Chapter 79

Carina's POV 

32, in the last 3 days, 32 is the number of times Felicia has tried to talk me out of going to Hokkaido, it started when she came back from her little outing, her evening gown a bit crumpled, meaning she got into a bit of a tussle, but that much is to be expected, I told her I accepted Michi's invite to Hokkaido and Felicia looked paler than me 

She asked why, and I said it was because Michi kept begging me and I couldn't bring myself to say no, a bare faced lie, but Felicia didn't question it, in fact the following day at breakfast she dropped 7 brochures on the table to different resorts all over the world and told me we should go there instead, I turned her down but she never stopped, her offers bounced from subtle, to bargaining, to flat out manipulative