Daniel could hear the sea crash with the shores and the squeals of eels from the distance, their screeching sound could be so annoying to him at times as they had to wake him from his peaceful slumber every morning and remind him that it is a new day.
He tucked away his duvet from his body, giving a deep sigh and standing up straight from the four-poster bed, and listened to how the thing squirmed from his weight leaving it.
He groggily rubbed at his eyes for any atom of sleep that was left in them. Yesterday he was so exhausted, and he thought a good sleep would be the best remedy, though it was; He was feeling so lazy to get out of his bed and do anything, but he had to that's if he would want to eat later in the day.
Daniel quickly disappeared from his room to the built bathroom outside the cottage. It was built with bamboo stick. Grandpa and Daniel did the construction, they found the bamboo in the nearby forest, and together they brought it back and built the bathroom that it covered from your chest to your mid-thighs.
"That was enough privacy". Grandpa said clearly to Daniel, judging he was the one who needed the bathroom in the first place to cover his sensitive organ. He was feeling vulnerable showing it around, so grandpa had that made, but even at that.
Daniel felt he was showing too much skin. Grandpa didn't see it as anything, judging they were the only ones living out at the beach, the beach was an abandoned beach. It was said not to be safe for humans due to the horrors they have heard happen around the area. Daniel wasn't concerned about the rumors, rather he felt the beach was the safest place and the only one place he could call his home.
After he finished bathing with the seawater that was as cold as ice, his skin was already numb to it, and it wasn't as if he were complaining, but at least, there were times he yearned for a hot bath; like once he followed his friend Jasper to the spa, the feel of warm water was something he never thought I will long for.
Daniel ran back to his room and picked out a suitable cloth for school, high school, precisely.
"Daniel, will you come down here this minute, you're late for school"? He could hear grandma voice from downstairs coming way up to his room.
"I will be with you in a minute". Daniel shrugged as he mopped dry his hair with a towel, then quickly put a comb to his hair and began combing it while he stared at his reflection in the mirror.
Daniel was a regular cute boy as he likes to think of himself, he had creamy blonde hair, almost white. His skin was pale, and he had creams on red lips. His eyes were gray, grandma said he got his eye color from his mother, too bad Daniel couldn't meet her, or he did meet her but can't remember how she looked like so was his father. Grandma said they both passed away in a car accident.
"You look good, you know". Daniel thought to himself while he still stared at the mirror removing a few bangs that fell to his eyes, tucking it to the side of his face. He picked up the hoodie he laid on the bed, reading liberty high as the inscription. The name of Daniel school was liberty high, and he was in a popular soccer team. He was a popular kid, though not coming from a rich background. He had friends who are wealthy and can be a jerk at times. What was I saying. Daniel's friends were total jerks, Daniel inclusive.
He ran down the stairs as he heard the old thing squeak loudly beneath his weight with his backpack strapped to his right shoulder.
"We need to work on those stairs before someone gets injured". Grandpa commented.
"Definitely" Daniel said, taking the few slices of bread that was kept for him and a freshly cooked fish. He tucked the pieces of fish together inside his bread, so it looked like hamburger, and made a big bite of it.
"Bye". He kissed both grandpa and grandmas cheek before walking out the door.
"Remember to come back early…our supplies for fish are short". Grandma said loud enough to be heard.
"I will".
Daniel walks to school every day, grandpa didn't have the luxury of paying for his school bus, neither could he even afford a bike of his own to convey him to school. Surely, he was late for school, and he's going to receive an earful from Mrs. Norbert Marian and possibly detention for coming late to her class.
Daniel thought about ditching his morning classes, then again he thought about it. If he ditches the history class Mrs. Norbert Marianne was going to have a word or two with the principal which they're going to involve his Grandpa and Grandma, he wouldn't want them to think he's skipping his classes there by earning him truancy.
"You can do this, man". Daniel pepped talked himself as he stood outside the door of Mrs. Norbert, Marianne class.
"It's better I go to detention than skipping the class and receiving the aftermath later". He added badging into the class.
"Mr. Daniel Walker, late for my class again". She furrowed her eyebrows in a frown.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Norbert, I had to help grandma with supplies". He lied, daring the class to laugh at him as he took on everyone with a glare. They knew who he was and what they stand to get if they had made a caricature of him for making it to the class late.
"Mrs. Norbert he is lying, if only he wasn't slamming me between lockers, then we would have made it to class on time". Simon said. He was a very weird red haired boy with freckles that scattered around his mid-nose, making him look so vulnerable for picking. Daniel enjoyed whenever he looked for the red haired boy trouble, he made it so fun, but he was now going to regret it at this moment for bringing up Daniel's name, Daniel was going to make sure of it.
"Is that true, Mr. Walker". Mrs. Norbert asked sternly, cat, bite my tongue. Daniel was caught up in his lies and he couldn't lie his way out of it and judging from the appearance of Simon he had his best dressing ruffled in angles making him more believable than Daniel.
"Maybe a little". Daniel gave an awkward smile.
"Detention after school". She cut me shut, then went back to her teaching.
"Mrs. Norbert, I have activities planned after school".
"You would have thought about that before acting like a jerk and a bully"
Daniel walked to his seat and sat down, knowing he had earned himself detention and was going to delay the message Grandma asked.