
Dean wiped his eyes, shaking from laughter that burst out of him in spurts. Meanwhile, Sam was attempting to mop up the milkshake he had sprayed all over the table. Harry, red faced, pinched the bridge of his nose in defeat. "Castiel," he sighed, "please never say that again."

The rest of the night was spent in much the same fashion. The Winchesters exchanged stories with Harry, most of it fantastical and surreal. Their empty plates were replaced with coffee and pie. Their weariness disappeared in spite of dawn breaking through the large windows they sat near. Harry was astounded by how much the brothers did despite being Muggles – how many lives they had managed to save and how their own lives had changed over the past few years. The Winchesters marveled at this new and unknown realm that was hiding right under their noses.

And Castiel felt blessed at that moment.

Serenity and contentment filled him as he ate the last of his dessert. His two world were meeting again but this time there was no bloodshed. There was not even a hint of evil. He shifted his leg, pressing his knee against Harry's lightly, just to assure himself that this was real. With all the chaos surrounding him, this meeting felt almost too good to be true. Dean and Sam were such a crucial part of his life. Now Harry knew them too. That thought made Castiel's heart swell.

By the time the men parted ways, it was past five in the morning. Harry and Castiel watched the dusty Impala drive off down the quiet highway. "Such interesting characters… You keep strange company, Castiel."

"No stranger than the company you keep."

"Yeah. I know. It's not a compet-"

Castiel silenced him with a hungry kiss, cupping his face to keep him still.

"Mph-" Harry stumbled back. "I was talking," he exclaimed.

Chastised, Castile withdrew, mumbling, "I'm sorry."

Harry grabbed Castiel by arm before disapparating and arriving in the dark foyer of 12 Grimmauld Place where he shoved the angel against the door with a deep kiss, fingers weaving through hair and tugging at the tie, chest to chest, his tongue tasting sweet apple against soft lips, a hint of cologne driving him mad as he inhaled… and exhaling heavily when he realized-

He stepped away from an unresponsive Castiel. "What?"

Castile blinked at him. "I… thought you wanted to talk…?" he hesitated.

Harry hung his head, his wry smile hidden in the shadows. "Of course." He threw his arms up before trudging down the dark corridor, leaving Castiel confused in his wake.

In fact, Castiel was often confused when it came to all matters Harry Potter.

Harry wore many 'hats', metaphorically speaking as Castiel had learned. While Castiel's world was vast and almost unimaginably expansive, somehow Harry Potter had so many more places to be and people to see. There was the Harry Potter who took care of Teddy. Then there was the Harry Potter who fought crime as an Auror. There was the Harry Potter who joked through dinner with friends, and the Harry Potter who shouted passionately at Quidditch matches, the one who studiously researched demonic and angelic lore, the one who slept the whole weekend away, the one who didn't have a moment to spare during the week. That was a whole lot of Harry Potter for one measly angel to keep track of.

Castiel joined Harry on the couch where the latter was lounging with his eyes closed against the bright noon sun filtering through dirty windows. He had had a long day already. Fighting Dementors and then spending hours eating greasy food would take a toll on any wizard. Some sleep would be incredible.

Castiel cleared his throat, prompting Harry to crack open an eye and glance at him sideways. He, in turn, was looking at Harry fully. With a tired groan, Harry turned to face him, a brow piqued. Castiel began, "I am very happy you met Sam and Dean." He could only hope he sounded as sincere as he felt. "They seem to like you as well. And that makes me-"

"Oh, for God's sake," Harry muttered under his breath before tackling Castiel against the cushions. "I. Don't. Want. To. Talk," he spelt out between hard kisses. "Understand?" He held himself up over top of Castiel until realization finally dawned in the angel's eyes.


Castiel understood.

See, it's hard to keep up with Harry Potter unless he is being very explicit…

Harry chuckled against Castiel's lips as arms slid around his waist and pulled him close.

Castiel liked all those Harry Potters, but this one was the best – the one that kissed his socks off, metaphorically speaking.
