She Loved You

"No." Leanne's voice sounded behind him. He turned over to see her struggling in the wheelchair. She was frail. Visibly ill. Her hair must've been regrowing after the chemotherapy, still thin and pale, just like her. "She knew but she didn't doubt you." She smiled at Gabriel. Alex made a swift escape as he noticed someone he recognised. "I did not know that you were married but I did know how much you've meant to Claire. Claire accepted that she will die long before this happened. It had nothing to do with you. Actually, the fact that she didn't die sooner had a lot to do with you." Leanne smiled. "All of these things that she left behind for you, are there to remind you that she loved you." She spoke as if she knew just how much Claire gave him.

"She never said it." Gabriel admitted.

"She loved you." Leanne repeated with the confidence of a mother who knew her child through and through.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"To make sure that you're aware that you weren't at fault and to remind you how much you've meant to Claire." Leanne looked down at her hands. "Claire was my only child. She suffered the most for everything I've done. She wouldn't have if it weren't for me. And she's managed to come out the other side still pouring her heart out. It's a strength that not many would be able to find. I was always afraid that she's been hurt so much that she'll never be able to live a normal life. When she came with us, away from you, I saw her act differently. She acted like a lost puppy or a teenager denying their crush. She told me of you. Very little, admittedly." Leanne looked at Gabriel. "She told me that you liked it. She was longing for someone - you. She was battling herself for several weeks. She didn't eat or sleep well. By the time she returned to you, she had her mindset. She knew that she loved you and that she would forgive you whatever was done. And afterwards, whenever we spoke on the phone, she sounded happier and more confident. Whatever you did, you've made her happy. Whatever you did, made her giggle like a teenager. You made her laugh. You brought hope to her life. I am forever thankful for this. Although your father might have done unforgivable things, you're now a part of our family. You have everyone here behind you to support you. Even Joseph."

"Thank you." Gabriel managed to utter as he wept.

"I hope that you don't mind me asking about your wound and your recovery." Leanne said quietly as she looked at Gabriel's arm in a sling.

"Not at all." Gabriel shook his head. "The bullet ripped a few of my nerves and opened up a major vein. It could've been much worse but it wasn't. My arm is paralysed from the shoulder down. There might be a chance of some recovery but it's unlikely."

"I'm so sorry. Do you know who was responsible for this?"

"My father, of course. I believe that he wanted to hurt Claire. I…" Gabriel stuttered. "Claire was with me when it happened. I've barely managed to push her out of the way."

"Thank you for everything that you did." Leanne squeezed his hand. The silence befell. But it was comforting. For the first time in those days or rather weeks by now, he felt that someone truly understood his pain. "Join us when you're ready." Leanne said at last before smiling a moving away, back into the crowded room.

He remained in a quiet kitchen for a while.

He took a deep breath trying to steady himself when standing up. He felt dizzy. He felt heavy. Everything was still barely comprehensible. It was overwhelming.

He did not expect to see or meet Claire's family beyond Alex and Adam Best. Not tonight. Or ever.

After what felt like an eternity he came out of the kitchen into the living room. The voices still hummed across the house. It was a weird atmosphere of people who have been all around the world and finally gathered again after a long while but under such heavy circumstances. There was warmth, love, and happiness surrounded by a heavy fog of grief. People laughed and joked and then suddenly sobbed at their memories of Claire. As Gabriel walked across the room he heard more than one person say 'do you remember when…?' to another person, reminiscing over Claire's past. It was a daunting reminder that there was no future. It was all memories.

Alex caught Gabriel in the crowd and immediately approached him, passing him a glass of champagne.

"I didn't expect everyone to gather here." Gabriel said quietly as he looked around. Curious gazes still landed on him but were often followed by a reassuring smile. Smiles felt so out of place but yet they were exactly what conveyed their encouragement for each other. Their love. Something that Gabriel barely knew in his own family home.

"It wasn't planned. As soon as the news spread, everyone started arriving back home. It's like an unplanned vigil. Everyone will stay until the funeral at least." Alex explained quietly.

"Funeral?" Gabriel repeated mindlessly. That hasn't even crossed his mind. He wasn't ready to think about it. He didn't accept the truth enough to deal with it. Alex looked at his friend with worry.

"If you didn't want to join us for our gathering, what brought you here tonight?" Alex asked curiously, trying to keep Gabriel from yet another breakdown.

"I wanted to speak with you and your father."

"What about?"

"The trial."

"I see." Alex nodded. He waved at his father and he walked away from the crowd with Gabriel. He led the way to the office at the far end of the house.

Adam Best walked there a few moments later.

"Yes?" Adam asked directly.

"I want the lawsuit changed, Mr Best." Gabriel said decisively. "I don't want your family to suffer anymore. But I'm not going to let Claire's sacrifice go to waste. I want to act on Claire's behalf."

"Are you sure?" Adam asked.

"Yes." Gabriel nodded.

"I'll get on it as soon as I can." Adam nodded. "But… you cannot provide her witness statements. We need to work on a new tactic."

"I'll do anything, sir."

"It's Adam." Adam said in his strong voice.

"If you allow, I'd like to expand the legal team to add a few more trusted friends. And I don't care how much it'll cost or what it'll take. I need to win this."

"I understand that you're hurt but I need you to be sure about this. We both know what it cost Claire."

"I don't care for my life and I'll ensure that you're not directly involved in it anymore. I'd like you to be my advisor but I'll find a different representation. No one from this family will be hurt by him again."

"The trial is suspended for now. We can reinstate it after the funeral." Adam said with a nod. He moved behind his desk. He took a small key out of the drawer and opened a safe in the wall. From there he took out a folder and a small box.

"Claire left you this." Adam said quickly as he walked up to Gabriel. Gabriel looked surprised but he recognised the handwriting on the box immediately. Adam looked back up at Gabriel. "I suspect you were responsible for the request of anonymity in the court?"

"She didn't think it was wise to disclose that she was Mrs Moore in front of everyone."

"She was one smart girl." Adam chuckled with a struggle before he let out a deep sigh. He then took out a business card and passed it to Gabriel. "Call me when you're ready. We can talk then."

"I will." Gabriel nodded. He took the card and hid it in the pocket of his suit jacket. He then bid them goodbye and left the house. The crowd started to feel suffocating.

By contrast, the cold air outside was refreshing. He took a deep breath once a door closed behind him. The rustling beside him made him jump.

"Mr Thompson." Gabriel spotted a man by the corner of the house.

"Gabriel, isn't it?" Joseph asked back before he placed a cigarette in his mouth. "Don't tell Leanne." He said with a frown before he blew out a cloud of smoke. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and offered one to Gabriel.

"I quit smoking a few months ago." Gabriel admitted.

"I did a few years ago." Joseph answered. "But sometimes a good smoke on a bad day is the only thing that keeps me going."

Gabriel hesitated but then he accepted the cigarette. Joseph lit it up for him and then Gabriel took a long breath in, inhaling the familiar taste but which seemed so much stronger than before. Gabriel coughed briefly before he could continue. "Claire was my only child. My little girl. I cannot not be upset." Joseph said rather calmly but his shaking fingers gave him away. "I hate that she didn't trust me enough to tell me that she married you. It hurts to know that she felt like she needed to hide it."

"I was a shit husband." Gabriel said as he stood beside Joseph. "Although, I believe that she wanted to tell you in person. Well… maybe not at first. But eventually, she wanted to tell you in person. Or so she said. It's just that circumstances didn't quite allow for this."

"Indeed. I'm guessing I ought you thanks for a recipe book?"

"Oh." Gabriel forgot all about it.

"I started writing all of Claire's favourites down in it with the intention to give it to her. Including a ricotta ravioli which she was so obsessed about." Joseph struggled to get his words out. "Would you like it?"

"Sorry?" Gabriel looked surprised.

"It was meant to be my legacy. As it turns out, you're my son-in-law. You're the closest thing to a child I'll ever have. I think you ought to have it. If you'll accept it, of course."

"Frankly, I'm a shit right-handed cook with no right hand to use." Gabriel pointed at his dead arm.

"What's with it?"

"The bullet ripped nerves and a few fancy veins open. I am paralysed from shoulder to the tip of a finger." Gabriel admitted.

"The bullet that you took while shielding Claire?"

"Yeah, that one."

Joseph shook his head in silence.

"Why did you do it?"

"Because I loved her."

"Well, yeah. But why did you do it?"

"In that split second, I knew that I rather die than live without her."

"And here you are."

"I have one last goal to fulfil before I kick the bucket." Gabriel said honestly.

"What goal?"

"I will make sure that my father will pay for everything wrong that he ever did."

"A revenge?"


"And then?"

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe a pack of pills or a bullet in the head."

Joseph's stern eyes landed on Gabriel.

"Seems tempting, doesn't it?" Joseph asked.

"I can't see any other option." Gabriel looked down.

"I know that it's going to sound cliche, but she wouldn't want that."

"She wouldn't want me smoking either." Gabriel said with a sad smile.

"Did she make you quit too?"

"Kind of." Gabriel smiled at a memory. "I offered her my jacket when it was cold and she said that it smelled like she was going to get lung cancer by just wearing it."

"When she was a teen she did a whole presentation on why I should quit smoking, with all of the fancy references and medical papers, and a strong conclusion that if I continue I'll have less time with her." Joseph laughed. "I could've kept smoking after all." He added with a sneer. Gabriel looked at Joseph in surprise, not expecting the dark sense of humour from him. "I'm guessing you've decided not to stay around tonight."

"No, I'll return home now." Gabriel spoke quietly. "I did wonder if you'd rather stay in our home instead of Mr Best's?" Gabriel offered.

"Our home?" Joseph repeated.

"I do apologise. It's a habit." Gabriel said quickly.

"Did Claire live with you?"

"She did."

"I hope that it was better than her rat-infested apartment."

"I'd say so."

"She always wanted to be so independent. It was ridiculous at times." Joseph shook his head.

"Yeah, she was." Gabriel nodded. "I had a fair share of experiences with that. Anyways, here's my phone number." Gabriel took out his business card. "Let me know if you need anything. I'll take care of it."

"Whatever could we need?"

"Anything, Mr Thompson." Gabriel said as he shook the last of the ash off his cigarette.

"I think you gave us enough."

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked in surprise.

"I suspect that the money we've got as Claire's inheritance belonged to you." Joseph smiled. "We do not want it though. I don't think we could ever take that much."

"Sorry?" Gabriel looked at Joseph in surprise.

"The Ten Million Pounds that we were given. We do not want it." Joseph shook his head.

Gabriel wasn't too sure what money Joseph spoke of as he wasn't aware of it.

"I've promised Claire to take care of you." Gabriel said quietly. "I know that you may hate me but I wish to do what I can to make you and your wife comfortable."

"We can speak of it after the funeral. You're a family after all. You're welcome here. Even if I didn't give you the right kind of welcome. My wife is much better at this." Joseph placed his hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "We're here for you too. I understand that you want to go home tonight. But… our family is here. Our family is now your family. Besides, my mother is smitten with you. She has been going around telling everyone of a pretty boy." Joseph laughed as he looked up into the sky. "My child never ceased to surprise me. Even now she found a way."

"Mr Thompson…" Gabriel said quietly as the man let go off his shoulder, readying to go back inside. "I will end that trial. You and your wife will be able to live in peace at last. I promise."

"There's no peace for us, Gabriel. Have a good night." Joseph answered before disappearing inside again.

Gabriel hesitated before leaving.