To my surprise I did not black out, but my vision became very blurred. When it finally cleared, Asher was holding me on my side, with his hand pressed to the small hole in my neck. Both of us were human now. "Wow...where in the world, did that come from?" I spoke softly and cracked a smile, then winced at the pain that shot from the wound on my neck. Asher just looked at me with deep concern in his eyes. Did he really care about me? I was grateful that he was here, holding me, caring for me, and being Asher.
"Carnivorous squirrels? Well, that's a bit odd." Asher's left side of his cheek moved up in a slight smile, and then he became serious again. "You know, another werewolf's saliva can be a healing mechanism and a bacteria neutralizer." I blinked carefully and grinned a bit. "Nice excuse for wanting to lick me." I giggled just a little, gritting my teeth slightly. Before my mind could catch up to what was going on, Asher had shifted into his feral form and was licking my wound. It stung at first, but then the pain began to subside. The way his tongue moved over my neck was like an instant electric shock as if ice were being smoothed across the heat pulsing from my neck.
When he stopped, I did not want him to, but I did not say anything. He did not change back into a human; he just curled his body around me and rested my head on the soft fur on his neck.
I did not know what to think about Asher doing this for me; being like this. He was undoubtedly right about the werewolf saliva, something I had not heard about. It did come across a bit odd that his timing was so good. "Asher?" His head tilted up, showing me his attention. "What made you come towards the river? Your timing was perfect." I sat up as he began to shift his body and crossed my legs; I cringed a bit as my neck stung. He was human again and he sat beside me facing the opposite direction with his arms resting on his knees.
"I was out hunting." He looked me in the eyes, which felt like a forever moment. Then he looked straight ahead of him, like his mind had wandered off to another thought. "You are the rarest werewolf I have ever seen." He looked back at me with a questioning look; thinking I knew the exact answer. "Well, I assumed you knew that the Queen is a white werewolf?" I responded with a non-chalant question. He suddenly winced a little, like a realization just hit him. He mumbled slightly, "So, does that mean..."
"That I am the Princess? Yes, I am." His eyes widened a bit as he stared intently at me. "I guess I just thought everyone knew and that it seemed obvious." I stated shrugging apologetically at my own arrogant statement. "Rogues tend to not pay much attention to what goes on in the castle anymore. Everything I have been told about the queen, and you, the princess, was so off. I assume the villagers from the castle think rogues are just monsters then huh?" I smiled and nodded. "Which is obviously wrong." We sat there for a few moments, thinking.
"Can you teach me?" I looked at him, hopeful that he would give me the answer I wanted. "Teach you what?" His lips curled up just a bit as he looked at me curiously. "To hunt. I have no idea how. I know it should be instinct, but I just can't seem to be quiet enough, or quick enough." I blinked slowly. He was surprised at my question, "Well I don't know how we would get away with it...we aren't exactly allowed on each others territory." I had not really thought about that. "What about the South? Or the West?" As I said West, he shot me a worried look and shook his head. "Definitely not the West. Did a girl not come home?"
"You were the one that saved Lerina? Somehow I knew it." I gave a big grin and threw my arms around him, hugging him tight. "Thank you; she is one of my good friends." I could feel his heart pounding in his chest from being so close to him, touching him. My heart was equally pounding against my chest just as hard. As I released him from my hug, his face was a bit pink. I giggled and felt my face heat up as well, so I looked away, pushing my hair back.
"Hunting in the South would be a challenge to be teaching someone who has not yet learned at all." He chuckled slightly and then his face fell back into his normal lip pose. "Well, I suppose...I could...try?" Then he looked at me curiously, as if he were waiting for my approval.
"Yes, I would love that." I gave him a big smile, and then his face suddenly went to stone. Frozen on my face. "What's wrong?" I urged him to tell me what he was thinking. He shook his head and just said, "Nothing." It was not nothing though; he just did not yet trust me enough to tell me. Something from his past bothered him, I knew that much, and it was somehow connected with me.
I suddenly realized that he was not supposed to be on this side of the river; if anyone else comes by the river and smells his scent, it may start a fight between the two clans. I got up, too fast, and started stumbling backwards. Asher instantly caught me. "I think you've lost a bit of blood. So, I wouldn't move too fast if I were you." He chuckled slightly then suggested, "Maybe you should drink lots of water. Have you eaten yet today?" I shook my head slowly. "That so-called squirrel was supposed to be my meal."
"Wait right here, I'll be back." He shifted forms and leapt across the river with ease, gently landing on the other side. He crawled into the forest on his territory; I did not even hear a twig snap or a leaf crunch as he moved. He was stealth itself. I held my neck and got up slowly, shuffling my feet towards the river.
A few moments later, as I was sipping water and dabbing it on my wound, a large dead rabbit plopped beside me. I jumped, startled that I did not see him, or pay attention to my surroundings for that matter. "Oh my, you scared me. That was fast, and I didn't hear a single thing." He gave a wolf smile and grunted.
"That is because I'm known to be the best hunter in my clan. Which reminds me, my uncle expects me to bring something back here soon." Asher settled beside me, dipping his feet in the river. He took the rabbit in his human hands and took a sharp rock out of his trousers. I stared at him skinning the rabbit. The way his hands moved were so gentle and careful, not like most men that have a blood lust to rip into their kill.
"Uncle? What happened to your parents if you don't mind me asking?" I decided to dig into Asher's life, risky maybe, but I want to know, him. He paused with the rabbit half skinned and looked up at me. "They were killed when I was eleven..." Then he heaved a big sigh as he continued, "They went to the castle to make a treaty with the king and queen; they never came back." I stared at him blankly as my heart slowed. I felt as though I could not get air to my lungs. I never remembered anyone coming to the castle for a treaty. I breathed in quickly then let out a breath. I stood up and turned my back towards Asher. I had to think without seeing his eyes staring sadly into mine; like it was my fault his parents died. I know it wasn't, but I am a part of the castle.
"I'm so sorry, Asher." I looked at the river by my feet, with my hands folded in front of me. A hand touched the back of my arm. "Aliana, it's not your fault." As soon as his hand hit my skin, an ice-cold chill went through my body then electrocuted into heat. It was an amazing sensation that only he gave me.
"I know, but it was my people." I stood up after I said that and turned around to face him; he was standing in front of me, and I looked up at him. I never realized how tall he was until I was standing so close to him. This was the closest I have ever been to him, and I have never felt a stronger connection to someone before. It was new to me. I wonder what he feels, if he gets a small electric shock from touching me like I do him.
"Don't worry about it. That was eight years ago, I'm over it." His jaw was tight as he said he was over it. Somehow, I did not believe him. "Maybe you should be hunting for your clan. They're more important than me." I gave him a careful smile and began walking towards the trees. "When do we start your hunting lessons?" I had forgotten all about our agreement already. I turned around and looked back at him. He was pulling off a small diligent smile after he spoke. "Whenever you think is best." His smile grew slightly, "Whenever you're not busy, Princess." I shook my head slightly laughing at his smugness. "How about the day after tomorrow?"
"Be here." He turned around and left with a smile on his face.