Chapter Twelve: Daddy's back

Oh my Gosh, Dad is back!! this will be a fun weekend, I should give Aby a no no...let me give her a surprise too when she comes over tomorrow. Cassie said out loud in her room whilst freshening up.

My baby girl will always be my baby girl, with those cute hands of hers. Mr. Williams said rubbing his cheeks.

Cute hands, I see and then you come to me to massage it for you Mister. Mrs. Williams teased.

And someone is jealous, I sense. Mr. Williams said.

Oh, jealous is an overstatement, by the way, we are going over to the Gold's tomorrow. Mrs. Williams said.

I thought it was next week. Mr. Williams asked looking puzzled.

Yes, it was but now it is not. Grand pa called a while ago, I guess you were at the airport then, he could not get through to you, he said you both have an engagement next Saturday, some annual conference stuff, he will give you the details himself and coincidentally I have a meeting with the managers of my supermarkets next Saturday, so all been good we are meeting with the Gold's tomorrow. Mrs. Williams analyzed.

Do they know about the change in plans?. Mr. Williams inquired.

Yes sir, they do. Mrs. Williams said trying to imitate how Mr. Williams personal assistant replies him.

Okay, so what is my schedule for the rest of the day?. Mr. Williams asked also playing along.

Your schedule is coming to my room to have some father-son time. Let's play some games and let me beat you old pal, that will be fun. Elijah cuts in.

Old pal?. Mr. Williams asked.

Common dad, you are well over 55, what should I call you? Young are an old pal. Elijah said smiling.

Well this "old pal" would rather go meet his daughter who doesn't think he is "old". Mr. Williams said.

Looks like this old pal is forgetting his other son. Daniel said coming from the stairs.

My boy, they said you were sleeping when I got back. Mr. Williams defended and also spreading his arms for a hug.

Yeah dad, but your nice scent woke me up, the air just felt different and also I missed you old pal. Daniel said going to hug his dad.

Old pal? Really, I won't accept that name in this house. Mr. Williams said frowning.

What about young guy then?. Elijah asked.

Even that's a no!!. Mr. Williams said.

Who dares give my lovely dad a name. Cassandra said looking straight into Elijah's eyes while walking down the stairs.

You elder brothers my dear, they think your dad is old, can you imagine?. Mrs. Williams said joining the conversation.

My dad is sweet and forever young!!. But, old pal does sound nice. Cassandra said.

What, Cassie! please don't be in support of this or I have lost the war already before it even started. Mr. Williams said half sadly.

Old pal sounds nice but not nice enough for you my darling daddy, so no old pal, no whatever. Cassandra said stamping her feet on the floor and putting her hands akimbo trying to imitate female superheroes.

Oh no, Cassie. You are Cassandra Toby Williams not Wonder Woman. Elijah said with his hands on his face in a not again kind of look.

And who told you, if I am not wonder woman then I can be Wonder Girl, no Cassie Girl or Girl Cassie, I have a super power within me waiting to be unleashed. Cassandra said defensively.

What's waiting to be unleashed is my frustration and annoyance. Elijah said.

Hmm, that's a nice superpower, annoying you. Oh, mother universe thanks for this superpower and trust me I will use it well. Cassandra said bowing.

Ok, if you all are done can we go have lunch. Daniel asked looking at Cassandra.

Sure, big bro. But I have not been seeing you around. Cassandra asked.

Well I have been busy and you have been busy, so busy is it. Daniel said.

Table manners guys, we are at the dining. Mrs. Williams shunned their little conversation.

Sorry, mom. What's for lunch anyway. Cassandra asked.

You eat what you are served. Mrs. Williams said and raised an eyebrow.

Mrs. Williams has always been an advocate for appreciating what you have or are given regardless of how big or small. And also about learning life skills not only been book smart but all-round smart. She would love to see Cassandra regularly helping out in the house and learn about the ways of been a woman and how to take care of the home but Cassandra runs away using the excuse of her books and she can't just do anything about it. Her two Elder brothers can even find their way around the kitchen better than her. When she is in the mood she searches for recipes online and pretending she is a chef on a cooking show, wastes almost half of what is meant to be used to cook than learning from her own mother.

Mr. Williams noticed the mother-daughter look and cleared his throat.

Cassie can you pls go call Hamed for me, let's have lunch together, he is practically family too.

Ok, dad. Cassandra said standing to go call him.

Mr. Hamed, Mr. Hamed. Cassandra called out.

Miss. Cassandra, Hamed is in the garden, why don't you go back inside, I will go call him for you. Mrs. Dorcas, the house-keeper said.

Alright. Mrs. Dorcas.

Am here sir, you called for me. Hamed said on reaching the dining with Mrs. Dorcas.

Join us for lunch. Mr. Williams said.

Oh no, Boss. Thank you. Hamed replied.

Common, you both are practically family too. Mrs. Williams said.

Yes Hamed I insist and you too Dorcas, join us, I have been away and now am back who knows I could probably leave tomorrow again though am not going anywhere yet, I mean you get the point, so sit and eat with us, now that's an order. Mr. Williams said.

Okay, boss if you say so. Hamed said pulling out a chair.

Like my wife said, you both are practically family, you have been working here for God knows how long, so it is only right you join us. Mr. Williams said.

And you have been the best boss ever. Hamed said.

Oh, Hamed, don't flatter me. Mr. Williams said smiling.

Alright, can we eat now. Daniel asked bringing their attention back to the food.

Common son, you are not the foodie, that's Cassie, so how come you are so interested in the food now. Mrs. Cassandra asked.

Well, am just excited dad is back. Daniel said lying.

Alright, Let's pray. Mrs. Williams said.