Chapter two: The fight I

Abigail, can you please call Jenny for me?...Sure, Cassie I will do that right now. Abigail replied.

Am here! Jenny made her way into the kitchen. See the wrist watch my brother just sent me from the United Kingdom. Jenny said.

Wow! Jenny this is pretty and looks so cute on you! I love it!. Cassie Admired. Am very sure Aby has never seen something this pretty before. Cassie added.

And who told you Cassie, the one my cousin has is much bigger and better than Jenny's and he bought it for $280, am sure this model Jenny has is barely a hundred...Aby replied immediately.

I see. Cassie said

The same one I saw on his latest story, well he told me he took it from his dad's wrist watch collection I mean your uncle's wrist watch collection just to use it to look good to his girlfriend's party, he practically stole it, it is not his Aby!!

Aby stormed out and went into Cassie's room to chill. Jenny and Cassie couldn't stop laughing at how annoyed Aby got.

Why is she just always Jealous?...Jenny asked rhetorically. She should just go get hers and then find out how it feels when you are indirectly told what you bought is "fake". She just loves getting on people's nerves and when you retaliate she feels offended and rants. Phew.

Anyways Cassie, please let's go out.

And where should we go to? Cassie asked.

Well, we could go to an eatery, cinema, beach or even the mall. Just anywhere Cassie, let's just go, pretty please!!. Jenny replied.

Jenny you are funny trust me, you are talking like you own the world, we are students and live on our allowances. Let's just go to the mall and grab ice cream and maybe pizza while we are at it.

Yay!! that sounds good and yummy too. Jenny beamed.

"Alright, let me go and call Aby and we will all go". Cassie said.

NO! capital NO I say again, she is not coming with us! Jenny fired back immediately.

And why is that? Cassie asked.

Cause "Y" has a long tail as your nose and two branches as your ears. I said she is not coming, you can choose to stay here and baby sit her or come with me to the mall. So what's your pick. Aby asked?

Common Jenny that's unfair!!. Cassie said with a frown but soon the frown turned to a devilish smile as she was cooking something in her head.

_if I go with Jenny to the mall, we will get ice creams and I will make sure to get chocolate ice cream specially for Aby and we will have an ice cream date all three of us and I will make Aby apologize to Jenny and it will be all good again...good plan Cassie, good plan_


Alright Jenny let's go. Cassie replied

Better! Jenny replied already at the door.

Cassie, Jenny where are you? I hope this is not a prank! I am sorry please come out now. Abigail begged.

Abigail darling who are you looking for?... Cassandra's mom asked.

Good afternoon Mrs. Williams, Where is Cassie??...Abigail replied.

They want to the mall, she and Jenny. Cassandra's mom replied.

Ok, thank you ma, I will go meet them right away. Abigail said already making her way to the door.

Alright dear, you guys should come back home early. Cassandra's mom said.

Ok ma. Abigail replied with a shout as she was already out of the door.

Jenny don't you think I should at least give Aby a call, she must be wondering where we are now. Cassie suggested.

Does it look like I care??. Jenny retorted

Common Jenny don't be like that, is it because of the issue regarding the wrist watch or is there more?...Cassie asked.

That girl is just too jealous, too full of herself, she thinks she is better than everyone, thinks she rules the world and think you are nothing and I Jennifer dislike people like that!!..Jennifer said angrily.

That's enough Jenny! Am calling her and that's final. Cassie replied half angrily.

_Hello Aby, we are at the mall, so don't bother looking for us or being unnecessarily worried or would you like to come?. Cassie asked

Off course Cassie, your mom told me already anyways and am on my way. Abigail replied.

Ok babe_ Cassie ended the call.

Jenny, what did I do to you? if it is about the wrist watch then I am sorry but it does not warrant you telling Cassie to leave me at home. Abigail said in a rush

Just shut up! as the queen you feel you are, you think you can just question me and I will answer you?...And who told you I was the one that told Cassie to leave you alone at her house?. Jenny replied already raising her voice.

I know what you can and cannot do, at least I know you that well enough now. Abigail replied.

Just shut up already! if you know everything then do you also know how it feels when you had the intention of showing your friends your new watch and probably celebrate and just chill but then the "royal majesty" tells you indirectly that you have a fake! do you know how that feels Abigail, do you? Jenny replied already shouting.

And I already apologized. Abigail replied trying to keep her cool

Apology?? infact Aby you are a fake, what you are wearing, every one of it is fake!! you hear that FAKE!!!...Jenny replied still angry.

Jennifer, do you know what go to hell! am trying to apologize and you are insulting me, I don't care anymore, infact I don't want to be your friend anymore because you disgust me Jenny. Whenever you are around I feel hot, just get out of here as fast as you can, because what I did about the wrist watch is small compared to what I will do now if you utter any more rubbish. Abigail replied also shouting.

Jenny and Aby that's enough!! you both are matured for Christ sake, you are embarrassing yourselves and even me. We are in the mall for crying out loud! you both are just annoying, let's go home already, the drama is enough!... Cassandra shouted having already lost her cool seeing her bestfriends act like the worst enemies.

Off course Cassie, we are going home, but not the three of us, you choose between I and Jenny to come along with you. Abigail said.

You gotta be kidding me Aby, you can't be serious right now, let's go and settle this mess at my house. Cassie replied.

Am not joking Cassie, we can't go together, the three of us, impossible. Abigail replied seriously.

Alright then I am not going with either of you, so find your way and I will find mine. When you both come to your senses, I mean your "right senses", you know the way to my house. And yeah, thank you both for ruining the ice cream date I had planned for us earlier on. Cassie said hissing and shooting a glare at both of them before leaving angrily.