WebNovelSo Will I18.60%

Chapter=8 (Hello! Do you have a spare time?)

Being constantly watched due to the diamond reflecting beside you, girls stealing glances blushing, and giving a hint constantly to a point where he wanted to just put all his courage and just stood up and left. But again, from where he would get confidence?

"Tomorrow I won't be coming here. I won't be coming here. let's stay for a little while longer!"

He stayed there in an expression of constipated look the entire period.


"So this much for today," Professor said.

"Let's start the real topic from tomorrow!"

Immediately afterward as the teacher stepped his legs outside, All of the girls instantly rushed towards haemin's direction in a way as the girls were the one who was constipated the entire time than Newmoon.

From the Newmoon view, it seems more like a bunch of hungry ancient vampires salivating and drooling over a piece of meat to a point where his heart skipped a bit in anxiety.

"?" what do they think they are doing huh??"

"Oh my oh my!"

In a sec, it became like a market of sale, a black market. This time."

But here the product was the living being, not some products!

Thankfully, Newmoon slipped through the narrow distance, in an inch of air, and instinctively ran away from the bunch of viruses!?

"yea virus, they are like a virus.! Once you get to smell, contaminated then you will be done for! Searching for an antidote the whole life."


"Oh My My!!"

Newmoon couldn't believe what he saw exactly there.

"What's up with a crowd here?? Is there some sort of shooting camp going on, Fish market, Black market like earlier? or shooting going on?"

Newmoon squinted his eyes so much to the point where he couldn't see anymore!


He sneered.

Only then did he realize that the locations he was at were the university's canteen areas.

No matter where he gazed, all he could say was the endless queue of the human colony fragmented everywhere!

In a blink of an eye, Newmoon already vanished into a thin air.

"huff huff"

As soon as he knew it was the canteen area, he ran away quickly as possible.

He indeed had predicted that the number of people would be greater but-

"What was that? It seems like the whole number of entire province areas students collided here!! Man..!"

His social anxiety bulged instantly.

He looked around and saw the vending machine there at the corner of the wall!


With a long 'Slurp' intake of the can juice, Newmoon sat on one of an empty bench. Kicking into the air, he was relaxing both with the warm breeze and the cold chilling liquid passing through the pipe of the esophagus to the stomach. For a moment he forgets even if he was at the university or not.

Suddenly, Newmoon's phone buzzed!


He took out his phone from his pocket.

(Ding Ding)

With a double ding, notifications on his message box exploded. It was only a few messages still for a lonely person like him it was way more than expected. It's been a long while since he had heard such a regular notification bell.

He concentrated his eyes to focus on the light screen under the heavy sun.


What he saw over there, made his eyebrows lift.

"Do I know you?"

"Who are you? And on top of that.., why in the whole world should I talk to you about my relationship with an unknown, creepy person from the fake account?"

"Wait, What surprised me most is who the hell gave you my account., my every single fucking account to be honest!!!"

Immediately afterward he urged himself to brighten the screen as if he thought he misread the wrong messages.

Unfortunately no!

Thankfully he already has eaten his meals at least a little. So that he could tackle these new challenges at rest. Otherwise, his appetite would be off for a while.

He scrolled the messages upwards to recall what exactly he had written to the point he got such responses. Reality split for a second through his brain.

It's not that he had a bunch of friends to chat with on the Acebook but the fact he had a habit to forget things pretty much made it difficult to recall him.

"Hello, Do you have spare time?"

"Can we talk about something important? about you and me-?

He almost sends 'me' instead of 'Mr.!' If he would have had then it will be finished on the spot.

-and Mr.foodie-?"

He paused for a minute before replacing that words again before sending it out.

"-and Oasis?"

"however if only you're comfortable and agree okay? Let me know If you are willing to!"

Only then did he realize the whole story in a single instance.

He nodded in his thoughts.


"But is the grammar and sentences correct?"

He questioned himself in a perplexed way.

And about the messages he sent, was back then. After agreeing with Mr.foodie and getting her account he went forward. But it was way earlier. He even thoughts about this matter too, but who knew he would be getting it much later than he expected.


He rubbed his temple as he re-read it. And whose wouldn't too??

Meddling into other business? Of course, one would get enough handful of scolds. To be more accurate Newmoon hadn't even gotten an inch of it.

Still, the pain is bitter no matter the size of the wound.

"See? This is the reason why I never had an intention of inserting my nose in other business!!"

He mumbled to himself.

"I haven't even started yet, and I'm already getting…Sigh!"

His long sigh expressed his indescribable emotions.

With a 'Tapa-Tapa' He Extended his hands to start texting back!!

"Sorry, if I forget to mention my name!"

"I'm 'Mr.foodie' Best-


He erased and continued it-

"I'm 'Mr.foodie's(Nickname) close friend since childhood! I am sure he must have talked about me!"

He hadn't even finished introducing himself in a text when he instantly received a response.

"No! He never talked about childhood things, let alone about his small childhood friends!!"

He stopped his almost complete words and took the time to stare at it!



"Anyway, what does it have to do with me?"

She answered!

"Don't you think you should be more curious about it? Don't you wanna surface your curiosity about it too? You've got a chance you know!"

Newmoon's lower part of his mouth gets a little curved.

He smirked at himself thinking about his friend and the situation he was at!

"Mr. foodie, Mr. foodie..! what should I do with you? You tried to play smartass just to make yourself a fool at the end! Should I call you naïve or stupid?"

Yes, If he was playing the game then he should have stuck to the game until the end. Not like this.

"Dragging the childhood friend things at the end! See? how it got revealed out in the end?"

"People weren't wrong when they said people would lose mind in their panic and desperate mode!!"

"You accidentally punch your face! Mr.foodie!"

Instead, it was quite funny. No. But what could one do now the fact the milk has already spilled over.

Ever since they have been friends since childhood Mr.foodie has a different characteristic. Always an easy-going one but terrible at lying. Or maybe he never lied which triggered such poor development in that field.

Or, maybe there never came such a scenario that he had to lie??

Only he knows whatever the truth was.

This time the reply was quite late than the earlier few messages.

"let's go straight to a point! I don't have much time for a short chit-chat!"

One thing was crystal clear like water.

A voice reached out to him, "She must have given a lot of thought!"

"If it's for the lame excuses then, I am not going to buy it!"


The given time and the fact she agreed was already a hint that she was at least interested to give him a chance or looking out for the relationship.

Thanks to that, Newmoon was at least not that dumb to not recognized it. Although he has zero knowledge about how relationships work in the first place and now he was going to act as one a Guru!

His countenance got serious all of sudden.

A long 'Tapa' and click on the send button.

"What's up with such a childish way of breakup? Haven't you both grown up now? Be like an adult and hold some responsibilities! Communicate well to each other, decide and come up with dead-end conclusions!"

"Whether you patch up or not! It's totally up to both of you! Are you two small children huh? Dragging some outsiders into it?"

There he goes out venting out all of his unsatisfied heart emotions, he had been holding on to for a few days.

Which was what he want to say in text messages but…

In truth he…recalled the loud piercing sound in his head.


Mr. foodie yelled right through the phone once again making Newmoon's ear a pool of dark blood.

"You aren't going to do that! Do you hear me? you aren't going to do that!"

"Are you planning to bury me alive huh.. to your friend?"

Newmoon argued with facts,

"I think you should reconsider it! Cause other than that I am not going to talk to her! Be like a man you know, it's okay to act arrogant and stand for yourself sometimes! It is better for both of you!"

"yaa, Is it your gf or mine huh?"

Mr.foodie asked coldly.


Newmoon was stunned.

"I asked for your help to patch up and you sounded like you are going to break us!"

Newmoon, "…"

"I know you said it for my good but she will get angrier if I showed such arrogance. Trust me I know it. She would directly stand up and break up right on my face!"

"The only way to calm things down is this-!

The more he thoughts, the more he pondered.

"From the past weeks, your bf has been suffering a lot! Hasn't been eaten properly even once, and hasn't left his room too! He can't hold such type of breakup you know! He told me he is missing you so much to the point he felt like he is in hell!"

He typed it as Mr. foodie's words echoed in his background.

"Oh and use some sentimental words as well. But at the same time act as if you have found her account on your own and pretend that I don't know about you talking to her!"

"You know the behind-the-scenes type-!"


"His mother reached out to me and asked about him too? Do you know that?"

Clearly, from every inch of his veins, he was disgusted to the end. His face was just a few seconds away to be crimpled, wrinkled like paper. but what else could he do? He was bound by the words once again.

He looked around as the voice echoed up constantly.

"What-? that is just a childish man..!"

"There is no way I, Newmoon would say that..so cringe. Who would buy such lame lame excuses?"

"At first listen man listen! It's called emotional blackmailing- wait-

He spits out!

"I mean not blackmailing but put some, add some extra emotional spices in it, Only this way I have been keeping this relationship alive till now! Don't you know it's a psychological fact that why girls are more emotional than boys..?and why it triggered much to them too?!"

So in the end it was not about his special reasons regarding his GF but some psychological facts huh?


"Really? You better not lie to me!"

Mr. foodie had progressed a lot. Definitely.

"He seriously knew the person's psychological mind hmm? So after all he did has a brain hmm?"

Now at least he has matured in some fields. But what about Newmoon?


It might sound like he was swearing at the phone to the girl but exactly not.

He crushed at himself.

"There is no doubt about it! That I am the only one useless here!"

Now there his overthinking and over-comparing start unconsciously.


"Yeah!! I know. But I am suffering here too! You know! But what can I do?"

"I did apologize to him. I did try to talk to him! There is no way to communicate with him the fact he had blocked me on every social media!"


Yeah! he heard it right. Hearing the last sentences, anyone's mind would freeze instantly. Those are opposite compared to what Mr. foodie gave in the description.

If only Newmoon hadn't asked the questions more deeply then he too would be in dilemma, even more than he thought!

"So you understood right?" Mr. foodie asked him.


"No question right?"


"Then I'm gotta-

"Wait, Something doesn't sound well!"

A whole bunch of dark clouds gathered on his face. Newmoon imagined it.


"You never told me who is the main victim here? Who broke up?"


"Although in the first impression it might sound like it is you who got dumped but somehow that's the main point where something doesn't feel right! you said you are suffering, telling me to patch up but never once did I hear from your mouth that you got dumped!"

"Doesn't somebody would start from the place, 'I GOT DUMPED!! Help me out! I couldn't get in contact with XXX.. can't reach XXX! Hmm??"

"Normally people would be desperately trying to reach out at any means, and yet here you are ..indeed looking like you are the one suffering, in pain but the fact you waited, vanished for a few days is the proof that there must be some reasons that-

"-It's like waiting for that certain person to reach out to you by themselves. and after not seeing the light coming back. you decided this decision…! Am I right?"


A deep heavy silence fell upon the environment.

A long pause later, hysterical laughter burst through the phone. It was echoing the whole area!

As if he had laughed enough to the top of his lungs, finally he spoke in a serious tone!

"Newmoon only if our brain cells would have worked like that back then-

A fine level of bittersweet tone engraved through his words, slicing the seriousness inside and out. It sounded like he was slightly smiling too and yet at the same time a heaviness could be felt too!

"-I wonder what would happen to us?"

Newmoon opened his mouth and closed his mouth!

"Never mind. Nothing good gonna come out of stretching the old wound! Haha- you did catch me right on the nail huh?"

Just as his words, his voice uplift swiftly leaving no traits of heaviness in the air afterward.

On the other hand, Newmoon too squeezed his eyes and let out a long breath.

"Yeah! Let's stop!"

He relaxed his shoulders over the wall as he whispered to himself.

"Nothing good gonna come out stretching the old wound!"

"I was gonna tell you at the last moment though! Haha!"

Newmoon wiped his face once in complete hopelessness!

He muttered again,

"I should have known he isn't your typical boy! He isn't the one who gets dumped by girls but instead girls get dumped by him!"

It's all because of the way he looks, His appearance!!

Ever since he was a child, Ever since he met him or knew him, Mr. foodie's visuals were no joke!

His fingers stopped at the temple of his forehead and in discomfort he rubbed it,

"Am I getting old or what? How can I forget it? Comparing him to a normal other stray dog's asshole!"

Yeah! How could he? He should have known better than anyone that he was the only ugly figure out there in the entire school let alone about in their small groups.

Maybe old age touched him...

"Do you know what's the main cause for your disagreement?"


"Its lack of communications!"


"yeah! Absolutely! I do feel like it is! But how you-?"

"Thanks to certain someone's bf...I'm able to walk around like a living encyclopedia about their world!"

Newmoon clicked his tongue,

"You have no idea how much he talks about you except these few days! So I found it weird, and get Suspicious about your relationship and that doubt happened to turn into reality the moment aunt called me to figure out if something had happened to her son 'Mr.foodie'!"

"Mr. foodie himself hasn't replied to any of my texts or phone calls yet!"

Then, I sneaked out on my own, stalked you-?

He coughed twice and erased it.

"Then, I sneaked out on my own, searched your account on every platform, excluding your private phone number. I tried to get in touch with you in every so there must be messages on another account too!"

Then he sent it!

"UFF!!What have I got myself into? If only have I done or prepared such long essays for my high school final exams then I would be on the whole another level—

He exhaled another long breath as if it were his last.

For him, even a small short sentence like a daily 'hello, hi' type of introduction would sound lengthy. Imagine what Mr. foodie had done to that poor little Newmoon!!

And on top of it, Random lies too!!

God knows what he was getting him into!!

He hasn't even exhaled his long breath properly when a small fly got stuck into his throat from his mouth!


Immediately afterward he stood up on top of the bench and started to spat it like crazily.

Suddenly, A bitter taste swirled up in his tough from the throat down. So, It was officially revealed that the flies were swallowed up and are dead now!!

Newmoon's curled up as he figured out too!

He could only stomp his feet down on the floor to vent his anger.

"This must be the reason why I was exhaling constantly!"

"It was written in the stars that fly would be killed in my mouth!!"