Marriage Contract

The reporters gathered in a lobby around noon. Some made-shift podium was created and microphones were set up in preparation for what was to come.

Claire sat with Alistair for most of the morning, with Gabriel pacing anxiously around her office. He was silent, unable to say anything that could be of comfort or use.

By the time they even came down, the press conference was broadcasted almost on every station. Claire's screen pinged with news headlines informing readers of the upcoming conference.

She took a deep breath and walked onto the podium trying her hardest to not show the anxiety that she felt at tenths of flashing lights and some screams. With all confidence that she had left, she started her statement, and as she did, the room fell silent.

"Thank you everyone sincerely for coming here today." Claire started nervously. "It is with true sadness that I have learnt of the passing of John and Jennifer Smith. It is a time of mourning for me as well as Diamond Corporate. Loss of life is a true tragedy. John passed following his accident last week. Diamond Corporate is doing a thorough investigation to find out what led to this event and to ensure the safety of all other personnel. Diamond Corporate has closed the site until the investigation is complete and until they can be sure that the safety of other workers isn't at risk. As a Head of Contracts and Services, it is my duty to ensure safety and to promote the well-being of all employees, whether they are part of Diamond Corporate, our contractors, or sub-contractors. I try to take deep care in everything I do. This tragedy has shown that I wasn't diligent enough in preventing harm. Hence, today, as of now, I am officially stepping down from my positions as Chief Design Officer and Head of Contracts and Services at Diamond Corporate. I am taking full responsibility for the accident, and any oversight that might've led to it. My actions, however indirect, led to two lives being lost. I cannot express my deep sadness today in any coherent words, and I cannot say how much we've lost today. John has been part of our project for the third time, and he has been always a hard-working individual. He was full of optimism and enthusiasm for what he did. When I saw him last week, he joked and laughed, even at his darkest time. His wife, Jennifer, has been a truly caring and sympathetic person. I count it as a privilege to have met them and to have had John work on several projects with us. As for their families, we cannot bear the full impact of this loss as you do. But we feel this loss deeply and we think about you very much. Diamond Corporate will further support the families throughout this time." Claire said wiping a single stray tear that she couldn't contain. "Thank you," Claire uttered quickly walking away from the screaming reporters and walking towards a quiet corridor. As Alistair advised, Gabriel stood in front of the reporters next, ensuring them of the support for the families and his deep condolences. Claire leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, starting to cry and shake.

"Fucking hell! Fuck!" Gabriel came out swearing a few minutes later. He was angry again as the moment sunk in. "Fucking hell!" He took his tie off, throwing it to the side. "Aaarrrrgghhhh!" He screamed at top of his lungs as he held his healthy hand in a fist.

He turned to Claire who was still upset and sobbing. "And you still think that it's a good idea?" He asked her.

"It was the only way to do it," Claire mumbled.

"I meant, not killing him," Gabriel said through gritted teeth. Claire looked at him with concern. "PR team just confirmed that someone keeps the news going. Again." Gabriel explained as he rubbed his face. "It must be him, right? Like, who else could it be?"

"Gabriel…" Claire started carefully.

"I know. I'm calming down." Gabriel said as he took a deep breath in and bit into his index finger as he held his hand in a fist by his face.

"What's your plan now?" He asked Claire as he stood above her slowly relaxing his fists.

"I'm seeing Uncle Adam in the evening," Claire mumbled.

"Besides that?"

"I don't know. I'll find some corner to curl up in and cry." Claire said with a weak smile.

"Oh, Claire." Gabriel sighed as he sat beside her. "We'll make it through, I promise." He said in an encouraging tone grabbing Claire's hand and squeezing it.

"That went somewhat well," Alistair said as he walked in. His eyes went straight to Claire and Gabriel's hands together, but he dismissed it as he saw Claire's very reddened eyes from crying. "I mean, as well as it could've gone." Alistair corrected himself. Claire moved her hand away, wiping the last of her tears away.

"Just imagine a press conference if I killed him." Gabriel laughed. Claire let out a short laugh, too.

"I rather not be a part of it," Claire said as she started calming down. "Oh well, what's done is done. I need to pack up my office." Claire stood up.

"Take care, Claire," Alistair said feeling bad for her. "Keep up." He waved at them and walked away, busy trying to deal with other communications that he had to yet release on behalf of Diamond Corporate on the matter.

"You don't have to do it today," Gabriel said to her as he stood up too.

"I want to be over and done with it," Claire said decisively making her way towards the elevator at the back of the corridor.

Gabriel followed her out on the thirty-sixth floor. The whispers carried throughout the office as Claire grabbed a box from the stationary room and went towards the office. She quickly started emptying the drawers of her desk, not having much in them. At last, she picked up a file that made her smile - it was the very marriage contract between her and Gabriel.

Gabriel noticed what Claire held in her hand and smiled at her.

"How much do you regret it now?" He asked as a joke, expecting Claire to respond with her usual teasing.

"Honestly?" Claire looked up at him. "I don't regret it anymore."

Gabriel was taken aback by her earnest response.

"But… my father…"

"Yeah, he would've come after me with you or without you. At least, I have you by my side." Claire looked down at the paper that she held in her hand. "Even if I still feel like it's a long con and that you're just pretending to be on my side before you help your father destroy me."

"That's ridiculous," Gabriel said in a disgruntled tone.

"Yeah, probably." Claire nodded in agreement carefully placing the contract in the box. She picked up her box feeling her heart sink, knowing that years of her hard work were destroyed within hours. "Well, that's it, I guess," Claire said with a sigh as she headed out of her office.


"Go on, Gabriel. You have work to do." Claire smiled at him as if she tried to pretend that she was alright. "I hope to see you later."

"Of course. I'll be back home soon." Gabriel nodded. "And, if you permit, I'd like to go see your uncle with you."

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Claire said quietly as they walked across to the back of the building where Gabriel's private elevator was hidden away.

"Why not?" Gabriel looked at her with worry as the elevator door closed. "I would like to know what the plan for the trial is."

"Well…" Claire hesitated.

"You briefly mentioned that there's more to it. Is that it?"

"I'm afraid so." Claire turned paler.

"How much more?" Gabriel rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Significantly more," Claire admitted looking down at the box.

"What time are you seeing your uncle?"

"In the evening. About 8 pm."

"I'll come home as soon as. Can we talk then?"

"Gabriel…" Claire closed her eyes and squirmed at the mere thought of how much more Gabriel was going to find out.

"I understand that you're trying to protect me, but I need to know, okay?" Gabriel asked as he leaned toward her. Claire reopened her eyes to find Gabriel's face right in front of her. His eyes were filled with worry and sadness that his smiles haven't reached. "I need to know the plan so I can support you the best that I can."

"I'm not sure whether you're ready for this," Claire admitted.

"I am," Gabriel said with confidence.

Gabriel let Claire out first into the parking lot. He looked at her defeated posture as she slowly walked towards the other end of the car park where Klaus was going to pick her up. He looked at her hair flowing behind her when he noticed something, someone behind the pillar. He knew something wasn't right. He grabbed Claire by her arm and pulled her beside him as the loud bang ripped the air. He just managed to push her away so that she fell to the ground as an excruciating pain spread across his shoulder. Claire barely managed to grasp what has happened, too stunned by Gabriel's sudden force that knocked her off her feet. It was a few moments before their bodyguards appeared tackling someone to the ground. Gabriel stumbled back and fell backwards, falling right beside Claire who still didn't understand what had just happened.

"Gabriel!!!" Claire noticed the blood spilling across his white shirt. She dropped the box to the side and kneeled beside him. Claire reacted quickly, pressing down on the wound, whilst security called for police and an ambulance. Gabriel groaned in pain as he tightly held onto Claire's arm with his healthy hand.

"Lay down, Gabriel," Claire ordered, pushing him to the floor. "You're losing so much blood." Claire's face was white. She was panicking. The severity of the situation slowly dawned upon her. "Gabriel…" she kept saying his name as if she hoped that it'll keep him alive. The smears of blood were all over him, his face covered in several splatters. He didn't say anything besides her name "Claire…". He said it as if he tried to ask her to not leave him alone.

Gabriel passed out, his grip on her arm weakening until his hand fell. Claire tried to keep the area compressed but the pool of blood beneath him grew, reflecting the dim lights.

Claire was beyond panicking. She sobbed and she started to scream Gabriel's name, feeling indescribable anguish over his pain and thinking that she might lose him.

Their very marriage contract was now soaked in Gabriel's blood, sipping through the pages, disintegrating them into nothingness…