I've told them

Only once Gabriel was by the door to the lobby that he realised that he hasn't even attempted to conceal his arm in the sling. A very dead arm that he hated with a passion and sometimes wondered if amputating it wouldn't be simply easier. It just kept getting in his way and made things more difficult.

But that thoughts disappeared as soon as he entered the lobby. There was no picture of Claire beside his anymore. He remembered that she left the company. He remembered how with a heavy heart he had to deal with this aspect of it too. How he had to remove Claire from all of their marketing material. He regretted it now. He regretted letting her do it. He regretted not being able to see those pictures now. They would have been painful to look at but… this was worse.

Actually, he realised that there was something worse very quickly.

He stood in front of the open elevator door. He couldn't take a step forward. That very elevator was where he first spotted Claire in his company. It was when he was an absolute dickhead to her. It was where he held her hand in secret as they were going up to their offices.

"Good morning, Mr Moore." A man's voice snapped him back. He looked around to find a pair of black eyes peering at him from behind a pair of thick-framed glasses.

Gabriel gave the man a nod. He had only ever seen him this close once before. He looked him up and down. He scrutinised him carefully. He wore dark denim trousers held by a brown leather belt, with a dark blue shirt tucked in and a tweed jacket.

Gabriel only now realised that he hadn't worn his tailored suits since the accident. He wore his dark jeans and a t-shirt hidden under a light blue sweater. All hidden under his light brown coat. The very same one that he wore to his first date with Claire once she returned from her parents. Now he knew where she was when she was away.

The man held the door to the elevator open for him so he, at last, entered it. He pressed the button to his floor and noticed the man press the button to the thirty-sixth floor. He had to swallow down the upcoming tears.

"I'm so sorry, Mr Moore." Pierre Martin said with unexpected warmth after a few moments of silence.

"Huh?" Gabriel looked at him surprised.

"For the shooting incident." Pierre nodded at his arm.

"Thank you." Gabriel looked ahead.

"I sincerely wish you the best recovery."

Pierre bowed his head at him before he left the elevator.

Gabriel looked behind him. Harry mentioned a Frenchman. Pierre was the only Frenchman that he knew Claire knew well enough. She barely knew Jacque. But Pierre… Pierre wasn't a government worker. Pierre was a CEO of a company with electronics if he remembered correctly. Besides his dislike for that man, there was absolutely nothing suspicious about him.

And somehow, he didn't dislike him that much at this moment. Perhaps part of him understood why Claire had a crush on him when they were younger. Pierre was outgoing, fun, and kind. At least now. Although he did interrogate Jacque about him and he was told that Pierre used to be very quiet and shy, even if Jacque didn't know him back then. Claire used to be quiet and shy. They fitted. But he still didn't like the thought of Pierre and Claire. But then he was glad that Pierre was nice to her back when he wasn't there. She needed kindness. She needed people to support and like her. She needed Gina and Zoe.

Pierre was nicer to her than he was. Pierre made her laugh when he couldn't. That was what made him jealous. Now, he understood it. He understood that his jealousy wasn't caused by Claire or Pierre but by his own inadequacy and his own insecurities. He wasn't able to make Claire happy back then. And once he started to learn, she was gone.

Gabriel slumped as his chest tightened again. The elevator door opened on his floor revealing his immediate employees. All stared at him in surprise.

"Gabriel?" Mark stood up in surprise and hurried towards him. Gabriel forgot that he would be there. He slowly straightened out and put his left hand out to stop Mark from approaching him. He straightened out and walked out of the elevator.

"Where's Gordon?"

"He's in a meeting. He should be back soon." Mark furrowed his brows. "You weren't meant to be back for another two weeks." He looked at Gabriel's state quickly realising that he wasn't work ready. He still hasn't showered and looked like a ghost.

"It's not work. Not yet. That distraction can wait." Gabriel bend over trying to catch a breath. He was feeling dizzy and overwhelmed.

"Look, you're not well. You could've just called." Mark patted him on his back.

"I need to speak to Gordon. And get all information you can from Watters."

"What's going on?"

"The entire thing was orchestrated. Everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Claire's Last Will was prepared while I was in the States. Same as the accounts. And packages and gifts. She saw someone while I was away."


"A government worker from National Crime Agency." Gabriel panted as he tried to steady his breath. "Harry reported that she knew him. Don't tell me that this isn't suspicious. And the packages, gifts, letters."

"What packages? Gifts? Letters?"

"She left a gift on my desk for our anniversary, one gift with her uncle with a letter attached to it, documents with Watters, and I received a package."

"What were they?"

"The gifts were…" Gabriel's voice broke. "Sorry." He wiped his tears away.

"Let's get you in your office." Mark decided to lead Gabriel back to the ever-so-familiar room. Unchanged and untouched. "Go on." Mark urged him. "She left me a CD with a recording of her playing piano and this." Gabriel wriggled a finger with a wedding ring. "Those were the gifts. And the letter was very much so a confession of her love for me." Gabriel sobbed. "And she… she left me a list of locations of evidence incriminating my father and I've got it through Watters. And I've received a USB in the mail. I don't think it was her handwriting but… it was more evidence against my father. This time not linked to his damned company."


"No." Gabriel shook his head. "The shooting. It was evidence of his involvement in the shooting." A wave of sob passed through him again, reminding him of all of the aches within his body. "I was the target. Not Claire. I was meant to be shot. Claire was meant to be blamed. He wanted to destroy her reputation first. He wanted to put doubt in everyone. He…"

"I was going to see you later today because there's something else that has been sent to you in here," Mark admitted pointing at the envelope on Gabriel's desk. Gabriel nodded through the tears and sat down. He didn't recognise the handwriting. It was different again.

He opened it and started reading a series of printed documents. Mark stood there silently, waiting to see what it was.

Gabriel stood up and picked the nearest thing - a plant pot with a cactus - and he threw it at the wall with a roar. Mark didn't flinch. It wasn't aimed anywhere near him. And he saw plenty of this before.

"He's a fucking monster!" Gabriel threw the documents across the desk towards Mark.

Mark started reading and his eyes widened. Mark looked at the documents carefully, trying to find the name. He found a note at the back of it. A sticky note in the same colour as a piece of paper. He passed it to Gabriel whilst he continued reading.

The documents revealed more truths that they didn't ever see before. The harrowing truth of just how much Michael Moore did. The truth they didn't see coming.

The investigation report showed that both, Jennifer and John Smith were most likely murdered. A worker and his wife, for whose death Claire was blamed, both were murdered.

Not only that, there was enough evidence to show that even the initial accident at the building site was an attempted murder. Once that hasn't occurred, Michael Moore ensured that Claire was to be blamed for their deaths by orchestrating that murder too.

Gabriel slumped in his chair, his fury growing further. It was already at inhuman levels.

"Fuck." That's all that Mark uttered.

Gabriel looked at the note that said: 'I hope it helps. Truly, E.C.'.

"Who the heck is E.C.?!" Gabriel mumbled.

"Whoever it is, that is enough to clear Claire's name and to further incriminate your father."Mark sat down opposite Gabriel. "What are you planning to do?"

"Watch the news." Gabriel started laughing hysterically. "I've been ambushed on the way in."

"If you have warned me, security would have been waiting for you." Mark huffed.

"I wasn't planning on coming on. It was a spontaneous decision."

"I gathered." Mark frowned. "When did you last have a shower?"

"Don't smell me and we're good." Gabriel replied honestly. He didn't even remember. The days blurred into an endless nightmare. "I'm suing my father. And now more than in one way. Not only his company. Him."

"And you've said that to the reporters?"

"I did. If he's coming for me I might as well welcome him." Gabriel smiled wickedly.

"Gabriel, I don't want to be an ass but I found out much more about your father and his company. And it is not looking promising on your side."


"He is very heavily entangled in the number of criminal organisations."


Mark nodded.

"That explains a lot."

"And you've just taken a right dive in by voicing that challenge." Mark grumbled, now even more concerned for his friend's safety.

"Don't worry. I have very little left to lose." Gabriel laughed.

"That is exactly why I'm worried. You can't be like that. You can't just give up."

"I didn't come here for a lecture." Gabriel said as he looked down at his hand and the ring on it.

"You came out of the house." Zoe barged in with Gina a few steps behind. Gabriel looked surprised at them, forgetting that they both worked for his company.

"That's a good sign." Gina smiled.

"That's what you think." Mark replied with a clear bite in his voice.

"Well, it's a change." Gina admitted as she started fiddling with her fingers, feeling slightly nervous. It was the first time that she was in Gabriel's office and she didn't have Zoe's careless nature.

"Why are you so pessimistic?" Zoe asked Mark with furrowed brows.

"How did you know where to find us?" Mark asked in return, omitting an answer.

"Pierre said that he saw our lovely CEO on the way in. I thought I'll pop by and say hi and see what you're both scheming."

"I'm not scheming." Mark said quickly.

"I suspect that he is." Zoe pointed at Gabriel. He looked surprised. He missed it. He missed Zoe grumpily blaming all that was bad on him and teasing him. He missed Gina's warm and reassuring smile. And he missed Mark being Mark. Sometimes cocky and sometimes obedient, but always loyal, to the bone. For a few seconds, he expected Claire to follow them and say something that would make them all laugh. It hurt even more that it didn't happen.

"Let's go for a coffee." Zoe suggested, tapping Mark on his shoulder. "And some cake."

Mark looked at Gabriel unsurely. He awaited his response. But Gabriel didn't think that the invite was extended to him at first.

"Gabriel?" Zoe called out to him snapping him out of his thought. "Coffee? As black as your soul?"

He nodded and followed them out of his office, tucking yet another mysterious delivery into his coat.

He sat down with them in the nearby cafe, where he once begged Claire on his knees to give him a second chance. He stared at that spot absentmindedly as Zoe ordered them coffee and cakes. He hasn't said a word as he sipped on a coffee, still staring into the distance.

The remaining trio did not draw attention to it. They just made sure that he was aware of their presence.

"How many Frenchmen did Claire know?" Gabriel asked into the open, unintentionally cutting into their conversation that he didn't even hear although it happened right by his ear.

"Pierre Martin." Gina answered with a smile.

"Jacque." Mark added.

"Anyone else?"


"That's an odd question." Gina pointed out.

"I know. It's just…" Gabriel sighed.

"You're still getting hung up on stuff." Mark pointed out.

"I am."

"Maybe you should drop it for now?"

"It is quite likely never going to happen." Gabriel crossed his arm with the one in a sling. Zoe's eyes caught the ring.

"Nice jewellery." She said with a weak smile.

"Thank you. It's from Claire." Gabriel stretched his left hand out to her to show it. He wanted to show off. Zoe grabbed his hand and studied it with genuine curiosity.

"I don't think I saw a design quite like it before. Do you think it's custom-made?" She asked curiously.

"I do not know."

"I like that silver line across it." Zoe pointed at the thin line at the front.

Gabriel nodded in agreement. He didn't really care how it looked, but the meaning was most important to him.

"Mr Moore announced that he will continue the trial in Miss Thompson's stead." The radio sounded somewhere in the background. Zoe's eyes shot up at Gabriel yet his gaze was still distant. "It was one of the revelations made today whilst he showed up by the Diamond Corporate this morning."

"I think the most shocking revelation was to find out that our city's most legitimate bachelor was not a bachelor after all." Another reporter chimed in.

"You spoke to the press?" Zoe tilted her head.

"Yeah, something like that." Gabriel nodded again.

"He was ambushed by the reporters as he arrived." Mark quickly explained.

"What's your plan?" Zoe continued asking.

"My plan?" Gabriel looked at her as if he just noticed her.

"Did you consider that the news of your marriage might not be the best idea right now? What if they work out that it was Claire?"

"They know."


"I've told them." Gabriel shrugged.

"Have you thought how hurtful it'll be for Claire's family to find out from the media after their daughter's death?" Zoe asked sharply.

"They already know. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dared."

"Did Claire tell them?"

"She told her mum that we were dating. I've told her parents last week that we were married."

"How did they take it?" Gina asked curiously, and with slight concern.

"Once Mr Thompson stopped trying to punch me and I've got to explain things, it went well. They were surprised, or rather shocked, of course, but I think that it went better than I could've ever imagined."

"Claire's dad tried to punch you?"

"That was as soon as he saw me, not because I was married to his daughter."

"And after he knew that you two were married?"

"Well, I was fed by Nonna, spoke with Leanne and she seemed quite happy about the whole thing. Adam Best gave me the package and a letter, and the package turned out to be this ring, and then I managed to speak to Mr Thompson on my way out and he was surprisingly welcoming. We had a cigarette outside together."

"You're smoking again." Mark said more as a matter of fact than a question.

"Not fully yet, no. The cigarette with Mr Thompson was the first one. I had my second and third one when you gave me some earlier on."

I'm not surprised about Nonna. You will find that if you ever step foot into Claire's family home, you'll be fed." Gina said with a smile as she remembered the times that she was fed by Claire's family.

"So, you do not know of any more French men that Claire could've known?" Gabriel asked hopefully.

"No." They shook their heads.

"Why are you so hung up on it?" Zoe asked but Gabriel was back to staring at a spot where Claire sat when she returned; when he begged; when he was the happiest man on Earth.

"It's better not to ask. He's getting fixated on stuff." Mark answered for him.

"What stuff?"

"He believes that Claire's death was orchestrated."

"Orchestrated?" Zoe repeated.

"Planned." Gabriel looked back at her.

"How could she plan being hit by a car with faulty breaks?" Zoe squinted her eyes.

"That's what I'm trying to work out."

"And what does a French man have to do with it?"

"That's also what I'm trying to work out." Gabriel repeated.

"So, you've got nothing?"

"Not yet. But soon." Gabriel said confidently.

Gordon stepped into the cafe and quickly walked up to them.

"Mr Moore, Mr Pattison left me a message that you were looking for me." He said quickly. His gaze studied Gabriel's state carefully.

"Thank you for the coffee and cake. I'll pay you back." Gabriel said to the trio as he stood up.

"Well, I've used your money so…" Zoe shrugged. He looked at her in confusion but Mark waved at him so he walked away with Gordon.

"Can we walk back to my car together?" Gabriel asked.

"Of course, Mr Moore."

"I only have one question and I beg you to be honest."

"Of course, Mr Moore."

"When I was in the States, I believe that Claire came to see you. What did she speak of about you? It was back in November. Just over a month ago."

"The last time I spoke to Claire face-to-face she left me all of her work-related folders and explained all the policies that she was hoping to implement before she resigned. She went through the company expansion plans with me and a few other bits."

"So, it was all work-related."


"Okay." Gabriel nodded before he put his left hand out for a handshake. "Thank you, Gordon, for taking such good care of Diamond Corporate while I'm away. I am genuinely thankful for all that you did in the last few weeks."

"It's not trouble. I'm just trying my best. And I had a great mentor." Gordon smiled. "I'm sorry about her. My deepest condolences."

It was the first time he heard from someone outside the 'inner circle'.

"Thank you." They shook hands and Gabriel packed himself in the back of a car, very ready to go back home.