Past Mistakes

As Claire walked into the villa with Gabriel she mused about how surreal the entire evening was. Could Gabriel have really changed? Or was she manipulated by him?

Something was rather unsettling about all of this. Something didn't feel right. But she couldn't tell whether it was some gut instinct or her previous bad experiences that made her feel particularly wary of anyone (especially male) that showed her some kindness. Gabriel was still yawning after falling asleep in the car, his shirt still had a radiant red stain, and he still was grinning. He walked up the stairs right behind her, wishing her goodnight by her bedroom before disappearing further down into a dark corridor towards his bedroom.

The next morning, Claire was up and ready before him again. He found her just after coming down the stairs as she was looking out through the back large window towards the pool.

"If you wish to never see it, I can get it filled with concrete by the end of today."

"What?" Claire looked at him with confusion.

"The pool."

"No, of course not." Claire shook her head. She looked at the clear blue water for the past few minutes annoyed at herself that it still held her hostage to her fear planning on how to overcome it.

"Let me know if you change your mind," Gabriel added. He had a thicker stubble on today which Claire was quick to notice.

Gabriel was in awe of her this morning, even more so than usual. She wore a dark green knee-length pencil dress, which in retrospect was very simple, yet the colour of it highlighted the green in her hazel eyes and made her blonde hair seem more golden, even her skin seemed to be glowing and gaining colour. For some reason, she was radiating. She started to look full of life and energy, which was something that Gabriel saw only deteriorate over the past seven months. He hoped that he could continue to help her get better and that he can continue finding excuses to get her to eat her meals.

During their breakfast, Claire reminded him that her chauffeur services were off the table as she had a business dinner, at which Gabriel nodded unconvincingly. There was also a slight shift in Claire's behaviour after she received some message making Gabriel wonder if she received another death threat but he decided not to ask about it, at least not yet. Now that they seemed to get along better, he had a better grasp on Claire's whereabouts and he didn't worry as much about anyone getting to her.

Claire went off first, wanting to sort out a few bits in the morning before her photo shoot, and Gabriel set off about twenty minutes later. Claire's morning was about the same as always. She did as much design work as she could before starting her managerial tasks - yet another timesheet that she had to review before payday - and then she rushed to her photo appointment. The photographer was very keen on her, and after her makeup was slightly touched on, she had her photos taken.

With Claire being introduced to the board of directors during the next meeting, Claire started reviewing the agenda for it and she quickly came up with a new policy that would benefit most of the employees. She hoped to prepare it before the next day so that she could hand it over to Gabriel for his initial review before it was to be sent out to the rest attendees and voted on.

"Any plans tonight, boss?" Gina asked.

"Yes, I and Zoe, we're attending Chi Group dinner." Claire nodded.

"We still okay for the weekend?"

"Of course." Claire nodded. "Actually…" Claire hesitated. "You wouldn't believe who messaged me this morning."

"Mr Moore?" Gina guessed.

"What?" Claire was surprised by the suggestion. "No. Pierre Martin."

"Puking Pierre?"

"Yeah." Claire nodded.

"What did he say?"

"He's in the city and wanted to catch up. He suggested meeting for dinner tomorrow night."

"Make sure to have a spare pair of shoes," Gina said jokingly.

"I didn't agree yet," Claire admitted. She wasn't sure if it were a good idea. Part of her was keen to catch up with someone from her university, but part of her felt guilty that she was to meet her old crush whilst being married, however superficial that marriage was.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. It doesn't sit right with me. I don't want to lead him on or anything."

"Just go and enjoy the moment. You don't know what it is going to be about yet."

"True." Claire nodded. "I'm sure it's just an innocent catch-up."

"Hey, if you're worried, I'll be on standby, and so will Zoe. We can call you with some made-up emergency to get you out and we can pick you up."

"Thank you." Claire smiled at her friend. "I might go and see what he actually wants," Claire said still unconvinced with her plan. She felt as if she were misleading Pierre, but then she could explain herself in person.

During lunchtime, she received a text message from Gabriel asking if she ate yet. She responded positively realising that it was her first ever text message back to him.

Then she made her way out of the office with Zoe making their way to the Horton Club. To Claire's surprise, the Chi Group reps were different to the ones she previously met during lunch with Daniel Jones. They were three middle-aged men who were positively professional and besides a glass or two of wine didn't pressure them to drink. The talks did still take a while and Claire didn't leave the restaurant until almost 9 pm. By the time she and Zoe made their way to their cars, she was exhausted. To Claire's surprise, Gabriel was working in the dining room again.

"How did it go?" Gabriel asked as soon as she walked in.

"Well, thank you. The project is on the green light. The construction is starting from Monday."

"That's great to hear." Gabriel smiled at her.

"I've reviewed the agenda for the board of directors and I wanted to suggest a new policy. If you don't mind, I'll drop it off tomorrow."

"Of course. That's why you're on the board." Gabriel's smile was not leaving his face.

"Thanks. I'm sorry for not being too social but I need to go to bed." Claire said quickly.

"Of course. By the way, the photos look great!"


"I've received the photos for approval. You look great."

"Oh, thanks."

"Go to bed." Gabriel reminded her. Claire didn't need to tell her twice.

Gabriel started putting his things away too. He only worked in the dining room when Claire was out late to see that she comes back safely. Once he was happy with Claire being back, he was keen to go to bed himself.

The next morning, Claire was once again rushing out first, eager to finish off the draft of the new policy. Also, she carefully wrote her response to Pierre, feeling anxious over it but somehow she was still looking forward to it. She was to meet him in the afternoon in some restaurant in the city.

She finished the policy draft and went up to the forty-second floor.

"Hey, Mark."

"Hey, Claire."

"I will text you the meet-up point today so you have the last chance to back out."

"I am actually looking forward to tomorrow."

"That's great."

"You look a little nervous. Are you okay?" Pattison asked.

"Yes. I have some personal business to attend to after this and I think I'm a little worried about how it'll go." Claire sighed. "Anyway, I need to get this out of the way first."

Claire walked into Gabriel's office without warning as she was doing so for a few days now. Pattison didn't even attempt to stop her, ever. One thing he knew for sure is that he didn't want to get between them.

Claire's eyes fell onto Gabriel and a familiar woman that she couldn't quite place. The woman was leaning against Gabriel's desk in quite a provocative manner which seemed intentional as she raised her left leg in just a right way to reveal it through the slit of her dress.

Gabriel looked at Claire curiously, a smile popping on his face. But Claire didn't reciprocate it.

"We don't want to be disturbed." The woman said with annoyance, not even looking at Claire. Gabriel scowled at the woman but before he said anything Claire responded.

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you," Claire said sarcastically while putting a fake smile on. "Here." She threw a pile of papers on the desk in front of Gabriel with slightly too much momentum. She found the woman beside Gabriel irritating. After all, she didn't feel that she should speak for Gabriel.

"What's this?" Gabriel furrowed his brows as he picked up a document.

"Read it. Take your time with it. You have until Monday to respond." Claire walked out before Gabriel could say anything.

"Claire!" He rushed towards the door of his office as he was to check on her today but she was already gone.

"Pattison, get Claire for me." He ordered.

"Sir, Claire's off for the rest of today," Pattison admitted.

"I see. What's the bet that she isn't going to answer her phone?" Gabriel asked Pattison knowing the answer. "Do you know what her plans are tonight?"

"I'm afraid not. She mentioned some personal business."

"Thanks," Gabriel grumbled as he returned to his office.

"Who was that?" The woman spoke in a tone filled with disgust. "How dare she storm in here and throw papers at you? I'm sure this is assault and trespassing."

"What did you want?" Gabriel cut her off as he started looking through the papers.

"I was in town and my family has a banquet coming up. I wanted to invite you."

"I'm busy," Gabriel responded immediately without looking up at her from the papers.

"No wonder if you have to deal with psychos like that. You need better security. Do they just let anyone in?"

"No, Francesca, they do not. Even though I'll make sure to ban you, especially if you insist on sitting on my desk instead of a chair like a civilised person." Gabriel barked.

"Wow, you still have that lovely temper." She stood up. "I always liked it. You seem so passionate about so many things."

"Send for Watters," Gabriel ordered Pattison through his phone.

"You still didn't tell me what those papers are." The woman mused.

"None of your business."

"You never spoke to me like that." Francesca frowned.

"I never realised just how irritating you are."

"Come to the banquet and I'll leave you." Francesca pouted like a child. "My parents would like to see you. You haven't visited them in months."

"I was busy."

"You're always busy and you always made time before."

"I'm busier than usual."

"I'll send the invite."

"You know exactly why I am not in touch with your family, and you know why I don't want to be anywhere near you."

"You can't seriously be still upset over my mistakes from five years ago?"

"I am not. I am way past it. I just don't see why you keep crawling back as it was you that messed up everything."

"Very mature to bring it up now." Francesca smiled painfully. "Did you forget how we were the best of friends as kids?"

"No, I haven't. I just can't get over how stupid I was."

"You can be quite horrid, you know." Francesca took out the envelope from her purse and placed it on the desk. "Come this one last time."

"Last time, you say? Let's make a deal, if I come, you'll never come here again."

"That's a mean thing to say."

"I'm serious." Gabriel finally looked up at her, his face was cold. "I do not wish for you to come here again."

"Gabbie, what happened? You're not seeing anyone, are you?"

"Frankly, none of your business."

"Rumours can't be right," Francesca mumbled. "I'll see you in two weeks then?"

"Yeah," Gabriel said unsatisfied. "That's the last time too."

"Why do you have to be so cruel?" Francesca asked as she left.

Gabriel's irritation only started wearing off as he read through Claire's policy. He smiled at the well-written document, knowing that it was going to divide the board of directors, making an exact split between more conservative and liberal members. He wondered how Claire was going to handle this.