Chapter 18: Fear *Aliana*

How long has this been happening, why would they want to create such a monster; I just could not understand the process of human thoughts. Then the thought just hit me like a fallen tree, the carnivorous squirrels; I looked at Asher and showed him the now healed wound on my neck from the squirrels attempt at killing me. He stared at me then looked to the mutant, then at my neck…he knew exactly what I was thinking. The squirrels were the beginning of them tampering with genetics. I just want to know if they have touched any other species…the valcores maybe. If they injected the valcores with this gene, who knows what could happen. What monstrous creation they would manifest. They would be a mindless beast destroying everything; valcores are already intimidating as it is.

I suddenly decided to transform and whispered to Asher, "We have to tell our clans. We can risk getting into trouble for this information." He looked at me sternly and then nodded. "We will definitely need the wisdom of the others, and the extra numbers to deal with something like this. The two of us cannot do this alone." His voice was pure and full of determination. He knew as much as I did, that this was not just a threat, but as well as the third destruction. I peeked up at the sky and saw something spark. "The Guardians Asher. We cannot be saved without the Guardians help." Asher looked up as well, then back at me and just nodded. I knew he did not understand, but he believes in me, and that was enough.

I went feral and walked away from the human camp, with Asher by my side, but not a few paw steps ahead he stopped and changed once more, "How in all of Telaerion are we going to get the two clans to reunite?" I stopped and looked at him with an odd expression on my face. I had not thought about that yet, so I just sighed and shrugged and continued the walk back; but my brain could not stop the whole way back. How much time did we have to plan things out, and how much time would there be to try and reunite the clans; to be prepared when the humans came to attack. My brain would not stop running like a wild rabbit. Why am I the one to save the clans…and why did my ancestors fail to? There was so much I did not have the knowledge to understand.

By the time Asher and I reached the point where we split up, I had concluded that I was going to tell my mother everything. Since she was the Queen…she has the power to bring the rogues into our clan, but could Asher convince his clan? I could not tell right now, but I knew he was full of determination.

I looked at Asher before I went my separate way. I could not help but shove my muzzle into his. I knew I could not do this alone, nor without him, and I appreciated him for supporting me. I could feel his body tense then relax and heat up as we touched. Then I instantly turned away and walked into the forest, but I could not resist turning around just to see him leap across the river that split the North from the East; he was so graceful, so silent, and so stunningly handsome. I shook my head and closed my mouth before I began drooling, and I silently laughed to myself about how easily he can take my mind off such a massive problem in my life and my whole race…our whole race.

Then I had to produce an explanation as to why I have been gone for a few days…let alone late to the important changing ceremony. I bet the village is in denial and tripping over themselves looking for me. Maybe I could find a quick deer and take it down.

I stuck my nose high in the air and breathed in the fragrances of the Eastern elm forest. The scents of mint, sage, and sweet apples hit my nose. Suddenly another scent hit me, a mammal. I instantly began following the scent of the warm-blood. It was not too far from me now, and then I saw it, a large buck. He was casually grazing on moss from a tall tree, hidden behind a bush. He was so oblivious to my presence. I prepared myself, set my target, crept a bit closer…and then…a snap! I flinched almost jumping in the air like a bird. The buck was startled as well and ran away. I took no notice to the kill anymore and instantly became alarmed, my mind swirling with every thought imaginable. What if the humans sent out scouts and found the territory? I did not think I had the skill or combat experience to kill a human. I tried hiding in a small bush, crouching down, but I was too big. "Who's there? Aliana, I hope that's you." A deep familiar voice spoke my name and I instantly relaxed and popped my head out…it was a group of guards; a few of the head ones that protected my mother. I changed and walked over to them. I guiltily looked at Caiman, the leader of the troop and the one that spoke. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare people." He just glared at me and nodded. He flicked his hand in the direction of the castle and proceeded for me to follow.

I knew Caiman, he has been the family's most loyal guard. He only puts on a stone-cold face when he is around his troop, but when he is just with my mom and I, he is the funniest guy I know. He also tells the best fables; no one could think of such things as Caiman does. I slightly chuckled under my breath at Caimans superior act, but I could tell he was still angry with me. He looked at me and shook his head, I knew this was a serious matter, so I hung my head and followed him.

As I arrived at the village, no one was scrambling to ask where I have been; everyone was just busy with their day as if they had not realized that their princess had been gone for three days. That is until I arrived at the front steps of the castle. "ALIANA SERENA!" My mother's voice came out a hysterical whimper, "Where in all of Telaerion have you been?!" At the queen's voice, everyone stopped to look at me. Then they began to stop what they were doing and crowded around me asking questions that I could barely hear over the others. My mother wrapped her arms around me, but then pushed me away and glared at me, "Well?"

That is when everyone fell silent and looked at me, waiting for my lips to tell them everything.