Causing Havoc

A few hours later, Claire walked down the stairs. Gabriel stood with Mark in the hallway, dressed in the all-black tuxedo, including the shirt. His hair was tidily combed over, and he trimmed his stubble. Mark himself wore a tuxedo, with a light-coloured jacket that had a black collar, black bow tie, and trousers, matched with a white shirt.

Gabriel turned around and froze, his mouth dropping open. Then Mark looked up at Claire, having a similar reaction.

Claire slowly made her way down, worried that she'll trip over her dress. Her carefulness came across as elegance.

"God, Claire, you look stunning," Mark said first as Gabriel was still speechless.

"I want a wedding ceremony," Gabriel uttered at last.

"What? We're already married." Claire asked with a chuckle as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Gabriel offered her his hand which she carefully accepted.

"I'm the luckiest man alive and I want to show it off," Gabriel said with a smile. "White suits you so well. You look like a goddess."

"No, Hedy Lamarr was a goddess of black and white movies," Claire said with a smile. "I did forgo the headpiece though. I felt that this dress was already too much."

"Everything is just right with you," Gabriel said with a smile, still not taking his eyes off her.

"When did he become so over the top sweet?" Mark asked with a smile. Claire shifted her gaze to Mark.

"I'm trying to work that out too." Claire smiled. "Did someone clone him whilst I was away? Or did you peel off his flesh and used it as a suit on some decent person."

"I personally didn't, but I wouldn't put it past him." Mark joked. Gabriel outright ignored his remark staring at Claire with amazement. "Have fun, kids. I'm going to pick up Mr Wood." Mark decided.

"Be nice to Derek." Claire reminded Mark who nodded as he left.

"Are you ready?" Gabriel asked, still not taking his eyes off her.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Claire responded with a smile. Gabriel offered her his arm instead which she was keen to accept as she struggled to find her balance in the new dress.

"Now, what's the safe word?"

"Safe word?" Claire looked at him with confusion.

"If you need to get out of the conversation, or if you feel uncomfortable, or if you want to leave. If we have a safe word, I can join or interrupt the conversation and get you out quicker. I know you're too polite to run off, so I'm happy to take the blame." Gabriel explained.

"I don't think I've ever had a safe word for social gatherings before." Claire chuckled. "It never even crossed my mind." She then contemplated the idea. "Actually, that's genius." Gabriel held the door open to the black car, where Klaus already waiting in the driver's seat.

"I'm glad that you like it. So, what safe word would be good enough?"

"I guess it should be something that'll stand out enough in the conversation for us to notice, but yet, something that's not too obvious."

"True." Gabriel nodded.

"Sunglasses." Claire decided.

"Okay." Gabriel agreed. "If you start talking about sunglasses it'll be my cue."

"Where did you get this idea from?" Claire managed to get in the seat, tidying over layers of chiffon. Gabriel walked around the car to get into his seat, taking extra care over Claire's dress.


"It's very considerate," Claire admitted.

"I want you to be comfortable wherever we are, and I'm more than happy to step in and be blamed for anything those pr*cks will consider rude," Gabriel grumbled. "And frankly, the last banquet we've been to hasn't really ended well. I'd like to avoid that."

"I'll make sure not to go away from the main crowd," Claire said with a pained smile.

"That shouldn't be an issue," Gabriel said coldly. "It shouldn't be up to you to not get assaulted by someone."

Claire went silent. At this stage, she was convinced that she was the issue and not the men that mistreated her, whether it was those men at the university, those men that mugged her, or Daniel Jones. And those were solely the examples of men who acted on it, disregarding the number of cat callers, and the amount of verbal harassment she was a subject of over the years of working within the male-dominated industry.

Gabriel kept mumbling something under his nose about the unfairness of society, or something along the lines, as Claire looked out of the window, in a distance.

Gabriel's hand gently caressed the back of hers which startled her. She turned to face him, realising that he was smiling at her. His smile was that kind of warm and reassuring smile that silently told her that everything was going to be okay.

Claire withdrew her hand anxiously as the driver pulled up into the huge yard with a lit-up fountain.

The porters rushed to open the car doors, letting both of them out. Gabriel rushed around the car to catch up with Claire. Claire smiled at him, walking beside him, but yet not showing any display of affection, keeping a small distance between them.

"Miss Thompson, CDO of Diamond Corporate. And Mr Moore, CEO of Diamond Corporate." They were announced into the room, with tenths of people turning around to look at them curiously.

"And I thought that we'll be somewhat discreet," Claire whispered with a smile. "Not bringing any attention to ourselves, are we?"

"Claire, they're all looking at you," Gabriel said with a smile. "You're glowing tonight. You're a literal star."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're the infamous Gabriel Moore."

"Yeah, it still hurts my ego a bit that I'm being shone aside, but I don't mind if it makes a way for you."

"Honestly, since when are you such a charmer?" Claire smiled as they made their way toward the crowd.

"Good evening, Miss Thompson, Mr Moore." Mr Evans hurried to welcome them.

"Good evening, Mr Evans," Claire said in her friendliest voice.

"Good evening." Gabriel returned to his stoic voice, his smile weakening. Claire looked at the change with amusement, and only now did she notice that he still interacted with others in a rather cold way. But now Claire could see the glimpse of the Gabriel she was getting to know behind the facade, through a shine in his eyes, through half smiles, through his strong handshakes. He was always there behind the mask of a professional businessman who seemed to be more anxious than just plain rude and stiff in Claire's eyes than ever before. Suddenly she could see a whole new side to him. She could see that his every move was thought-through and calculated.

"Miss Thompson, may I steal you for a moment. I'd like to introduce you to a few of my friends." Mr Evans said quickly. Claire nodded with hesitation, following Mr Evans around the room and shook hands with many men and women, some of whom she already recognised from previous gatherings. Occasionally, she felt Gabriel's burning gaze on her back from across the room, and occasionally, she managed to catch Gabriel's secret glances. Somehow, Gabriel found himself in the same social circle within fifteen minutes of Claire being dragged into another pointless discussion. Claire tried not to make it obvious. She stopped her smiles and glances to ensure that she didn't hint at anything between them. Gabriel was also quite good at hiding it, for her sake of course. If he could, he'd shout at top of his lungs that Claire was his wife. He felt an overwhelming pride that she was with him.

Claire was excited when Derek and Mark came in. She could use them as a distraction.

"Oh my, you look glamorous!" Derek exclaimed, speeding up to hug her as a welcome.

"Sorry for ditching your ride," Claire said apologetically.

"It's alright. Now, I need to locate some champagne and a top-up for you." Derek winked, quickly grabbing the flutes of champagne from the waiter, and passing them out to Claire and Mark. "Let me know when you get any stupid idea. I can tell you I'm already in." Derek laughed.

"Not yet. Let's wait until after dinner." Claire chuckled. "I do love the enthusiasm."

"They've made the chairs fancier. I don't think a tower of chairs will be a possibility." Derek said with disappointment.

"Derek, if you'd know me well enough, you'd know that I don't like repeating the same stupid idea twice. Make each mistake once."

"That's a grand idea if you forget about the fact that the magnitude of that first mistake is beyond any normal scale." Mark chipped in nodding slightly in the direction of Gabriel. Claire followed his gaze and once she worked out what he meant, she laughed.

Claire walked past the tables a good few minutes before they were to sit down for dinner. She was placed next to Mark and Gabriel was to be seated on the other side of Mark. Without being prompted, Mark swapped his name card with Gabriel's. Only then, Claire realised that between her and Derek was an empty seat: 'Mr Gary Fisher'. Claire quickly searched through the crowd, and then she hurried outside, finally spotting the familiar bald man smoking by the wall, holding a flute of champagne in his other hand.

"Gary!" Claire was excited to see the friendly face.

"Oh my goodness, Claire!" Gary gas her a half-hug, keeping his cigarette out of her way. "You're still alive!" He sounded just as enthusiastic to see her.

"What?" Claire raised her brows. "Was I expected not to be alive?"

"I was worried that you took my advice seriously." Gary laughed, his belly shaking.

"What?!" Claire's arms dropped.

"But you're still alive. I guess you either didn't have a chance to stand up to him or you didn't follow my stupid advice. Knowing Mr Moore's temper, I suspect the latter."

"You cannot be serious?" Claire asked with a stabbing pain in her chest and a light head.

"Oh, come on! Standing up to the tyrant is obviously the worst advice I could ever give. I was worried that you might've actually done it and end up dead in a ditch somewhere." Gary chuckled putting his cigarette out.

"You knowingly gave me, what you thought was, the worst advice?" Claire asked with a slight tremble in her voice.

"Claire, you've gotten really pale. Are you alright?" Gary grabbed her by her arm to support her.

"Gary!" Gabriel came outside. He walked up to them with a smile on his face. "How's your retirement?"

"It's great, sir, thank you." Gary smiled. "Slowly getting a good tan from all of the holidays I am taking."

"That's good to hear." Gabriel nodded. "Claire, dear, are you alright? You look particularly pale." Gabriel gently rubbed her shoulder blades. Gary quickly let go of Claire's arms, looking curiously at Gabriel.

"I'm quite alright, thank you." She tried to smile but it didn't quite work out. What came out was a slightly twisted smirk. "Actually, Gary, I did follow your advice." Claire decided to tell him the truth. "I followed it to the dot."

"What?!" Gary lost his breath.

"Well, yes."

"What advice?" Gabriel enquired.

"It's nothing, sir," Gary said quickly. "I was joking about a certain matter and it seems that Miss Thompson must've misunderstood it."

"What advice?" Gabriel repeated the question to Claire instead.

"His advice was to put a brave face on, to not show fear, and to not back down. If I knew that I'm going to be fired, I was advised to go along with it. Then I should walk out, and take the clients with me. And, if I were to be asked to stay I shouldn't negotiate but demand things. And, if I do not intend to stay, I should lay down the most ridiculous terms ever."

Gabriel went silent momentarily realising that Claire listened to the most outrageous advice ever and that she dared to follow it to the dot.

"Oh, what a splendid idea." Gabriel burst into laughter. "Seriously, you had the guts to follow that advice? And you thought he was serious?" He asked Claire. "You're either crazy or the bravest person I've known."

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Claire replied trying to process the newly found information. "And look where it got me."

"At least you're not in a ditch," Gary said to her in a loud whisper. Claire scowled at him.

"Oh, it's so much worse than a ditch." Gabriel laughed. "So much worse."

"May I ask what did you ask for?" Gary couldn't contain his curiosity.

"What do you consider an outrageous demand?" Gabriel asked him.

"Triple the salary? I don't know. Maybe ask for some shares." Gary shrugged.

"Well, Claire declared the most outrageous demands known to man. She walked into my office and with a straight face she demanded quadruple salary, 25% of the company's shares, full autonomy over the department with no break clause over the indefinite period, and a place on the board of directors."

"Oh my God, Claire." Gary gasped, turning pale. He didn't see it as a funny and innocent joke anymore.

"You've told me to make my demands worse if I didn't want to return." Claire shrugged.

"Now, I'm really curious how that panned out." Gary opened his eyes widely.

"See, Gary, I was rather shocked but also intrigued at how Claire had the guts to even say these out loud," Gabriel admitted. "There's not many people that would ever be able to do that."

"Indeed." Gary nodded.

"Would you like to share it with Gary?" Gabriel asked.

"If you wish to tell him, feel free to," Claire said quietly, feeling her chest tighten even more.

"Do tell! You can't just leave it all hanging!" Gary urged him.

"I buckled to Claire's demands. She has what she wanted and since then she became a very key person to our company's growth. She has an amazing intuition towards new investments and taking risks." Gary started choking on the champagne.

"Miss Thompson…"

"It's Mrs." Claire corrected him automatically.

"How did I not get an invite to your wedding?"

"There was no wedding celebration yet," Gabriel said. "Regretfully. I do hope that this can be remedied in months to come."

"Gary, your advice was horrendous. You can't do that to people." Claire said sternly. "The last few months of my life were all your fault!"

"I mean, I don't know how you've managed to actually get what you asked for and still be here."

"Gary, I could've ended up dead for this." Claire hissed.

"Amazingly, you didn't though." Gary still was in shock. "Who's the lucky man." Gary smiled.

"It's all your fault though," Claire said quickly, her cheeks turning red. "Your cruel prank backfired."

"Well, then, I have to thank Gary for this, don't I?" Gabriel joked. Claire scowled at him. "Gary, thank you so much. Your stupid advice ended up getting Claire to me."

"Excuse me?" Gary repeated.

"It's Mrs Moore now," Claire said quietly.

"What?!" Gary started choking on the champagne.

"I still find it hurtful when you say it with such a shame in your voice, Claire," Gabriel said with a playful tone. "Say it loud and proud, like this: I am married now to Gabriel Moore."

"Gabriel," Claire warned him.

"What are you even talking about?" Gary tried to catch his breath.

"Claire is my dear wife for about five months now.

"You're married?" Gary repeated mindlessly, his brain struggling to compute the news. "Hang on, how did this happen?"

"You say that as if it were Claire putting the effort in." Gabriel laughed. "I had to beg her, and I did already twice! But it paid off."

"You see, Greg. The only way for me to get over 20% of shares was to own half of what Mr Moore owns." Claire explained as she started to calm down. "And the simplest way to do so is through marriage. After my outrageous demands, I have been offered a new contract the following morning. It did include a clause or two on marriage."

"How long were you even the head of the department before this happened?"

"About six months."

"And how did you get fired?"

"I didn't. I've tried to resign."

"You've lasted six months without a single firing?" Gary asked with raised brows. "I've managed just over a year of employment before my retirement and I was fired at least four or five times during that time."

"I had no intention of firing Claire. She's been feisty from day one and I took it as a challenge." Gabriel answered honestly. "I think I became a little obsessed in trying to wear her down, but she didn't buckle down till the end." Gabriel felt his phone ping. "Sorry, Mark is searching for me. I'll see you inside?" Gabriel turned to Claire who nodded at him.

"Are you alright?" Gary asked cautiously. "Are you being held hostage? Were you forced into this?"

"No, I wasn't. Even though his begging was convincing enough." Claire smiled reassuringly.

"Why did you agree to this madness?"

"I've had my reasons."

"Was it because of your family?" Gary asked softly.

"It was one of the reasons, I must admit."

"Did you consider divorce?"

"No break clause, remember?"

"You agreed to the marriage without the break clause?"


"How is your family?" Gary decided to change the subject.

"Well taken care of." Claire smiled. "My mum received her transplant and is on the path towards full recovery."

"That's fantastic." Gary smiled with some hint of sadness. "I'm glad that you found a way to save them."

"Why do I sense some pity in your voice?" Claire asked openly.

"Because I suspect that you've sold your freedom for the sake of your family."

"That's not entirely true. It might've been at first, but surprisingly, now I'm with Gabriel out of my free will." Claire said honestly, a soft and genuine smile slowly crept onto her face. "Don't pity me, Gary."

"I'll try my best," Gary said with a smile. "Shall we make our way to the table before they send a search team for us?" Gary asked as he offered Claire his arm. Claire accepted it and walked back inside with him. "So, how is he? He seemed different just now. Is he still that cold and murderous type in private?"

"No, not really." Claire laughed. "Don't tell anyone but I've made him go roller skating just a few days ago."

"Seriously?" Gary asked in disbelief, bursting into laughter.

"He also cooked me breakfast this morning. Or at least he tried. That's a work-in-progress type of a deal." Claire chuckled.

"I must hear more about it." Gary still laughed.

"He met Gina and Zoe as well."

"Is he butting heads with Zoe?"

"Weirdly, no. Zoe did her signature seance on him and he just laughed it off."

"Oh, I remember one of those when someone bothered us during a company dinner." Gary laughed. "Can't believe her guts to do it on him."

"I know." Claire laughed.

They reached the table, where Gary pulled a chair out for her, before sitting between her and Derek.

"I'm guessing you didn't really announce it," Gary said rather quietly to Claire. "Otherwise, I would have surely read up on the scandal."

"No. Most people don't know." Claire's gaze landed on Derek. "I do hope that you can keep it somewhat quiet for now."

"Of course." Gary nodded, reaching for more wine. "I still can't believe it." He shook his head. Gabriel and Mark appeared at the table moments later, Gabriel keenly sitting beside Claire.

"Oh, I thought I've had yourself, Mr Moore, seated where Mr Pattison is." Mr Evans said as he passed by the table. "Sorry, Miss Thompson. I didn't intend for you to sit uncomfortably next to your boss." He turned to Claire.

"Thank you for your consideration, Mr Evans." Claire smiled.

"Many apologies, I've swapped seats as I have some business matter to discuss with Mrs Thompson," Gabriel explained quickly.

"Business matter? Don't you ever shut your brains down?" Mr Evans looked around the table in worry.

"Well, Mr Evans, we thoroughly enjoy our jobs and it doesn't feel like a chore but rather a discussion like any other," Claire said quickly.

"Please do let me know if there's a problem, Miss Thompson." Mr Evans said with a smile before walking away.

"Do they really have to be so pedantic about it?" Gabriel grumbled.

"Do you have to be so obvious?" Claire responded sharply. "Dial it down a bit."

"Me, obvious?" Gabriel asked with furrowed brows. "How?"

"You've been smiling, Gabriel. People are not used to it. The only feasible explanation is that either you're in love or that you're about to go into a psychotic break down and murder everyone." Claire whispered with slight irritation. "You're scaring people."

"I'm scaring people by smiling?" Gabriel asked in disbelief. "That's ridiculous."

"Let's carry out an experiment. Stop someone and smile at them. See what happens. If they try to escape, then obviously my hypothesis is correct. However, if they smile back and act normally, it means I'm wrong." Claire said decisively.

"Surely, you're wrong." Gabriel insisted.

"Want to make it a bet?" Claire challenged Gabriel further. Gary and Mark watched them with amusement.

"Okay, what's the wager?" Gabriel asked in a competitive tone.

"If I'm right, it's a karaoke night with the gang." Claire smiled mischievously.

"And if I'm right?"

"You choose what you think is a fair wager."

Gabriel smiled mischievously "if I win, I get three wishes."

"Sure." Claire agreed with hesitation, shaking Gabriel's hand. She then nodded towards the group of guests that were now making their way past them towards their own table.

"Excuse me." Gabriel interrupted them, putting his widest and friendliest smile on. "What do you think of today's evening?"

"I'm so sorry, sir, I don't know." The woman stuttered and spoke in a shaky tone, definitely looking terrified, and definitely not smiling back at him.

"I see. I do hope that you enjoy the rest of it." Gabriel finished politely before turning back to the table. Claire laughed openly. "Karaoke it is," Gabriel said grumpily.

Mark and Gary snickered, still trying to conceal their laughter. Gary was using a napkin, whilst Mark was using the palm of his hand to hide his red face.

Throughout dinner, Derek was mostly chatting with Gary, and Mark with some other guests.

Claire and Gabriel still talked in their careless manner, about everything and nothing.

"What three wishes would you ask for?" Claire asked curiously, quietly enough for it to only reach Gabriel's ears.

"Well, nothing outrageous." Gabriel smiled. "I was hoping for a dinner made by you, a song played on piano by you, and a dance. I had a slightly cheeky idea of maybe asking for you to sleep beside me for one night. Nothing indecent, just laying together and reading books, before falling asleep whilst I get to look into your eyes, holding hands." Gabriel smiled. Claire looked at him, surprised by his wishes.

"But…" she started carefully. "They're nothing special."

"They are to me," Gabriel admitted, blushing slightly.

"What I mean is that for the most part, this is what you can expect from me." Claire smiled. "I'll have to think of the last wish though."

"I don't expect any of these," Gabriel said honestly. "I mean, few more outrageous wishes did cross my mind."

"Go on."

"Yeah, I don't think I have enough courage to voice them."

"I've walked into your office and demanded 25% of company shares. I'm sure you can do it." Claire laughed.

"There's DEFINITELY no expectations with these, but it might've crossed my mind that we fully reinstate our marriage contract and that maybe we could have a wedding ceremony and exchange wedding rings, and lastly, that maybe I'll get to meet your family."

"I see what you meant now." Claire furrowed her brows. "They might not be possible right now," Claire said carefully.

After dinner, Gabriel was dragged to the side to talk about some economic and political issues whilst Claire hid away in the side hallways with Derek.

"Claire!" A man in his twenties came up to her and hugged her.

"Jared!" Claire exclaimed with equal enthusiasm.

"Thank God, the party isn't really a party without you." Jared joked. "What shall we do this time?"

"Definitely no chair towers," Derek said decisively.

Claire caught with a side of her eye the small spill that the waiter slid on without falling, an idea popping into her head.

"I've got an idea." She said with a gasp, her eyes twinkling in excitement. "Jared, get a bucket of water. I'll get some soap."

"Sounds like a recipe for disaster." Derek laughed, already onboard with whatever idea was brewing.

They were back in the spot within moments.

"What's the most out of the way spot, Jared?"

"Probably here," Jared answered honestly. Claire grabbed the bucket of water and spilt it across the corridor, pouring a layer of soap on top.

"Rules are simple, the person to slide the furthest wins." Claire declared. Derek and Jared started laughing, taking their shoes off. Jared went to gather a few more people to join. Derek went first doing pretty well, cheered on by at least ten young group members. Jared went after, sliding even further.

"Good job, Mr Evans!" Claire exclaimed at Jared.

"Call me Mr Evans again and I'll make sure to beat it out of you," Jared said jokingly.

"Hold it," Claire ordered him as she passed him her flute of champagne. She took a run across, sliding the furthest yet. She stood back up, watching as others started taking the shoes off and sliding on the makeshift slip n slide across the marble tiles. Within twenty minutes, all of the people were soaking wet, not caring one bit, marking the furthest slide with someone's shoe, and the group was increasing.

It was Claire's turn again. She slipped down the hallway, falling right on her buttocks, as Gabriel opened the door and walked through. Before he was able to recognise the situation, Claire knocked him right off his feet. The cheers fell silent as Gabriel ended up laying on his chest on the floor.

"Oh, sh*t," Gabriel uttered under his nose.

Claire laughed hysterically.

"Are you okay?" She asked between the laughs, trying her hardest to get up from the slippery floor, but the lather of bubbles and her tights made it almost impossible.

"Well, I found you," Gabriel grunted. "I wondered where you disappeared."

"I've got a little bit distracted." Claire helped him up. Gabriel looked around at the group of young people who looked down with worry.

"What are you even doing?"

"We're competing." Claire declared. "We're trying to work out which one of us can slide the furthest. I think I won. Take it, Derek!" Claire shouted excitedly towards Derek, moving a random shoe to where she finished.

"Good job, Claire." Gabriel laughed. "Is that soap?"

"Yeah." Claire nodded.

Gabriel took his shoes off and walked towards the end which they treated as a starting line. He run up and slid across the soap himself, sliding almost as far as Claire. The group cheered again, excited to have another person join.

Gabriel stood up and other people rejoined.

Gabriel laughed wholeheartedly.

"Whose idea was it?" He asked Claire and Derek. Derek outright pointed at Claire. "Why did I even bother asking." Gabriel laughed trying to wipe the soap off his trousers.

"Thanks, Jared." Claire took back her glass of champagne. "So, why were you looking for me?" Claire asked Gabriel.

"I was curious about where you disappeared."

"I'm causing havoc, as always."

"Claire?" Someone prompted her. Claire passed her champagne to Gabriel and went to slide again. Gabriel cheered on her loudly.

Her dress was absolutely soaked in soapy water, chiffon fabric sticking to her body.

Gabriel stood still, time stopped, as he watched her bright smile and the glimmer in her eyes. But then it rushed like never before as he saw her figure through the wet fabric.

"I've won!" Claire exclaimed. Gabriel tried his best to compose himself, clapping and cheering again. Claire ran towards him, jumping up and throwing her hands around his neck.

"Hang on," Gabriel told her with a smile. "It's my turn."

"Don't bother," Claire said teasingly. "You can't beat me!"

"Oh, you didn't," Gabriel said in his competitive voice. Claire pushed him towards the start line.

He run up and slid across when the door opened.

Gabriel landed on his buttocks in front of Mr Evans - Jared's father. The room fell silent again.

"Good evening." Gabriel gave him a nod, standing up quickly. "I think something's spilt on the floor. That's so unsafe." He said as he tried to wipe the soapy water off him. Mr Evans looked at the drunken group of youngsters, trying to work out the situation.

"Mr Moore, I apologise for this oversight." He said rather coldly as he spotted his son in the crowd.

"It's fine. I think it's time for me to leave now. My suit is all soaked from that spill." Gabriel spoke quite fast looking around. Claire snickered, trying to hide it with the palm of her hand. Mr Evans looked at his guests' wet clothing with disapproval.

"Mr Evans, thank you for being such a great host tonight," Claire said in a much more composed tone now as she walked forward. "The night was truly fabulous."

"I'm glad." Mr Evans said, still scowling at a few people behind Claire and Gabriel. Gabriel and Claire picked up their shoes and excused themselves, Derek rushing after them. As soon as they left, Mr Evans raised his voice at his son, blaming him for the entire situation, especially since Jared was previously involved in several of Claire's shenanigans.

Gabriel offered Claire his arm, and she willingly wrapped her hand around it, holding her shoes in her other hand, both giggling happily.

"Gabbie?" A woman's voice cut in. Claire looked around first before Gabriel did, as he didn't want to take his eyes off Claire. "I didn't realise you were here."

"I'm just leaving," Gabriel replied through his laugh. Claire let go of his arm, smiling at Francesca in her usual friendly way.

"Good evening, Miss Jones," Claire said pleasantly which was met with a silent scowl.

"Already? The night is early." Francesca ignored Claire and spoke to Gabriel alone.

"Yeah, I've had my fun. Besides, I'm absolutely soaked."

Francesca looked down at him carrying his shoes in his hands. His black socks were leaving a wet trail behind him. Her eyes were full of disapproval and judgment as she frowned.

"Wouldn't you like to grab a quick drink and talk?" She fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"I think I've made myself quite clear last time I saw you," Gabriel said rather sharply. "Enjoy your night." He gave her a nod, continuing to walk. He grabbed Claire's hand making a way towards the exit.

"What the heck happened to you two?" Mark asked as he carefully analysed their state. Derek came out moments later with another glass of champagne in his hand that he managed to grab on the way out. "It seems like I've missed the fun part of tonight's event."

"Great night, as always, Claire!" Derek exclaimed raising his drink towards her.

"Not for Jared." Claire laughed. "He's gonna get an earful. I'll have to apologise to him next time."

"How do you know Jared?"

"He was my teammate for the chair climbing competition," Claire answered honestly. "Since then, he's one of the first ones to join us with our stupid ideas."

"I didn't break anything this time!" Derek exclaimed.

"Let's get you home, mate," Mark said to Derek encouraging him to walk across towards the car. Derek run back and hugged Claire goodbye before following Mark, leaving Claire alone with Gabriel as they slowly walked towards their car.