I love you

As the weeks have passed, Claire and Gabriel were often going on dates, doing things 'properly' this time round. Claire was keen on continuing to work at Crimson Tech, at first still living in Guildford and after a few months they've moved into a penthouse together within the city centre as Claire was able to work remotely more.

One evening they were sat in a restaurant in a very building that Gabriel once bought for her.

"What do I do with Moore Pharmaceuticals?" Gabriel asked Claire as they continued their conversation.

"It is your name. Make it something good." Claire answered as she looked up at Gabriel with her widest smile. "If you allow, I have just the right person to suggest for this."


"Dr Emilia Vincent-Hayden." Claire replied. "She was the sustainability advisor for Crimson Tech but her background is in research. With her research, values on sustainability, and business experience I think she can make something good with it."

"I'll take that into account. What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Are you happy in Crimson Tech?"

"I think so. I never thought I'd say that but making electronic devices more sustainable is a big challenge and I learnt to like that."

"But…" Gabriel hesitated. "You're a designer."

Claire smiled softly again.

"I was a designer. And I still am a designer at heart." She agreed.

"What about Diamond Corporate?"

"I don't think my future lies there." Claire admitted.

"I'm not sure whether my future lies there either." Gabriel furrowed his brows. "I was thinking of leaving Gordon in charge."

"Oh, that is interesting."

"Actually, no. I had someone else in mind. But it might be risky. He doesn't have business degree and a lot that he knows is a second hand experience."

"Go on." Claire's interest was piqued.

"Mark Pattison?"

Claire froze for a moment before she smiled again.

"Absolutely!" Her smile slowly vanished as she looked at Gabriel with new concern. "But what about you?"

"I have two avenues to explore. Potentially together with you." Gabriel smiled. "First one is a suggestion that you might hate but which I thought I'd put out there. I strongly believe that you should start your own design business and I'd like to be your business partner who does all the mundane management and corporate stuff while you design the best buildings in the world."

"And second?"

"I have received an offer many times to lecture on business courses. I am thinking of doing it part time."

"Both sound amazing." Claire agreed without any further hesitation. "Any more plans that I should be aware of?"

"Perhaps one more plan…" Gabriel smiled mischievously before he went down on one knee and pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket. "Will you marry me?"

Claire paused before nodding eagerly. She struggled to say anything but Gabriel knew her answer. He placed a beautiful ring on her finger before she bend over and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Yes!" She managed at last through the happy tears that graced her face. As she said that, tens of people walked into the restaurant, from corridor and kitchen. Her dad was holding a cake, Zoe and Gina and Mark had lots of sparklers, and everyone dear to them was there. There were balloons and music and banners and celebration like Claire never expected.

"I wanted to do it right this time." Gabriel whispered to Claire shyly when the fireworks went off in the night sky behind them. Claire turned around in awe as the bright colours shined above the river, clearly seen from the tall building that Gabriel once bought on a whim. They both stood up and Claire squeezed Gabriel's hand.

"You did quite alright." Claire said softly, her heart rushing again. "You did rather splendidly, Mr Moore." She planted a kiss on his cheek which was smoothly shaved. It gained colour and shape in the past few weeks.

"I love you, Claire dear." Gabriel said with so much sincerity that it almost exploded Claire's chest.

"I love you, cuore mio." Claire replied with all her emotion bare to him.

"Congratulations!" Zoe and Alex were the loudest to shout with everyone else sharing their joy.

As things settled, Michael Moore was at last in prison. Soon the charges for a murder of Claire Thompson were dropped but the previous evidence was brought back to court. He had a life in prison with no one caring for him, not even his best friends who abandoned the moment he was locked away.

Gabriel then did as he decided. He became a part-time lecturer and he helped set up a very small business for Claire, which within a few years was blooming and Zoe, Gina, and a few previous Diamond Corporated employees (including Derek Wood) joined and grew.

Claire's dad decided to return to England and started to work as a chef in the restaurant that Gabriel bought, making it the next big success.

And amidst all that, Gabriel and Claire planned their very first wedding.
