The Way She Called His Name

Alexander didn't say a word. Honestly, he didn't recognise the voice.

"Who?" He asked.

But instead of answering, the person on the other line kept her mouth shut once again.

"Hello?" Alexander called her once again in case the line was already cut.

But then, a few seconds of silence coming with the sound of the call being cut, made Alexander frowned.

Camellia came and stood at his side. "Who is that?" She asked in curiosity when the layer of wrinkles formed because he frowned.

"I don't know, she just called my name and said, it's me." His eyes suddenly furrowed. "Wait…" He dialled the number back in a hurry but was disappointed when the phone was off.

"Why? Someone you know?" Camellia became worried looking at his anxious face.

"Mom." He uttered the word looking at the number on his screen.
