Chapter seven: TBT #TheBestThree II

I am still hurt, Cassandra will always love and care about Abigail more than she does for me and I guess that is why she did not say anything to Abigail at the mall since she is her supposed "sister"..arghhhh am still mad at both of them for sure. Jennifer thought.

Patricia, are you ok? what do you mean by telling Jennifer she was welcome to join us when she feels like it, have you forgotten they are our worst enemies and how she bluntly refused when you told her to join TBT, she even went as far as embarrassing us, have you forgotten Pat?. Mitchelle ranted in Anger.

Calm down Mitch, I totally remember, like seriously who can forget. Patricia replied.


On the 20th of July, our graduation party from junior school was held. The three musketeers I mean Jenny and her group in their matching Yellow gown and shiny black shoes with golden bracelets and a golden cute scrunchie to match were called on stage to receive their prizes and awards.

___And the third position and also the neatest girl goes Abigail Golddd, please come up to receive your prize. The speaker announced.

The second position goes to...Miss. Jenniferrr...George, please come up for your prize. The second speaker announced

And the first position, the over all best student, the exceptional student that has made this school proud not only by being the first position but also the first in the entrance examinations. And the prize goes goes to...Miss. Cassandra Tobi Williamssss. The Principal announced and the entire audience stood up and clapped and cheered.

Please come forward for your Award Miss. Cassandra. The speaker called out.___

After receiving their awards, they went outside the hall to take pictures.

And then was when I walked up to Cassie and congratulated her on her Award and Prize and complimented her dressing too and then I nicely asked her to join TBT along with her two friends so that with them in our group we could you know pass our exams and gain more respect and be called beauty with brains and we could change TBT to TBS (The Best Six) and we would rule according to our slang.

And then she started, "First thanks for the compliments and congratulating me. As you can clearly see we all have an award each making three infact four awards. please how many awards do you collectively have? oh don't worry I will answer that...none, you three don't have any. Ok let's leave that. Since you have been attending this school have you ever won an award or any position...oh sorry my bad!! Michelle has won the third position a few times but it ends at that. Out of three only one person is sensible...scoffs that's 33.33% out of hundred and that's failure. Are you dumbfounded? Can't you speak?. Patricia...Pattt!!. Cassandra explained.

(This drew the attention of other students who were nearby taking pictures among other things.)

Well...we...errmm...Mitch won errmm...the third place in the school's spelling bee...last term and she has an award for that!!. Patricia replied with a bloodshot eyes.

My bad, I forgot, She seems to be the liitle smart one but her company with you guys will eventually ruin her cos all you know is selfie, snacks, making fun of people and wandering all around the school to top it all you are always the 10th in class. Are you kidding me? and you are super comfortable moving around with your entourage and you call yourselves TBT, no you guys are TWT - The Worst Three. You guys are the worst combination ever, one little smart one and one that is too full of herself and the last that just follows the order of the first TBT my foot I wonder how Mitchelle is still smart, I guess little girl tries to read at night else how would she explain her bad grades to her parent. Anyways we do not have your time so if you will excuse us, and one last thing don't ever think of TBS cos that will always remain in your my lips...Your thoughts...Byeee... Cassandra winks.

I just stood there feeling like the most stupid person ever and felt like it was a bad dream and I will wake up soon and nothing would have happened...but no it was reality...I Patricia S. John, the daughter of the Neighborhood's chairman just received the biggest embarrassment of her life, there and then I made a promise that till the very last I would keep taking revenge for everything she did to me.

**Back To Reality**

Sure I remember every little thing and that is why I mase sure I try to read since we entered high school and now the least position I get in class is 5th and I don't go lower than that. I read my butts off and still live my queen-ish lifestyle to prove to her that you can still be a baddie with brains. Patricia explained and smiled feeling fulfilled.

Yeah I know all that but Jennifer in our group I don't understand that. Nancy queried.

Nancy darling, even you need to be smart now, what am trying to do is break them up in the worst possible way that will hurt Cassie so deeply she wouldn't recover and since they are fighting, it makes it easier and our target would be Jennifer, we might not easily get to Abigail seeing she is like a sister to Cassie, but with Jenny on our side. It would be easy-peasy to get back at them. So this is the plan. . . .