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Chapter=23(Newmoon Oppa, Let's go to my place!)

Now the fog had dissipated into the thin air, and every April's action started to seem reasonable. Along with it.. guilt started to fill up in his heart. But before he could give it a chance to eat him up, he instantly blabbered some nonsense to cover it!

"By the way, what about your partner?"

April lifted her eyebrows, "Huh?"

Once the words were shot out, only then did he realize what he had buttered out accidentally. Nobody saw it coming. Not even a new moon too! Thanks to him, stiffness fell upon the environment.

He could only bite his tongue and cursed him in a silent plane.

"Shit! Were there no other words or sentences in the dictionary to spill out? Out of all it had to be this?"

He squeezed his eyes in regret. And why? Of course, it was inappropriate to ask such questions! Such critical questions..! As far as his memory served him best it was the same reasons that lead her to jump off the bridge too!

"What sin did I do just now? Heaven kill me now..!"

Pacing his finger against each other, Newmoon was hesitant and whispered, "I-I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, somehow I heard it..!

Before April opened her mouth, Something flashed in her eyes and she gently smiled, "Haha! Nevermind! Let's leave the past things to their past selves and only focus on the present!"

Maybe heaven felt pitiful towards the newmoon after all he had experienced so much just in a single day that the circumstances got right on their own. And he too thought closing the topic was the best thing to do at the moment.

Newmoon nodded, "Okay! Oh right-

He snapped, "Anyway, where did you run off to? Back then..?"

There he went!! Popping out exactly what he was thinking of once again!

"Fuck! What's wrong with my tongue today?"

Yes! Someone had to take the blame for his imponent behaviors and he blamed his tongue. Why? It was him who ran off..not her. And the explanation he was asking for was.. afterward scenario of when she sat inside the cab and left the place. He was completely hopeless now the fact milk had spilled all over the ground and to a worst, crying too didn't seem promising to witness the surrounding.

"Oh- about that? I recalled some urgent work so I had to return-

She paused before carrying on.

"-However, I did visit back later!"

Newmoon, "?"

"….Hoping that you still would be there..but unfortunately my bad.. by that time you were already gone!"

She stated frankly with a warm smile still shining on her face.

Seeing how naïve she was or how genius he was himself, he choked on his saliva.

"No- No- I was gone way before that! Trust me. You just weren't aware of it!"

This time he was able to keep his thoughts locked into his conscious mind.

"However I am not fond of leaving the things in the middle ya, know!"

She chuckled.

Somehow newmoon felt chilled by her words. And to speak of, who would know better than the newmoon himself? Ever since the first day, he had bad feelings about her which turned out to be true.

"Apparently, from the very next day, I began to search for you! I spent the entire day!"

Newmoon, "…"

She grinned with a cheerful face, "But..Who knew fate would bring us together in the class!"

Before thinking first, new moon wondered, "Searched for me..? Why?"

"Why? Did you ask? Hmm..because I felt sorry?"

She was somewhat surprised.


Once again, Newmoon protested in a serious tone.

April, "?"

"Just why?"

He thought to himself.

"Isn't she should be feeling thankful rather than sorry? No matter what, I indeed threw some nonsense and shameless advice at her. And by god grace, it seemed kinda worked on her too! Hmm..,!"

He took a few minutes to recall the memories from beginning to end.

"Strange! I don't find any clues regarding it. Or-

A change appeared in his expression, "-or.., Is it because she felt sorry for spending my valuable time on her? Made me worry?"

Just when April was about to open her mouth with puzzled eyes, newmoon interrupted straightly, "Never mind. Never mind!"

Then, he finished his sentences in his head, "Whatever it is.., let it be..! I am afraid the more I dig it, the more haywire it will become, and eventually, she will end up misunderstanding me! Which-

His head throbbed a bit.

"- Ugh~ my head!"

Slowly he began to stand up.

"I am glad you are alright. To be honest, I don't know what are you apologizing for! But-

He warmly smiled, staring at her down, "I am glad you are alright!"

April, "…"

It was the first time, April had seen him smiling so carefreely. It was real. Apart from his moderate appearance, he indeed looked cute at night. He stood a little bit far from her and she couldn't shelter him under her umbrella. And with a 'pit-pat' sound rain drops were once more hitting his head and sliding down through his face down to the neck and finally emerged into the wet t-shirt.

In addition, following down, the t-shirt was completely stuck with his bare skin of him in a way if it was glued to it. April could notice his inner part of nipples through the transparent outfit as well.

April just stared at him without any words.

"See ya!"

Waving her, he turned left side and walked off!

As he walked a few miles away, his heart got struck with the same unbearable pain he had felt before. He couldn't help but to muttered to himself,

"Hah! What am I doing? My whole belief system has shaken up, crumbling down, and look at me.., I am talking to someone in a normal way."

He gazes upwards into the dark sky. But the fact rain had been hitting his face hard, he could barely open his eyes.

He couldn't help himself but sigh heavily.


As he stretched out his hands to reach out for the raindrops in his palms, feeling the deep sensation of them.

"Haha! After all, God does exist huh? The Sky always cries along with me!"

"Who cries along with you?"

Suddenly, April's voice startled the heck out of him.

"Oh my god!"

He yelled in shock.

Titling her umbrella over him once more, she chuckled, "God isn't only yours! He is everybody! Don't go around muttering nonsense like that!"

Seriously it took him a few minutes to exactly realize the meaning behind those words.

Brushing his hair in annoyance, he asked in a serious tone, "Why are you still here? Didn't I ask you to leave first earlier?"

Raising her brows she argued, "And that's when?"

"?" "I believe I told you..' see ya'?"

"And from when 'see ya' counted as an 'asking to leave first'?"

Newmoon, "?"

In this case, both of them played dumb with each other. For somebody, the word 'see ya' indeed counted as ending the conversation but the person here was April han. She wasn't a typical type of girl and she stubbornly brushed it off, turning a deaf ear to it.

And coming to the newmoon, he spoke with a bit of miscalculation of words. The phrase 'Didn't I ask you to leave first earlier?" should be said instead of 'that'! And 'see ya' hinted the same as well.

However, if he was to argue with facts against her..still..deep down he knew he won't be winning the fights and debate with her. Which was brutal truth! So, without bothering to waste another minute in vain. The fact he was mentally and emotionally tired, and he gave up quickly.

"Leave it!"

Saying it, the new moon sprinted faster.

Along with him, April paced forward too!

"Hey..wait for me! Let me share my umbrella with you!"

"Hey..wait! Take my umbrella with you!"

Although he heard it, for some unknown reason he pretend not to hear at all.

Seeing how he was running away knowingly, light veins popped out in her forehead and she yelled following after him, "YAA! At least let me share it with you!!"

No response!

Another vein slid from the other side, she ranged more loudly, "YAAA! IN THIS WAY, you'll get sick!! Stop! You're already soaked like a stray dog!"

But who knew he was one hell of stubborn too? No wonder he had blood running through his veins same as Jina!

Clenching her teeth, April began to run fast. In a few minutes, she was able to overcome the newmoon in the race.

She squeezed his shoulders and put pressure to halt his movements. "Didn't you hear me what I said?"

Feeling the touch of her, Newmoon's heart almost came to his mouth.

He stopped, "?"

His jaw dropped to the other side, "Oh my god, What are you? A ghost? A running man-No- Ghost? How are you able to catch me up? On top of that-

He stared at the umbrella, "carrying it with one hand too!?"

April knit her eyebrows, still expressionless.


After thinking for a while, she grasped new moon's hand all of sudden and dragged him towards the opposite way!

"H-Hey wait!"

In a surprise, the new moon asked, "what're you doing? Let go of my hand!"

However, as if it was revenge taken on him earlier, April brushed it off like it was nothing.

While the new moon began to outrange at her, "YAA!! I said stop. Where are we going to?"


He yelled.

Turning back at him, April finally responds with a grin expression, "See? Tell me how are you feeling now? Does it feel good? Earlier I felt the same!"

"Cut the crap out of it!"

He said in a cold tune. His eyes reflect irritation.

Still, April didn't back out instead she tightened her grasp as she began to cross the road!

"Remember, our exam is coming nearer! And I don't want you to get sick or whatever-

Out of blue, April happened to collide with some male figure amid the crowd.

The fact her mind was somewhere else placed, quickly afterward she apologized and kept moving forward.

However, on the other side, it seemed something else was happening to the newmoon.

As soon as April's words reached his ears, within that moment something flashed in his eyes, and he heartfelt dumbstruck.


Instantly his whole body separated from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding. Vehicles got disappeared into the thin air, the light got off out of the blue and the overcrowded area became pin-drop silent out of nowhere and the tears of the sky got paused too as if they were in a whole different dimension. Unaware of it he lowered his eyes only to see the hand that was held by the girl 'April'.

He followed the trails of her hand and looked up at her figure. What he sees further was the fluttering strand of hair dancing hysterically swaying right on his face, brushing his cheeks and eyelids. The smell of fresh shampoo was oozing out from her hair leaving him to inhale the natural scent.

As he subconsciously inhaled the wind passing from her, the smell of fresh shampoo got into his nose directly.

While he was frozen for a time being, the only thing he heard was;


Neither he knew what it was or where it was coming from! Just a sensation of tingling, from somewhere deep inside his heart. The fact his heart beat only once, due to which he couldn't figure out much from it. But that kind of feeling was foreign to him, being embedded in his heart deep inside. It was weird. He had been feeling so many emotions that night that once again his feelings got ended up being tangled.

He simply stared her back with a perplexed expression,"…"

While a few distances away, haemin seemed to stand straight down the pole of traffic lights staring at them, covering himself with a white transparent umbrella from the opposite direction.


As it turned out, the unknown person with whom April got collided earlier happened to be haemin surprisingly.

With an expressionless gaze, he just silently gazed at them for a while before he took out his phone and get moving.

Only when they stepped on the footpath did April notice something. From head to toe, Newmoon was fully drenched in the rain. April herself didn't know how she wasn't noticing it all the time. She could just clench her teeth secretly and reflect her foolishness in silence. No wonder she saw the nipples through his t-shirt earlier. Originally she thought it was normal for boys but the condition was much worst than she had predicted. And on top of it, the street lights directly cast a spell over him and reflect the details of his clothes which was unable to witness in the dark back there.

However, who in the world knew she would clench something else along with her teeth too?

The hand!

The hand that was grabbing the new moon's hand.


Before the weeping voice of the newmoon could be heard, April meddled in,

"Newmoon Oppa, Let's go to my place!"

The fact he didn't even have time to wield over the pain of his hands and the sensation of being almost clenched to fractured, now of all time he had to hear those words from her.


He shuttered as though he heard it wrong.

Once more, leading the way April continued to walk ahead still not even naming to let go of his head, insisting in a carefree manner instead, "We've got some extra spare clothes. You should change it."

"Wait! What? Why should I follow a girl-

-Not in the whole world would I let you go in that pitiful condition."


"Don't even think otherwise!"

As though that served as a bottle cap on his mouth, newmoon didn't utter a single word and remained reluctant.

"Okay, Here it is!"

April let out a long sigh of exhaustion in a single blow. And why wouldn't she? After all, she had seen and heard a lot of strange incidents in a whole day apart from her work schedule.

Finally, Newmoon who had been lowering his head all way along probably again diving into the pond of thoughts secretly lifted his head upwards.


For unknown reasons, his heart throbbed once again. But this time it was a bit difficult to understand even more whether it was from the same sensation from earlier or the agony. Hurt?

A huge lighting border that was being hanged on the tip of the building caught his eyes at first glance!

The name 'FAVORITE BURGER'S HOUSE' was imprinted in a disco light on the border.

In a perplexed look, he muttered, "By earlier, you mean this…?"

"Yeah! This is it! This is the place where I work."

April answered enthusiastically.

As soon as he heard it, a faint of heaviness dragged down his eyelids as he lowered his head.

Seeing the sudden drift of the atmosphere between them, April flinched and a minute later the side of her lips got curled up hysterically, "Wait!! Don't tell me you're expecting something else?"

She stared at him with an overly cunning face.

And guess what? It was true.

He foolishly believed her words when in reality he was misunderstanding the overall situation.

"Indeed I knew it was strange enough in the first place to start with! It was strange enough to witness how fast the things were sprinting forward to a point where-"

Immediately afterward, Newmoon clicked his tongue and snapped out of his mind beginning to argue with his facts,

"What are you talking about? What do you mean by expecting something else? No- why should I expect otherwise? For your kind information, I-I'm not expecting anything else."

Even after hearing it, April couldn't throw her suspicious feelings right away. A cloud of doubt still lingers inside her eyes as she began to lean forward toward the new moon's face, "What do you think you're doing?"

She exclaimed in an unfamiliar tone.

Newmoon who had been purposely avoiding her gaze..in the end, had to stare at her!

April was dangerously staring back right into the eyes of the new moon.


Slowly, she pulled off her right hand and shows a back-and-forth gesture in her eyes as if she was giving a hint to him to look at it.

The moment he followed her hint, he froze right on the spot!


Newmoon was unconsciously squeezing her hands tightly to a point where little veins were popping their way out of them.

In shock, he instantly threw away her hand in mid-air as though it was germs.

April, "?"

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

Newmoon apologizes quickly with a flush on his face. He couldn't be more embarrassed than that. This time for sure he forgot the presence of April's hands grabbing his. When he got hit himself from the bucket of reality, within those moments of realization he anxiously rolled over and clasped her hands instead. And following the situation, the more he got anxious the more pressure hit April's hands..where in the end she couldn't help herself to hold it any longer but to speak out and confront it.

Massaging her palms, April counterattacked straightforwardly, " Hmph! You must be cursing me saying 'Serves you right in your heart right?"

Newmoon raised his eyebrows in puzzled, "?"

"I know I know, you are taking revenge for earlier!"

A voice in his mind said, "By earlier..?"

The memories shifted back to the scenario of when April clenched his hands hardly.

Recalling all of it made the new moon sigh heavily. He couldn't even rest assured by agreeing 100% with the stereotype of girls' behavior remarking 'Girls will be girls. Because he too shared common traits with her.

In the end, after getting into an unnecessary discussion for a while outside the workplace they eventually got in.

Maybe due to her kind, cheerful and magnetic personality or maybe because of how pretty she was, she got herself surrounded by a whole crowd of co-workers. From a faraway in a waiting area, Newmoon could only stare at the smile exchanged between her face and her male co-workers who were undoubtedly wiggling their tails around her.
