WebNovelSo Will I25.58%

Chapter=11(She is so annoying and clingy)

"Do they have to go that far?"

Newmoon questioned himself.

"What's the purpose of admiring and loving someone if that person couldn't care less and give a damn about their presence?"


As if haemin heard it, he halted on the spot, "…"

While for Newmoon it didn't matter cause it's like the other day as usual somewhat like a habit.

Haemin turned around to Newmoon with an expressionless face.

While the professor started to count the roll number.

"…Jisoo lee?"

"Yes sir!"

"yujin kyo!"

"Yes sir!"

"menji kwon!"



"Excuse me, professor?"

Suddenly a pleasant, soothing voice interrupted the whole attendance.

And in an instant everybody's gaze falls upon that person.

Even Newmoon's head followed that sound.


This was a girl with a tall physique, long limbs, and wavy long hair?

"I got lost in a way hehe!"

She fluttered her front hair and slowly brushed it away revealing a mesmerizing and angelic visual. She had very long, wavy hair that almost reached the thigh.


The entire classroom fell under the spell of her charm. Everybody's jaws dropped open. Even girls were shocked let alone about the reaction of boys.

Immediately afterward, Newmoon's head instantly moved towards Haemin. He back and forth with shocked wide eyes.

A voice in his mind said,

"What am I dreaming? Is this even possible? I have found a girl that shared similar characteristics as him. The one who is at his level. Well of course I m not judging the rest of the people's level of beauty but you know there is this gut feeling that these too-

"WOAH so gorgeous!"

The whole boy's group awed her.

"Now this is a college life about what exactly we had dreamed and hoped for!"

The one who commented was the same thin person whose spirits were dead the moment's haemin entered. His expression the entire day was like the dead roots who would die at any time. Who would have known he would recharge like a fresh root in an instant he saw such a pretty girl.

Newmoon, "…"

As if that girl heard it, She softly blushed and smiled in a way as though she appreciated the compliment, giving another wave of cuteness to the guys.


Everybody's cheeks were on fire.

Even Newmoons were?


His earlobe was slightly shadowed with a reddish color.

"Silent everybody!"

"Come in!"

Bright radiation emitted from her body as she walked in..following the words from the professor. It might sound like sugarcoating things about her beauty but to be honest, she looked like a reincarnation of an angel. Just two wings were missing.

"OH my Oh my, See, finally somebody worthy of our presence!"

"Just a look of her would be enough for a day to spend >_

Another one added on.

"Right? Take a glance at the girls! There is a bunch of burning jealousy smell coming from them!"

"Haha...Woah.. she is a total fallen angel!"

"Yeah yeah. A truly fallen..one..abandonment one..but not an angel though.!!"

A sharp high piercing tone cut their conversation.

No need to turn around, Newmoon knew it was a girl.

"Oii, who are you to curse her? Hmm? You, yourself look like a fallen one, came here to judge others. Keep on dreaming about having haemin.! You ugly duck.

Newmoon flinched.

"What yo-u..do you have seen yourself in the mirror? You look like a sh*t that duck pooped! Do you have any idea what the poop looks like? After the class, you can go and look at it yourself! Or can google it too!!"

"Forget about getting that beauty!"


There the fandom starts to range amongst each other while the actual person doesn't even have any idea that they were the main cause of it.

Newmoon slightly slanted his eyes to look at haemin and that pretty girl.

"Poor Poor!"

He could only shake his head thinking about the reality.

"Okay class, now meet her!"

"She is the second entrance topper followed by lee haemin in our college...

Once again he hesitates to recall it,

"- Sorry to cut you in the middle part! But allow me to introduce myself!"


That girl stepped forward, all eyes and ears on her.

"I am 'APRIL NAM' Please take care of me. And let's make beautiful memories altogether."

Clap~ clap~

The entire ceiling echoed with a large thunder of clapping. It came from the boy's side. Yesterday if it was girls' day then now it's boys.

Professor lim smiled, "Looks like you are gonna have a good time! Go seat up!"

April bowed and walked up.

"This batch must be lucky that out of three geniuses(topper) 2 are already in the same department!"

One of the front seated students questioned in a confused tone,

"What's the meaning of it..3?"

Professor lim moved back to his work of taking attendance and answered firmly,

"Yeah, It was informed to me by the main head office that there was one person who has enrolled in the same department as well so I was curious you know? The fact that 2 of them already are in the same class so who knows if that remaining certain one also coincidently happens to be here-?

Choke~ Choke~

Hearing the last sentences of the professor, Out of a sudden Newmoon choked dangerously with his saliva to a point where everybody's attention was on him now.


"Are you alright young man?"

Professor lim showed his worries.

After coughing twice he waved his hands showing a hint that he was alright.

"But you don't look like though-

"-Hey, the old man will you please stop talking already? Whom do you think the reasons I've become like this?"

Newmoon crushed in despite red eyes and cut his words secretly.

"Didn't anybody teach you that while choking people aren't able to speak huh? Who made you a professor? Who gave you a certificate in the field hmm? You talk way too much!"

Newmoon was overflowing with thoughts inside his head while on the outside all he could do was nod and shake as per the questions.

"Here, Take it!"

Long white serene hands stretched in front of him.


"Drink it! you will feel better!"

Once again Newmoon's brows got narrowed and protested right back in his head,

"Man, are you trying to kill me huh? why is everyone so desperately wanting me to die? I am here coughing my heart, lungs, and kidneys out, being unable to grasp the breath too and now you're giving me water..so that I could die on the spot? Hmm?"

"No thanks!"

He denied politely as he coughed twice.

Turning a deaf ear to his response, April dashed the water bottle into his hands stubbornly and left respectively.


Another quick 'Shrug' was heard right behind his ears.

He turned around to the sound and saw, That April sat on the right side of him.

There were several seats down below but no!

"Why am I being punished like this? Haemin on the left side and April on the right side?"

"Between them, I am being crushed in the middle!"

Newmoon stared at April with an almost crying face.

And suddenly a terror felt upon his body that went down through his spine back. Everybody's dead look eyes were on him.


"What am I going to get bullied from now on or what? Why are they-"

Newmoon eyes swiftly dropped down to avoid countless judgmental attentions.

"This is the reason why I hate being the center of attention."

A sudden black blurred memory hit his head. A series of laughter, attacked eyes, and silent words were echoed in his head so hard to a point where he clenched his fists.



"Kim Newmoon?" Professor lim continued to roll call.

"Ah yes, sir!"

While April smirked a bit and whispered underneath her breath, "Found ya!"


The class was dismissed. And just when Newmoon was about to get up, April nam stood in front of him like a ghost.

Newmoon gasped out of startled.

"Sorry did I scare you Newmoon Oppa??"


Newmoon's heart skipped a bit. He froze and took his time to recall what he heard from her.

"Haha, it seems so. Haemin sumbae!"

Newmoon let out another sigh of relief. A girl calls him Oppa to a boy who looks like a potato.

Newmoon shook his head as he slightly cares for his ear.

He thought, "Maybe it's time to take out garbage from my ears?"

April pointed out at her nose,

"Did you recognize me?"


Newmoon looked up at her in amusement.


Suddenly a bunch of girls crashed down upon them, elbowing each other. One of the girl's shoulders just kicked right at the Newmoon's wounded nose.


A circuit of electricity flies from the nose area to every other part of the body. Without his knowing entire face became crippled and wrinkled like paper in a blink of an eye in hurt. Although he had put off the bandages still it wasn't healed completely.

"Sumbae are you okay? Where do you get hit?"

As if Newmoon could hear her voice at that time.

He just covered his nose, took his bag, and flew silently from there.

Of course, April was about to follow him but others boys got in the way.




Newmoon sat on the same bench where he broke his nose on the first day.

He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"oh my, tears.., I almost cried? It hurts so badly that I almost wailed in front of everyone and there she went like 'are you okay?'

Like seriously don't girls have some brain?

His mind goes back to the professor's words and recorrected his assumptions,

"No, no.. everybody seems to be dumb here!"

It was a moment where Newmoon forgot a time being that more than them he was the ultimate one, the foolish one.

He slowly tried to massage the broken area and the healed area too. He moved back and forth just to make sure his every tiny muscle was working or on track.

"Thank god, it's not re-opened! It's not bleeding too!!"

He was low-key relaxed from it.

Hah!! Finally, he could be relieved.

As he sighed he laid back his head on the edge of the bench again forgetting it was the same postures that he got kicked with basketball the other day.

"Hmm, now the class continuous after a while!"

And a peaceful, calming breeze shuttered through the trees.

"Hmm.. so fresh!!"


"I feel like I am in the mountains."

"Indeed me too!"


Newmoon suddenly sprang his eyes and jumped up. Seeing April right beside him made his lungs come out of his mouth.

Newmoon's reaction made April laugh.

"Haha! Easy there sumbae!"

She teased, "No need to overreact? It's not like you saw a ghost sumbae!"

As if what got him at that moment, Newmoon reported right away,

"Yea. I indeed saw a ghost..and it's you-


Newmoon said it loud.

However, April's face was still neutral.

With a pause, she smirked and replied with a great deal of foresight, "Common sumbae look at yourself first!"

"To be honest you're the real ghost one here! Talking alone when no one is around."

"To add more,

She backs up a little with a slight terror in her eyes,

"- I am getting goosebumps even sitting next to you!"

God knows if she was being equal with him or trying to dominate, win over him but Whatever the reason was, Newmoon surely didn't like it.

He took one fine glance at her from top to toe and examined them in his head While April was sweetly smiling at him.

"What the-

In a puzzled face, he continued,

"I guess she looked fine and pretty at first glance. but now the fact I have been keeping up with her, she tends to look more annoying than pretty?? Or what?"

He turned around his head back to the normal position and commented through clenched teeth, "Whatever I do is none of your business miss! If you're having any sort of problems then you can quietly leave!"

There Newmoon finally said honestly. He said what he wanted to say. He knew he had already screwed earlier so he simply didn't care about the rest of the words anymore. By that time he just wanted to rest and be by himself.

Unfortunately, who knew April would be made up of thick-skinned. Turning a deaf ear, she leaned backward in a relaxed way and chuckled, "I don't assume your father owned this property?"

"As a student here, we can roam around anywhere whenever we want.! And among all, I happened to like this place too!"

She crossed her arms and laid back her neck on the edge of the bench,

"cause as you reviewed.., there is something about this place. It's calming!"


The phrase, "yeah indeed it is my sister-in-law's property? Do you have a problem with it? Oh and if it's not mine then is it yours?" were written all over his face.

However, Deep down he knew feelings somewhere that she won't be moving any sooner.

"Don't you feel as if the breeze is trying to communicate with you?"

Newmoon sat still, with a blank look on his face.

April, "…"

For a few minutes, she silently stared at Newmoon face as though she was thinking about something.

With a pause, she eventually spoke in a sweet and alluring tone,

"sumbae, why don't we just carry out our own business? I won't disturb you and you won't disturb me too-haha!"

She laughed as she brushes her long angelic hair.

"well, I guess the chance for that probability is rarely low!"

"Hehe, anyway I am here for relaxation too you know..,

She took out a long sigh of tiredness as she stretched her arms a bit, "People are giving me a ton of headaches for no reason! so I slipped through it. So think of it, it's a win-win situation for us.!"

The entire time Newmoon was lost in words. Thanks to his instincts and overthinking he saw it from miles ago!

Also, he realized the more he denies the more it will repel.

So it was best for him to-

He moved to the edge of the bench by his butt and closed his eyes.

Seeing it, April's lips curved a little on the edge too.

Just like that, silence fell upon the environment. The only sound heard was the flapping of the leaves and the cold chilly breeze that hit them once in a while.

Every time the wind flows April's long hair is flown over the mid-air making it so majestic to look up to. And not to mention the background too, A flower blossoms over the side, everywhere and there is a pretty girl with a hair-like petal. Indeed any boy couldn't resist such beauty if they ever came to capture such irresistible beauty.

She softly brushed off her hair against the back ear and look back again at Newmoon.


Although Newmoon closed his eyes didn't mean he dozed off!!

It wasn't some sort of drama. It was reality.

Newmoon low-key started to twitch his eyebrows due to irritation and felt uncomfortable, "Man..did I unknowingly own her money? or what? She has been clingy ever since earlier morning!"

"Did she have a grudge against me?"

He began to desperately move his eyelids as he recalled. While noticing him struggling secretly April however smiled a bit.

"As far as I know I haven't done, took a loan from anybody."


"-Sumbae you don't have to go through much trouble. I already am seeing your eyeballs going and moving back and forth. Stop pretending now!"

Newmoon got caught.

Still, he tried to make it serene, calm, and natural being unaffected.

Which makes April even more interested as she whispered beneath her tone,



"Oh, btw did sumbae's nose got healed completely?"

As soon as the word 'nose' got out of April's mouth, Newmoon eyes sprang wide open. He stood still right away with a thousand thoughts running through his face.

However, He could only stare coldly.


A high judgmental and iced sprinkled with lots of doubts on the surface.

He simply walked off.

April gasped out.

"Wait..! sunbae..did I say something wrong? You don't have to leave just for that."

"Okay okay, I will be silent. I won't speak much!"

April still didn't stop following him around.

However Newmoon was one hell made up of iron rods, at least he was at that moment.

"Don't give me cold shoulders!"

April still was like the glue that wasn't even naming to slide away.

Just when she was about to speak more Newmoon halted on the spot.


April, "?"


Suddenly with a back body, Newmoon lifted his hand into thin air.

Following the hint April looked up in the direction of the upward with a confused expression and immediately afterward as if she had noticed something, her entire cheeks flushed like a red tomato and she backed off a little.

They were in the boy's washroom.

Of course, anybody would flush off.

Brushing down her hair towards her ear, she hesitantly smiled,

"Haha, I didn't know we were here already-

Instantly a bunch of boys muttered from the inner place as if they were about to come out.

"Well, let's meet in class okay? Bye!"

She ran off and vanished into a thin air.

While Newmoon finally exhaled a long deep sigh of relief.

"My, my instincts weren't wrong. She is so annoying and clingy."

"I wonder why-

"Oh, btw did sunbae's nose &%$*@#?"

The voice hit him like an asteroid.


He squinted his eyes as he deeply got focused on it,

"Earlier if I am not wrong I only heard my nose part! I thought my nose looked flat from the side even to her..that's why I walked off..but!"

As it turned out that Newmoon never heard the full sentences. He has always been told by his noona and john that never let people see his side looks cause it's one of the ugliest angles that he possessed.

Indeed they weren't wrong. The fact Newmoon had a flat nose, low nose bridge he almost looked like a panda from the side, Somewhat near to an alien type too!!

April's words triggered Newmoon's insecurity.

Newmoon returned to her next class.

Not to mention, as soon as Newmoon entered April was at the last corner and gave him a wave.

"Sumbae here! Here!"

Immediately afterward Newmoon avoided his gaze to the other side in a way as though he had never heard of.