet soothing voice is heard from his phone.

"I'm fine sis.! How about you?"

"Wait-You didn't answer my first question though?"

A phone vibrated with her laughter.

"HAHAHA..! It doesn't matter anyway..!"


"Haha, seriously this isn't like you!"

"Okay okay say that once again, I didn't hear..r it!"

And like as though Newmoon would repeat it, If the conversation would occur with a different person then he would have already cut off ages ago. But of course, the situation differs when it comes to his family members.

"I said what's up?"

He swallowed his irritating thoughts.

Noona, "What in up?"

A long screech was heard at the end part.

Knowing she wasn't in the mood to be serious and him not in a mood to be angry he sighed, "Never mind noona! what time is it there now?"

Noona yelled out of the blue, "Speak m…ore loudly, I seriously can't get it!"

Time passes and a large heavy hurricane sort of chilling wind began to be heard more clearly through her phone enough to be noticed by Newmoon as well. The fact Newmoon couldn't hear it earlier made him leave speechless for a quick moment.

" A strong typhoon is e…expected this evening. The sky has been all dark, starry, and scary too! By the way, let's talk t.. tomorrow. To be more accurate not even evening 'cause I don't think this gonna end anytime soon.!"

"Oh and-

She gasped before continuing out as if it's something important,

"I almost forget the reasons why I call..ed you!!"

Noona mumbled to herself,

"Newmoon listen?

"Yes noona..!"

"Immediately go to your acebook account. And instantly like, comment on my photo ok? I want…ed to remind you that..! I did message you but I knew you wouldn't see it. So I've to remind you myself.


"Don't forge..t do it ok..! Take care. I'll for today!"

At that moment, The reaction on Newmoon's face was priceless. And even if why wouldn't too? Like calling internationally on a local phone just to remind you to like and comment on their photo? And not even in your typical average day, such dangerous storm about to happen or who knew even started..and there you find his noona, amidst the chaos giving a call as though it's very important! For a long moment, he was frozen like a statue processing in his mind what the hell did just happen? No matter how much one thinks from certain angles still, it was neither digestible nor made sense.

To talk about Newmoon Kim's typical family background he was from an average family with 5 members including him. Dad, mom, elder noona Jina, and one younger brother. They were originally netizens living in rural areas for long years.

Only Newmoon traveled to Seoul for the sake purpose of joining university there. In Seoul, Newmoon lived in a big and luxurious apartment which was their sister 'Jina in-laws' house. After getting married to a such famous, renowned family, Jina noona migrate to the UK along with his husband. And as a lame excuse for patrolling the area, Newmoon was kept there by his Jina noona.

And it's been months he has been staying there, waiting for the class to start.

Newmoon laid down again. This time facing opposite, his head scrunched onto the pillow. He hadn't even blinked twice and already a pool of thoughts began to spill around.

He recalled the chillness that struck under his spine," No wonder the wind was way stronger today. I wonder if it's coming in Korea's direction as well."

About the weather, he never knew a single thing to start. However, he could still make some predictions using his one-to-none common sense. As if it's like a never-ending process like a loophole, one thought had finished and another started in a continuous chain reaction.

This time voices of Mr. Foodie flashbacks from the right part of his brain,


Newmoon jumped out in disagreement.

"Common please bro. Don't say no! didn't you say just a moment earlier that I ain't got no friends except you? Only this time. I won't ask anything from now. Pls pls."

A lot of desperate gasps escaped from his friend's mouth. Newmoon was left both amused and devastated.

He hesitated, " But this isn't right you know. It won't do any better for you and your future. On top of that, it's super childish too. Think about it!"

"Yaa, Yaa, I know everything. I know its stupid, childish, blah~ blah~ and isn't any rewarding too..but still, I like to hold onto it, give it a se-

"Then, why are you holding up to things that are already a dead end for you?"

Newmoon opposed straightly right away.

"Oii, you don't know anything about love. You don't know the pain, how it hurts..!"

Newmoon halted while Mr. foodie's mouth ran like a non-stop motor,

"you have no idea how I am feeling right now., and yeah, although I am seeing the dead-end tunnel about our relationships still I don't want to accept it, even a small spectrum of the light holes would do.! Right now, I feel like dying, couldn't breathe. There is a fire roaring inside my heart. But..Sigh.. what could you understand when you've never experienced it before."

"One day you would know..once you'll fall in love too.!"


After a long pause, the only gesture newmoon showed was a smirk.

Sighing out secretly, he agreed to his proposal without protesting.

He blinked slowly coming back to his senses, curved the edge of his mouth, and answered in his thoughts,


Then, Right next moment he grabbed out his phone, went to his acebook profile, and began to write some quote and post it.

"Sometimes, I wonder if my close ones even truly know me?"


"Am I too good at acting?"

#Thoughts #feelings #Lifequote #Acting #Puzzled


Immediately afterward, he went to the other part.

Recalling the conversation with Mr.foodie, imagining his desperate voice, crying for help. He starts to quote something when suddenly something switches back in his head, and a blurred vision of faces and echoed empty hallway turmoiled in his ear, high school college dresses, a lot of crowd chattering, mocking bubbled up in his blank vacant eyes,



As if bitter memories had resurfaced, his brows twitched and he slowly squeezed his eyes in a way as if he was secretly wishing them to go away. Surely, his day was one out of the worst.

He typed after staring into the white, dim screen of the phone for a while.

With a 'Tapa', 'Tapa' sound he completed and threw it on the other side of the bed. Covering the sheets as a whole, he went to sleep right away.

"In desperation, People even tend to hold onto the smallest thread of hope!"

#Thoughts #Feelings #Life #Quote #Hope #Desperation



Days passed out just like that for a few days. Until the orientation day came near. The more it came closer the more anxious he became. To be honest, for some unknown reasons he originally didn't want to study further after high school. But somehow couldn't say it directly to Jina noona in her face the fact she was the one who has been pushing Newmoon to continue studying to completion no matter what.

One night he called Jina noona and began to confess his true opinion about his plan for higher studies.

"yeah, Newmoon speak..!"

Newmoon hesitates and gulped his saliva before opening his mouth nervously, "Um.. noona about my university..orientation class is beginning tomorrow.

"Finally it's starting?

Jina noona questioned in a bouncing, joyous and excited tone.

"Good to hear.Good to hear..! Good for you. Now study harder.!"

In a wave of nervousness, Newmoon stumbles the words," Btw, noona.., I was rather thinking about.. things."

"What other things? HUH?

Suddenly, her voice turned cold and stern, "You probably aren't thinking about dropping the uni even before joining right??"

As though her response hit his sore spot. He instantly became pin-drop silent. It wasn't like he was talking any better words earlier but now even that stumbling, scattered words vanished into the thin air. After a long pause and a time he waited for all the lost words to eventually form into sentences in his head once again did he finally spoke.

"No..No..noona..! Not..!"

He brushed into laughter wiping a little spark of cold sweat on his forehead,

" could you even come up with sort of bullsh*t..?"


"Hmm..?" She hummed in a great deal of foresight.

"Is that so?"

A tone was full of doubt and suspicion.

Jina noona re- questioned,

Other than laughing out loud and ignoring it, Newmoon had no other way to get out. He knew his Jina noona to the core of his heart. The more he tried to speak anything, defend himself, or tried to argue the more she was gonna repel it...somewhat like two similar south poles.

"Anyway, it's gonna be alright as long as you study well."

"Yes! I will. Rest assured."

Newmoon replied letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Um don't worry about money and other stuff. I will handle everything from here. But do visit that principal of your university tomorrow once you get there. He asked me to send you tomorrow."

With a confused look over his face, Newmoon nodded in her words having no idea what the hell she was talking about?

Just like that, he couldn't say anything at all.

In the end, It all went vain. He couldn't utter a Hella single word let alone about objecting or straightly rejecting it.

Besides, he tends to call his mother instead...hoping she could be of some help?

Back then, when it came to the debate of where he was gonna be studying, a lot of discussions happened between him and his family.

Newmoon wanted to start his own small business of any products from scratch but got directed towards the path of higher education.