
Claire moved to a new flat which was much nicer using her joining bonus and this felt like a first step in a good direction. She accepted the counselling sessions with Dr Parker and she willingly took her medication. She no longer tried to fight the diagnosis of psychotic depression but accepted that something was very wrong with her head.

A new job was very different to anything she did before. She was sure that Emilia wanted her in a department solely to stop at every design and ask whether it can be made any more sustainable. The head of the department seemed agitated by it but he never voiced it, after all she was recruited by the CEO himself. She considered herself lucky with it.

She also realised Emilia's amazing work as Emilia's presentations were sued during training. Emilia shared Claire's passion for sustainability which was definitely a reassurance that Claire was doing the right thing.

One day the head of department decided to resign in favour of a different company. Christopher bid him a farewell and then offered that position to Claire who took it with enthusiasm. It took her months to learn of all the products and technologies behind it, but once she had a strong fundamentals she was extraordinary in her new role. She was just as good if not better than at Diamond Corporate.

One day the glimmer vanished out of Christopher's eyes and Claire knew. Emilia was gone. She didn't know what happened or why but Emilia left Christopher. Even the best of pairs seemed to split up. There was no hope in this world.

Claire's work gained enough of traction in tech world that Christopher was eager to send her to a conference in Los Angeles. Claire wasn't as enthusiastic but she agreed. The event was rather dull and Claire was glad to arrive back at the London Heathrow airport, trying to work out which way she should go to catch a train.

"Claire?" A familiar voice sounded behind her. Claire froze. She then slowly turned around to find a young woman she barely knew.

"Rosa?" Claire mumbled with surprise. Rosa was the last person she expected to see.

Rosa looked at Claire up and down recognising that things weren't going too well for Claire.

"I have an apartment where we can talk." Rosa said decisively. It was an odd invitation but Claire nodded silently. She followed Rosa into a taxi and then through the maze of small streets, up to the grey and unimpressive building. They've walked into a small one bedroom apartment on the third floor. Rosa pointed Claire to the sofa as she went to search through her cupboards, quickly brewing some tea for them.

"What happened?" Rosa asked as she sat down next to Claire.

"I-…" Claire started but before she continued she felt her chest tighten and sobs escape her.

"Oh no." Rosa passed her a tissue. "Tell me."

"I don't know. I don't understand what happened."

"You vanished. I've tried to track you but there was not a sign of you!"

"I don't know how I've got there but I regained my consciousness in some dodgy sanatorium."


"Switzerland. Middle of nowhere. It was a mental facility of sorts."

"What happened?"

"They've told me that I shot myself. They've told me that I suffer from psychotic depression. They've told me that I was delusional. And then when I was released, after pretending that I believe all of that, nothing was right. My family and friends are gone and I cannot find them. Everyone I know is gone."


"Yes." Claire started to sob. "But… I found Gabriel."

"That's good!"

"No." Claire shook her head. "He avoided me. He acted as if he didn't know me. I don't know if he truly doesn't know me or if he is lying. I am pretty certain that it is Gabriel and not some doppelgänger. But everything is wrong." Claire's sobs grew in strength. "For the last few months I have started to believe that I did indeed had a psychotic breakdown but… you're here! You're still you. And you know me!"

"Of course I do." Rosa mumbled. Then she went silent as Claire sobbed. Rosa's silence was unnerving. "Gabriel doesn't remember you?" Rosa asked quietly, looking down at her own hands.

"As unbelievable as it is, he doesn't. When I approached him he sneered in my face and asked for evidence. I have none."

"It's believable." Rosa said as if she tried to be reassuring. She wasn't as good at this, but her face showed that she had some thought, an idea perhaps.

"Nothing from before that time exists. No one is around. No one."

"Michael Moore and Group X must've missed me." Rosa nodded. "You're an expert in gathering experience. Think of anything that was off paper, anything that might have glimpses of your past. I'll see what I can do. We can get you that evidence."

"You must think that I'm crazy."

"No." Rosa replied shortly.

"Why do you believe me?"

"You asked me once whether I have someone. I believe that I answered that it was complicated. You might not believe it but something similar happened to me. The person that I loved has lost their memory. He had an accident where a metal pole pierced through his head so it kind of explains it. I wonder what happened to Gabriel though. It makes no sense." Rosa rubbed her face. "The difference is that Gabriel kept his identity. Edmund didn't. He became an entirely new person."

"I'm so sorry." Claire mumbled. "How long ago did it happen?"

"A few years."

"Did he ever remember anything again?"

"No." Rosa shook her head, her curls bouncing around her pale face. Then she smiled sadly. "He might not remember it but his emotions and feelings must've lurked around. We have been dating. I didn't had a heart to tell him yet that I knew him before his accident and that we have dated before. One day I will. I guess that you did approach Gabriel directly?"


"That might be a good thing It may make some things easier." Rosa propped her chin on her hand. "And if not, maybe Gabriel will fall in love with you again. How did he fall in love with you the first time round? What did you do?"

"I was mostly unapproachable and angry at him."

"I'm not sure how that's going to work out for you." Rosa still thought carefully. "But it won't hurt to gather evidence. You can try to naturally infiltrate his circles."

"That is going to be a challenge." Claire started calming down. Rosa was great at bringing her towards problem solving. "Everyone I know is gone. I have no one to hook onto to get back into those social circles."

"I'm sure that you'll find a way."

Claire smiled at Rosa feeling a new bout of hope.

"Thank you, Rosa."

"Tell me exactly what happened since we last spoke." Rosa requested. Claire then went to explain what has happened, that she broke into Moore Pharmaceuticals, that Gabriel followed her, that they were tortured, that she was shot, and then how she woke up in the Sanatorium. Rosa listened, not doubting a single word. It was a long evening after which Claire was given some contact details to get in touch with Rosa when needed and then she returned to her new home.