Drunk decision

"My name is Yang Meng and I am a kpop idol," Meng found himself slurring in response to the person's question before he asked, "Who are you?"

"Could you put YanJun on the line?" the deep musical voice asked.

"You did not respond to my question," Meng replied when he realized that the question he asked the man was not yet answered. "I aasked you a question first. You need to answer me first," he scolded the man since the man did not seem to be aware of those basic attiquette of speaking with someone.

The person hung up and he brought the phone down staring at the screen of the phone. He scoffed at the thought of the person not responding to his question.

The door of the room opened and a guard walked into the room. Meng looked at the man and smiled. "Did you come to take your boss?" he asked the man wearing a very sheepish smile.