
"Miss Thompson, thank you so much for your presentation. It was very clear and very informative." Mr Jones said while shifting in his seat. "You've said that there's a potential for reducing the cost of the structural beams?"

"Indeed, sir. I am working on another project and I found a trustworthy supplier who managed to get us the structure beams at a reduced cost and faster than our present key supplier. The quality is there and I think they might be appropriate for this project too."

"Are they certified?"

"Yes, fully."

"Can you send me their details?"

"Of course, sir. I'll send you the details as soon as I get back to my office."

"Thank you. I don't think I have any more questions." Mr Jones smiled. Mr Moore was the first one to leave the meeting room, closely followed by Pattison (as always) and Michaelson, with few other employees involved in the project. Claire was packing up her printouts and turning the computer off as Jones approached her.

"Mr Jones." Claire noticed him and smiled warmly. "Is there anything else I can help with?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to attend my family's banquet next week. There are several influential guests on our invitation list and I'd like to introduce you to some of them."

"Thank you, Mr Jones. It'll be a pleasure."

"I'll make sure the invitation reaches you promptly." Mr Jones shook her hand and left.

Mr Jones indeed made sure that the invitation reached Claire. And before long, the day of the banquet arrived.

Claire stood outside the villa, nervously clinching onto her purse. Jones' family was one of the most prestigious families in the country. They were rich, influential, and proud. Their history carried on for generations and Mr Jones was very keen to ensure that he, his wife, and his kids carry that legacy. They were the equivalent of perfection.

And Claire was far from the level of the standard expected there tonight, or so she thought. Her background might've worked against her at every step of the way, but she did learn how to stand with pride, and how to carry herself with eloquent elegance.

She wore her long figure-fitting black dress again - the only outfit she had that would fit the occasion. She wore black high heels and a brocade black purse. It was a simple outfit but it suited her. Her hair was set into tidy Hollywood waves with a single silver hairpin with pearly flowers.

She took a deep breath in and walked towards the entrance.

She entered the party and the sweet smell of chocolate and champagne hit her nostrils before she even noticed the biggest chocolate fountain ever. The waiter offered her a flute of champagne which she accepted keenly as at least it occupied her hands and made them less visibly shaky.

"Miss Thompson!" Mr Jones shouted towards her as soon as he noticed her. Claire, as always, smiled at him most charmingly.

"Mr Jones."

"I'm so glad you could make it."

"Thank you for the invitation. It's a pleasure to be here."

"The dinner will be served soon. Beforehand, I'd like to introduce you to a few people."

"Of course." Claire followed him shaking numerous hands of businessmen and influential men.

"This is someone I was hoping to introduce you to." Mr Jones said with a mischievous grin as they walked towards a young and tall man that must've been close to Claire's age. "Miss Thompson, this is my son, Daniel Jones. He is the current executive director of our finance group."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr Jones."

"Miss Thompson." He bend over and kissed the back of her hand. Mr Jones managed to find an excuse to hurry away leaving Claire with Daniel. "For future reference, Mr Jones is my father. Daniel will suffice."

"Claire." She reintroduced herself.

"My father mentioned that you work for Diamond Corporate."

"Yes, I do."

"What's your role?"

"I'm the head of the Contracts and Services Department, so nothing interesting."

"Oh, don't say that! What does your department do?"

"We manage our contractors as well as we're responsible for providing our design services. It's quite an awkward thing to explain. Essentially, we bring projects in, conceptualise them, find investors and contractors, estimate the costs and generate contracts before passing them on to further teams. But in theory, if the project is big and important, we are the ones overlooking it from start to finish. We are focused on local projects mostly."

"It sounds important. And your job as the head of the department?"

"I delegate, negotiate, and bring profits in."

"You must be a true gem for the Diamond Corporate."

"I'd like to think that my work is going to be recognised one day but really I'm just a pawn in the big game. What about yourself?"

Daniel was quite keen to speak about himself and Claire did try her best to listen but she did tune out a chunk of business jargon.

Once the dinner was served, Claire was surprised to find that she was seated in the worst place possible. Her name card was right beside Daniel's which wasn't as much of an issue, but on her other side was the name: 'Mr Gabriel Moore'. Her only solace was that she did not see Mr Moore yet and she was pretty sure that he hasn't arrived tonight.

But as soon as all the guests sat down, Mr Moore appeared at the door, quickly welcomed by Mr Jones who directed him towards the seat. It was a small round table with 6 guests altogether. Besides Claire, Daniel, and Mr Moore there was also Mr Jones with his wife and one other woman that Claire wasn't introduced to yet, but it didn't seem that anyone will bother to introduce them. Claire wasn't too bothered, Daniel was talking her ears off for the entire meal, at which she smiled and nodded. Because of it, she had a good excuse to sit with her back to Mr Moore.

Mr Moore ate in silence, not showing any interest to anyone around. At least on the outside, he was like a statue. On the inside, there was a storm brewing. As Claire was facing Daniel, the dress which had a low cut at the back revealed her light skin. And this was enough for Mr Moore to feel compelled to touch her. Her sweet smell filled his nostrils as soon as he sat down and he struggled to focus on the conversations at the table. His irritation grew as he noticed just how much attention Claire gave to Daniel. She smiled and laughed at his dry jokes. Surely, she must've known how bad his jokes were and how much b*llsh*t he spewed.

"Mr Moore, what are you working on these days?" The woman beside him spoke in a sweet tone.

"Nothing interesting." Mr Moore replied coldly.

"Come on, Gabbie." She urged him. Claire looked over curiously. She never heard anyone talk to Mr Moore so casually. It did spark her interest. She was also observant enough to see Mr Moore stiffen up as the woman beside him placed her hand on his arm, but not for long as Daniel started to tell her about one of his skiing vacations.

"Isn't this amazing?" Mr Jones spoke to everyone at the table, interrupting the conversations among youngsters. It was unfortunate that champagne started to make him tipsy as he started to speak even more than usual. "Not one, but two blooming friendships between us, Jones', and the amazing Diamond Corporate." Claire flinched slightly at the suggestive tone of the elder Mr Jones. "Francesca was friends with Mr Moore through most of their childhood and it's so good to see that friendship being rekindled after her return from abroad. And Miss Thompson seems to get along with Daniel rather so well. Let's raise a toast to friendship!" He raised his glass, and four others did too, besides Mr Moore.

"Excuse me." He stood up and left before the clink of glasses.

Claire looked behind him and then smiled reassuringly at a girl on the other side of the empty seat.

"Miss Thompson, how do you manage Mr Moore's temperament at work?" Mr Jones asked.

"Oh, not too sure, Mr Jones. I guess that I haven't had much of a chance to be on the receiving end of it yet, even though I do pity his assistant."


"I was positively surprised to not have him interrupt your presentation."

"How so?"

"Every time we collaborated in the past, Mr Moore was keen to chip in, interrupt, and even belittle the employees if he felt they weren't performing well enough."

"I do hope that it means that my performance is satisfactory."

Claire chatted pleasantly until the end of the dinner when she excused herself and found her way out.