Claire’s Missing

Gabriel didn't sleep well, and neither did Claire. Each tossing around in their respective beds.

Gabriel was eating his breakfast when Claire came down.

"Claire…" he stood up quickly.

"I wanted to ask for permission to leave tomorrow."

"It hasn't been a week." Gabriel furrowed his brows.

"I know." Claire sat down and the maid hurriedly placed a plate in front of her.

"Tell me the reason?"

"I've promised my father that'll visit him."

"Are you well enough?"


"And you'll return for the night without a fight?"


"Pattison will drop you off and collect you."

"Understood." Claire nodded and stood up, ready to leave.

"Claire, about last night…"

"I don't care," Claire answered as she left. Gabriel looked after her in worry before sitting back down and hiding his face in his hands.

Later that day, Gabriel felt that something was off about Claire saying that she couldn't swim. He checked her resume and confirmed that she was on the university's swimming team in the first year and she was the best, preparing to represent the university in the triathlon.

He called the university to try to find out what happened but he didn't get a clear answer until he contacted a person that was on the same team as Claire. He was fuming as the woman spoke to him:

"Oh, Claire left the team after the investigation. Well, it wasn't Claire that was investigated. Claire was thought to be a victim. Some boys harassed her after the swimming practice. I don't know exactly what happened but I believe that they suspected an assault."

"What happened with the investigation?" Gabriel asked with worry.

"They never found anything but the boys were from rather influential families so there were rumours that their parents paid for nothing to be found. After that Claire stopped showing up to practice."

Gabriel was increasingly angry after the call. He called in Pattison and asked him to work out who were the suspects of the assault and what happened.

Now, besides his father's intrusion, dealing with a brewing scandal, and finding out about Claire's past, he was close to exploding.

He was going to bring anyone that ever hurt Claire to justice, and the list was ever increasing.

He cancelled his meetings and decided to go home earlier.

As he entered the villa, some panicked whispers were heard.

"Sir…" Pattison walked into the hallway.

"What's going on?"

"Claire's missing."

"What do you mean by Claire's missing?"

"Martha called me earlier today because she couldn't find her. Security is searching through the grounds."

"How could she get out of here if 20 men are waiting for her to take a step outside?!" Gabriel roared as he rushed past Pattison. He threw his briefcase and jacket to the side and started rushing from room to room. As he was informed, Claire was nowhere to be found. His panic grew. He started calling her but her phone was still in her bedroom.

An hour has passed and they couldn't find her. Gabriel had a full-out meltdown at this stage, taking furniture apart as if Claire was going to hide in upholstery.

Many hours later, as the search continues, Gabriel had broken down, between sobs and struggling to breathe he was unable to get a hold of himself. He made it to Claire's bedroom. He took a lamp and was about to throw it when…

"No, don't throw it." Claire grabbed his arm. "What's going on?" She asked. Gabriel stopped the throw but he was still having a panic attack. "Gabriel?"

"Where have you been?" Gabriel's rage came back. He grabbed Claire by her wrist.

"What? Why?"

"You were to stay in the house!"

"And I did. I was in the attic all afternoon."

"What attic?!"

"I found drop-down stairs in the drawing room. You know, the ones that you pull down from the ceiling." Claire explained. "Gabriel?" She said as she tried to wriggle her hand out. "Gabriel, you're hurting me."

"You didn't think of saying a word to anyone? Everyone has been searching for you for the past two hours."

"Gabriel, please let go. You're hurting me." Claire said toward him in an anxious voice. "Gabriel, please." She put her hand on his chest, hoping to try to push him away. Instead, she felt his racing heart rate and unsteady breathing. Gabriel loosened the grip but didn't let go. "Gabriel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I didn't even realise."

Gabriel hasn't said anything as he pulled her closer and embraced her, his breathing was steadying and so was his heart rate. Claire was too stunned to defend herself and too tired.

As Gabriel finally released her from his grip, her phone pinged. Another death threat. Claire looked at Gabriel who was with her and wondered how he managed to do it, but she concluded that he wouldn't have been sending them personally.

Gabriel noticed her anxious face and he pulled her phone out of her hands. After seeing the message, he lost it. He threw the phone against the wall shattering it into pieces.

Claire started sobbing. She didn't have the strength to argue.

"I'll get you a new phone," Gabriel said shortly as he stormed out of the room to find Pattison.

Claire was hurt, more so emotionally than physically. She hurriedly locked the door behind Gabriel and barricaded it. She didn't understand what she did wrong, after all, she did what she was told was okay. She just explored the house - at least the more dusty and intriguing part of it.

She was confused and upset. Claire curled up on her bed, sobbing for a while, dismissing Martha's knock when she came with some dinner, at last falling asleep.

She didn't leave the room the next day until it was early afternoon. She wanted to visit her dad so badly and she was looking forward to their dinner in his new apartment. She haven't even walked through the door of Julian Estate and she wanted to make sure her dad was living well. She asked Martha to contact Pattison for her and he showed up a few minutes later.

"Hi, Mark. May I ask you a huge favour today?" Claire started shyly. "I wanted to visit someone and I wondered if you could help. And before you say anything, that tyrant did say yesterday morning that I was allowed."

Pattison watched her unusually quiet and withdrawn self in increasing worry.

"Of course, Claire." He replied quickly.

"No." Gabriel cut in as he walked across from upstairs. His voice made Claire flinch, which made Pattison even more wary and suspicious. "Pattison, you can leave."

Pattison slowly walked away, still glancing at Claire.

"You've promised that it was okay," Claire said with a quiver in her lip, barely holding back the tears.

"I'll take you there," Gabriel announced. "From now on, you can leave the house only with me." Gabriel moved his hands from behind his back. "I hope that this is an appropriate replacement." He passed the box with a new phone to Claire.

"I don't want it." She shook her head.

"Why? It's the latest model. Your phone was outdated anyway." Gabriel was confused.

"You may not understand it but my old phone had more meaning to me than its price tag." Claire turned around, ready to leave when Gabriel grabbed her by her wrist. She groaned in pain as he grabbed the spot he held yesterday. Gabriel was quick to notice it. He pulled her sleeve up to notice a newly formed bruise. He felt a pang of overwhelming guilt over losing his temper enough to hurt her.

"I am very sorry," Gabriel said earnestly. "Why did you value your phone so much?"

"It was the last birthday gift I received from my mum. She saved up for ages to get it." Claire answered honestly. "Then she fell ill."

"Is there anything I can do to show you how sorry I am?" Gabriel asked.

"Stop controlling me and leave me alone," Claire answered. "Or even better, get rid of the contract."

"What time do you want to leave?" Gabriel asked, not willing to answer her pleads.

"I haven't decided yet whether it's worth going if it means being with you."

"You wanted to visit your father. I'm ready to go whenever you need." Claire hesitated but she came back dressed up and with her handbag. Gabriel stood up in a hurry and they went towards the garage, getting into a black car. Claire sat in the passenger seat. "You'll need a phone to keep in touch with everyone," Gabriel said again, passing her a phone already out of the box. "I took liberty in setting it up for you. You have mine, Pattison's, Martha's, and Jonathan's numbers saved."

"Thanks." Claire took it without any change in her facial expressions. She leaned against the window and soon she fell asleep, her body was still all tense. She woke up suddenly as they were almost there. "How did you know where to go?" Claire asked curiously. She didn't intend to fall asleep as she was readying herself to give Gabriel directions.

"Magic." Gabriel smiled. It was a pained smile. He still hated himself for last night. "Here." He passed her a gift bag.

"What is this?"

"A gift for your dad."

"What? Why?"

"I'm your husband, and as sh*tty husband I am, your family is now my family too."

Claire opened the bag to work out what was inside but she could only see a neatly wrapped box.

"What is it?"

"A surprise."

"You know that your pricey gifts will not make things right, right?"

"I know." Gabriel nodded. "I've hurt you last night and I was in the wrong. I've reacted and I couldn't control my anger, and I've taken it out on you because you were close. It was the worst thing I've ever done, hence, I'm not asking for your forgiveness." Gabriel sighed as he parked the car. "When I couldn't find you, I was very worried that something happened to you. That you were hurt again. I've lost all grasp on reality. And… I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for grabbing you and hurting you. I'm sorry for my anger. I'm sorry for destroying your phone."

"I am not ready to consider this apology or accept it," Claire said coldly.

"I understand."

"After seeing my dad, I want space and a break from you."

"Again, I understand."

"I am not well enough to deal with it. I am not well enough to smash your head in with a sledgehammer yet, either."

"Go see your dad. And the gift, you can take credit for it."

"I don't think my dad will appreciate it."

"It's nothing really expensive. I've tried to find something a bit more meaningful."

"I see." Claire left the car without as much as a goodbye.

She hurried into the building and soon she knocked on her parents' apartment door.

Her dad welcomed her with a wide smile.

"What are you holding there, Claire?"

"It's a gift," Claire said with uncertainty, now second-guessing Gabriel's gift.

"What is it?"

"We'll find out once you open it."

"I've made you your favourite." Her dad said as he led her to the kitchen. Claire looked around the flat with amusement. It was tidy and well equipped. She still didn't understand how it was as cheap as it was. Her dad put plates on the table.

"Oh, ravioli! You didn't have to."

"I've promised you dinner. With all your hard work, you deserve to be taken care of."

"Thank you so much." Claire put a gift on the table, keenly joining her dad for a meal.

After they finished her dad opened the box, and Claire's heart stopped.

"Oh my goodness…" her dad said while being all emotional. It was a leather recipe book with engraved golden lettering 'if you share your food, you share your love'. It was her parents' restaurant motto back in the day. Claire's heart skipped a beat as she realised that the gift was actually very thought-through. "Thank you, Claire."

"Dad, this gift was from a friend," Claire said shyly. She would never take credit for someone else.

"A friend? Is it one of the girls?"

"No, dad." Claire shook her head.

"You must tell me!"

"I rather not, dad. It's a little complicated right now. I'm still trying to work it out myself."

"That's a shame. I'm curious now." Her dad stood up and took a newspaper from the side of the kitchen. "I wanted to ask… I know it's probably stupid, but for a while, I was sure that it was you." Her dad pointed at the photo on the front page. Claire scanned through it, her heart dropping. The scandal that was brewing was because of her. Someone took a photo of her and Gabriel as he picked her up from the hospital.

"It's a bit of a misunderstanding, dad. It is me but I am not 'Mr Moore's secret girlfriend'." She omitted the fact that it was only false because she was his secret wife, not a girlfriend. "Besides, Mr Moore is betrothed to Miss Jones," Claire remembered. She wondered how that was going to pan out. Was he going to try to have multiple wives? Technically illegal but also it was Mr Moore. He could if he wanted to.

"Is that why you and your new friend are struggling now?"

"No. We have always had a difficult relationship. He's very stubborn and only does things his way."

"I can see how that might be a problem." Her dad laughed. "Meeting an equivalent of you must be challenging. You're as strong-headed as it gets."

"Oh, you don't know what you're talking about, dad. He is so much worse!"

"What's his name?"

"Gabriel," Claire answered without thought.

"How long have you known each other?"

"For a while, we were in the same circle, but met face-to-face during an argument almost seven months ago."

"Do you like him?"

"Not really."

"But he cares enough to give your dad a gift?"

"I guess so." Claire shrugged.

"Now, listen to your old man. You've been through so much and I understand why you'd have your guard up but try to give him a chance. Come out of here and start from a blank canvas. Paint the picture from the beginning. Yeah, some lines might be seen from the previous sketch, but you might gain a whole new perspective on things."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Claire grumbled at which her dad laughed.

"I think that it's time to stop allowing things from the past to stop you from enjoying the future."

"Maybe. I was thinking about swimming again."

"You really should, Claire. You used to enjoy it so much before the whole incident." Her dad sighed at a reminder of the whole thing and how much it destroyed Claire. He hated that Claire went through so much over the years and he wasn't able to protect her. "How old is Gabriel?"

"Just a little older than me," Claire said with a shrug.

"Claire, I'm going to ask you it directly. Is the Gabriel you speak of Gabriel Moore?"

"Yes. I know what you're going to say." Claire rubbed her face.

"I know you're upset at the Moore family over your mum. I am too. But as far as we know, Gabriel didn't have anything to do with it. It happened when his father was in charge. Did you ever ask him?"

"No." Claire shook her head. "I never brought it up."

"As much as I want you to be careful, I wish that you lived your life to the fullest." Her dad got up and walked around the table and hugged her. "And I am positively surprised by the gift. It's very thoughtful."

"Maybe you'll finally share grandma's ravioli recipe with me?"

"Not yet. It's one way to get you to visit me."

"Oh, dad. I'm so sorry. I think we mostly were seeing each other in hospital over the past few months. What do you say if I pop by in about two weeks?"

"Just drop me a message so that I can roll the pasta out and come whenever." Her dad hesitated. "And, maybe one day, bring Gabriel around too?"

"Bugger that!" Claire shook her head. "I want to enjoy your cooking without wanting to throw the entire pot on his head."

"Sure." Her dad gave her one more hug. "Where did you park?"

"My car is broken down. I've got a ride here."

"Your car broke down again? That's unfortunate."

"Yeah, the fuse blew up when I was coming home after seeing you and mum the other day."

"I hope you didn't have too much trouble with it."

"More trouble than worth it. I'm starting to wonder whether I shouldn't just scrap it."

"You've had it for years."

"Yeah, I know."

Claire left, taking her new phone out to call Gabriel but she noticed him parked up just outside. He was leaning back in the seat with his eyes closed. She wondered if he waited there for her entire visit. She walked up to the car and entered it. Gabriel opened his eyes slightly startled.

"My dad is very grateful for the gift," Claire said.

"I'm glad." Gabriel started driving.

"Thank you," Claire said quietly.