Entering the dark crevice was a new sensation that I have never experienced before. It was enclosed like a secret, waiting to be discovered. I could not see anything but that small light at the end. Skimming my hands across the walls I felt indents, scrapes, scratches, and all sorts of different markings. I do not know why I felt safe in here as a human; as we went further as the crevice began getting larger, opening into a large tunnel. The light filtered in more, into a faint glow. I could now slightly see the carvings on the walls. It was like a story line; there were those lizard-like things carved into the wall and a few werewolves I could see. I noticed Asher was now human and was feeling the walls just as I was and trying to look at them closely. "What is this place Asher?" I wondered half to myself, knowing he didn't have an answer. He just shook his head and kept on looking in disbelief.
I moved on past him and entered a giant room where the light was now slightly brighter. All the walls were covered in those drawings and symbols. It was like they had their own language. I could not seem to find a beginning or an end to the markings on the walls, I could not follow a story line if there was one.
"I can't believe there is so much more than what we know out here. I wonder why no one has ventured into the Southern territory." Asher seemed just as blown away as I did from this new discovery. Then I heard rocks roll on the ground and something move; I jumped back towards Asher changing as fast as I ever have before; with my fur standing on end.
"Probably…because…of us." A large creature was standing only eight paws in front of me. Its eyes were large and glistening in the light, they seemed like a deep black. Its teeth were very large in its gaping mouth. Asher stood in front of me glaring at the large creature. "You touch her, and it will be the last thing you're able to do creature." I saw his hands change into paws with his claws extended out and his wolf teeth come out of his skull as he gave a vicious snarl. The creature just stood there staring at us, it seemed to have an amused look on its boney face. "I'm…not the one…outside…of my territory." It spoke slowly and had a voice that was hard to distinguish. "No…wolf…has come…into valcore…territory…since the…second destruction." It was staring at me intently as it spoke in a loud whisper. My voice seemed to be caught in my throat; I was not sure if this thing was going to kill us or not. Asher spoke for me. "Second destruction?" The valcore seemed surprised at his question and glanced over along the walls then back at us. "Have…your people…been hiding…such a past…from its own…?"
"I…may be…but a…young female…yet even I…have heard…the stories…of our past. No matter…how…terrible…it was."
Its eyes were glistening brighter in the light, as if it were holding back a tear, but then that soon vanished, and it blinked and looked at us angrily. "You…should not…even…be here!" Its voice raised, and it began to get hostile. "You…dogs…have almost…extinct us…from existing. The little…of us…that…made it…from…the first…destruction…and you…were nothing…but savages." She spat out her hatred and lunged. Asher instantly reacted and fully transformed, diving for her throat. He pinned the large valcore down to the ground with tremendous strength. Then suddenly let it go, "What are you talking about? We did not even know that you existed. Our people have never ventured into this territory before!" He spat back at her in disbelief and anger that she would blame us for such a thing. She lye on the ground staring at Asher; she had black liquid seeping out of a scratch on her neck from Asher. "So…then it…is true…your people…have buried…the second…destruction. Your people…have been…here. Why else…would they tell…you not…to come here?"
What was this second destruction that she was talking about; then what was the first destruction if there was a second. My voice had found itself and I spoke, "Then why don't you share with us? So, we do know, so we can understand." She suddenly looked at me after glaring at Asher and her eyes slightly softened, "If…your people…do not…want you…to know…then…it is…not…my place…to share…the secrets…that…have been…stowed…away."
The valcore hesitated for a moment before speaking again, "Although…there is…a prophecy…that a priestess…of my kind…has been told…from…the great…lady herself. It…involves…your race." I could not comprehend what this valcore was telling me. She spoke of so much different things than my people could fathom. The great lady? The great lady of what exactly? So many questions I wanted to ask but, I didn't want to dig into her race's private history either. "I should…not even be…associating…with you. Leave! Before…I decide to…tell my…clan; or...worst...kill you...myslef."
"Why wouldn't you anyways?" I decided to pry my options a bit. She looked at me with a worried look in her eyes. "I would not…want to…worry them…about such…prophecy. I…would be too…afraid…of a…third destruction." That is when I noticed a red gem glistening in her forehead; how had I not noticed that before, I wondered if they all had a gem. I shook my head and asked another question, "Then why don't you tell us the prophecy?" She let out a short snort and flicked her boney hand, "What use…would you…have…with such…knowledge? You…don't even know…your race's…past life."
"All our past is, is the fight for Telaerion; that's the only past there is to know. Isn't it? The fight against the few humans that discovered Telaerion." Asher's eyes were intent on her face waiting for a response. The valcore gave an odd chuckle and shook her head. "I…would not know…your race's…past. Your priestess…should know…more than…anyone."
"We don't have a priestess? We have a shaman, but he is just a simple healer." I spoke up suddenly. The valcore just glanced at me and shook her massive head. She beckoned me to come forward with her bone-like claws; I hesitated but then took a few steps toward her, standing between her and Asher. Asher carefully watched the both of us. "My young…wolf…do you…not have…beliefs, or dreams…of another…realm, other…worlds? There is…much more…than your…beloved…Telaerion in this…universe." She walked me to the other side of the cave to a pool of water that I had not seen before. The light was shining from its reflection and onto the walls, creating a waterfall of light. "Now…when I…look upon…the tears…of the…Great Lady…I see…everything…she wants…me to see. What…do you…see?" I had no idea who this Great Lady was, and I did not think I would see anything; then I looked upon the small pool and it felt as if I had fallen in. The water washed over me, and it chilled me briefly as my body was immersed.
My mind was swirling, and it felt like the cave I had just been in moments ago transformed into a dark whirlwind. Then I fell, and I was sitting on, what looked like the Telaerion sky; how I was not falling was just blowing my mind. Then a shimmering light exploded in front of me. A shimmering wolf that had light bouncing from its paws as it walked towards me. It was a massive sized wolf that had a dark outline; like it was from the sky itself. "Why have you forgotten us?" The starry wolf spoke, its voice deep and was filled with sorrow and grief. "What do you mean?" my voice came out a soft whisper. "We are the Guardians of the Kingdom. Protectors of the wolf race. I am the Great Wolf, Rul. Created by God himself." As he spoke more sparkling wolves settled down beside him. "It has been centuries since we were last spoken of. We are slowly fading into the darkness itself. Without the kingdoms beliefs…we are no more. The Werewolf Queen must be reborn. And so, must the heir prophetess." There was so much pain that I could see in their faces and so much sorrow in his voice. "I'm sorry, but I don't understand."
"When you bring us back, you will." Then they suddenly disappeared, and I was standing in a dark forest. It was very still and quiet. I glanced around and not too far off in the distance I saw a woman kneeling in front of another pool, like the one in the cave.
"H…hello? Can you help me?" I spoke to her, but she did not seem to hear me, so I got closer to her, "Where am I?" She still did not look up from the pool; she did not even budge. I tried nudging her, and my hand went straight through, as if I was just a ghost.
A voice spoke from behind me, "Queen Nicandro…the Guardians are displeased with you. You have not yet given the kingdom a daughter." She instantly turned around to see a broad-shouldered man with dark blonde hair. "I don't understand…I have given the kingdom five wonderful warriors, is that not enough. Why can't one of them continue the role of a prophetess." I stared in disbelief as the man imbedded his sword into the woman's chest. He then proceeded to whisper to her, "Your blood is essential to the human race, and without the knowledge, strength, and loyalty of your Guardians…your race is nothing." The man drew his sword back, transformed into a werewolf, and dragged the Queens body away.
The ground fell from beneath me and my body fell with nothing to hold onto. I wanted to scream, and as I was about to, I felt the ground stop and feel cold beneath me. I was back in the cave, with the valcore and Asher beside me. I was suddenly breathing heavily, and my body was trying to maintain a normal temperature, I could not tell if I was hot or cold at the moment. "Now why would she see anything? We have been standing here for a sunset, and nothing has happened." Asher spoke up; I just looked at him with wide eyes, suddenly breathing heavier.