Blissful morning

"You're too generous, Ragazzo." Nonna said as she watched Gabriel put the ravioli together. "Too much filling."

"Sorry, Nonna." Gabriel smiled. He was focused on the task, furrowing his brows as he always did. He used his right hand to support the dough, and left hand to move it around. He was still quite clumsy but he did well.

Claire watched it from the side and smiled. A tear escaped her eyes.

"I'm so glad that you're here." Leanne rolled up to her. "You've picked a good one."

"I know." Claire nodded as she wiped the tear away.

"He might've showed me your marriage contract and he might've mentioned how it came to be. I am not going to scold you. God forbid. But rather I wanted to ask you a single question."

"Yes, mum?"

"Do you love him?"

"Yes." Claire answered without hesitation. "Maybe not at first, but over time I managed to see him for who he truly was. And now… I can't imagine it any other way."

"I'm glad."

"I'm sorry, mum. I'm sorry for not telling you about Gabriel. I'm sorry for faking my death to get this to an end. I'm really sorry for hurting you. For hurting everyone."

"I'm not without fault, child. You would never had to suffer if I didn't do what I did. I should be the one apologising. All I can say right now is that I am beyond happy to have you back. Not every mother gets to have their child come back from the dead."

"You did what was right."

"And so did you." Leanne smiled. "What will you do next?"

"I'm not sure. I will need to find a new challenge."

"Is it going to put you in danger?"

"Hopefully not."

"I'd hope so." Leanne smiled as she looked back at Gabriel. "Do you think Diane will stay?"

"I honestly don't know. I don't think she ever intended to come back. I've forced her. I don't think she'll forgive me."

"Maybe. But I don't think she would've forgiven herself if she haven't seen Gabriel again. And Eva. Eva should be here soon too."

"You know Eva too?"

"Well, I've known them before. But yes. I've managed a chat with Eva during the funeral and we stayed in touch afterwards."

"Hmm… I don't think I remember much of them from before."

"Maybe not. I've told about it to Gabriel and he does vaguely remember it. He didn't realise at first that it was you who bossed him around whenever I've had a meeting with Diane. Maybe nothing much has changed."

"I am not bossing Gabriel around." Claire said defensively.

"I don't think you have to. It looks like he will do whatever you want."

"Possibly." Claire smiled.

"This life is going to bore you to death." Leanne laughed. Claire looked over at her mum in surprise. "After all this years I can't imagine any of us living normally. And I can't imagine you living without challenge."

"I'll try." Claire shrugged.


Gabriel looked up and smiled at Claire. He still had to make sure that she was there even though he was trying to prove his newly acquired skills.

As the evening went on, more and more people arrived in Adam's house, including Zoe, Mark, Gina, Joe, and Eva.

Some reacted differently than others. Alex seemed to give her a bit of cold shoulder. Zoe was all over the place. Gina was still processing it and rather quiet. Eva was more on the squealing in happiness side of things. And then there was Gabriel who kept checking on her and holding her hand. He needed to feel her to remind himself that she was real.

It was an early morning when the first people started leaving.

Claire was keen to lay down in a dark and quiet room beside Gabriel. She was surprised by how much of Gabriel was in this room. He had a few changes of clothes and a pyjamas there. It was apparent that he was around her family quite a bit in the past few weeks. But her head still struggled computing it. It was as if two sides of her brain clashed. Two lives that she lived so separately, clashed with a boom and merged while she was looking away.

She didn't hate it. Quite opposite. She loved how Gabriel smiled as he felt useful while helping her dad and Nonna. She loved the compliments he was receiving. She loved that he was loved. She didn't expect any less of her family but it was so heartwarming to actually see it.

She carefully placed her head on his chest.

"What's bothering you?" Gabriel asked in a soothing tone as he played with a strand of her hair.

"Not much." Claire said honestly. She felt Gabriel tense up. He knew better than she did. "I was asked to meet the agent that helped me out. I am worried about it." She admitted without revealing Pierre's name.

"Would you like me to accompany you?"

"No. It won't be necessary."


"How was your mum?" She decided to change the topic.

"It's complicated." Gabriel answered shortly. "I am glad that she's alive and well. I won't blame her if she chooses to continue with her new life even if I'll miss her. If she chooses to stay here, I will welcome her with open arms."

"That's very thoughtful of you."

"My mum went through a lot. I could never make her stay here as her past is here." Gabriel hesitated. "Same goes for you. The difference is that I'll go wherever you'll go."

"Thank you." Claire snuggled her face into Gabriel's neck. "You became Nonna's boy!"

"I know." Gabriel hugged Claire more tightly and kissed the top of her head. "I am not losing that privilege so if you wanna upset her you deal with it yourself."

"Incredible." She shook her head.

"Our new home isn't going to be ready for a while. The plans you've prepared are going through approvals. We need to work out where we will go."

"I don't care about a mansion. What about an apartment?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I always found the villa too big. We could go for days without seeing one another. I don't think I'd like that."

"No. Definitely not." Gabriel agreed as the first ray of sun started creeping in through the window. "I want you in my line of sight at all times."

"Uh-huh." Claire agreed in almost a purr as she started to fall asleep. "I love you, cuore mio." She whispered before her light snore sounded into Gabriel's ear. Gabriel smiled gleefully. There was nothing better in the world than this moment. It was a truly blissful morning to sleep.