Making it public?

He could remember the picture he had of what his marriage with his fiancée will be but Lu Mingyu stole it along with his relationship with those he loved and forced his dream into YanJun's reality. Without permission, without a choice.

"You looked like you wanted to return home so I decided that we will leave later this evening," Lu Mingyu announced before sitting down beside YanJun to eat breakfast.

"Okay," YanJun agreed since Lu Mingyu had made the decision already.

"Is there anything you want to do here?" Lu Mingyu asked.

YanJun found that question crazy. He has been here for a concert before but he did not know many people in an interpersonal relationship in the town that he will want to meet neither did he want to go anywhere.

He shook his head and continued to fill his stomach with the food he was served.

"Are you sure?" Lu Mingyu asked the young man who did not hesitate to show how much he wanted to be miles away from him.