My heart was racing, my body heating up. I knew everyone was expecting a good explanation of my absence, but I just could not seem to get the words out of my throat. I looked around, at all the faces staring at me; I took a deep breath and spoke, "My dear clan of Telaerion, in my absence I have been venturing into the other territories." I paused for a moment taking a deep breath as I spoke my next words, "with a rogue…" There was gasping and people staring at me like I had lost my mind, almost like I was a traitor, but I held my head up and continued, "I went into the south and discovered a new race, called the valcores. They are intimidating creatures, but the one I came across was somewhat friendly and did not attack us. She showed me something that will save us, all of us. Lerina has already witnessed the human invasion. I went and took another look. The first week I had met a rogue, Asher, was the same week a mutated squirrel had attacked me and bit into my throat; I almost died, but Asher saved me, just like he was the one that had saved Lerina. The humans have been taking our genetics and injecting them into varied species. Today, Asher and I witnessed a human tied up and being injected with our genetics creating the most disgusting looking beast I have ever laid eyes on. I 'am telling you all this, for the safety of all of our lives, so everyone shall be aware of what is going on in our world, and that we are not the only species to exist." I looked at the many facial expressions of each person as I spoke. Some were beyond intrigued and interested, but others were terrified. I noticed from the corner of my eye, my mother staring at me with a mixture of proudness and worry, but once I looked at her, she changed that look to disappointment.
She suddenly stepped in front of me and calmed everyone down, "Be calm everyone we will have a solution for all of this as soon as I talk to Aliana. You will be informed of what we are to do, but please be thankful that Aliana put her life in danger for the sake of us…even though it was adventurous, unnecessary danger." She kind of glared at me at the end of her sentence. "Please go back to your regular day; yet I would prepare extra supplies just in case, and please be prepared for anything." She waved her hand and took my arm, turned around and pulled me into the castle.
She spun me in front of her, sighed and looked at me. "Aliana, first off, how dare you go off outside of our territory, and how dare you associate with a rogue. What has gotten into you?" I looked at her with determination and spoke boldly, "My fate mother. I have seen our past, I have seen our ancestors, and I have spoken to the Guardians. There is so much more to this world than just us and the rogues." She stared at me with wide eyes, and then they softened, "Your father had mentioned this when you were born. The Kings and Queens before us have not given birth to any daughters for a while, and you were the first in many centuries. The Guardians have not been mentioned since the dawn of the werewolves. Since the first King and Queen of Telaerion." I looked at her confused as she continued, "Aliana, the humans have been at bay for many years due to the fact they could not see anything beyond the willows or travel very far without not being accustomed to the territory, but now they are prepared, now they know what lies in Telaerion. The Guardians seem to have chosen you to save Telaerion; which is exactly what your father and I were afraid of. Such a big task for such a young lady." She caressed the side of my face with sadness and a hint of fear in her eyes.
I began to get upset with her for not mentioning this to me a long time ago, "Mother…why did you not tell me this ages ago? I could have prepared! I could have come up with a different idea! I would have had more time to prepare myself!" She looked at me as if her heart had sunk a little more, "Because I am willing to take your place. You are not yet ready for something so big." She looked away from me, "You are not yet ready to lead an army, nor ready to see your people die. I am willing to take them into battle against the humans; even if that means leaving you behind." My heart dropped as she spoke, "Mother you can't do this, I can't lose you too!" I could not help my voice from cracking, my mother was going into battle when I am the one the Guardians have chosen. I cannot allow our people to lose their Queen. "Mother you have a kingdom to look after, who will look after it if you died?" She looked at me with an obvious answer, "You, of course." She gave me a soft smile.
"B…but I can't. You said I couldn't even lead an army, what makes you think I can lead a kingdom?" She gave me a smile and threw her arms around me, "They are two completely different things. I know for a fact you are ready to be a Queen; leading an army, is heart breaking, devastating, and more difficult than anything imaginable." I embraced her hug as if it were the last one, I would give her.
Then I pushed her away and looked straight at her with a bold face, "We can't do this alone. The rogues…we need them, and they need us." I took in a deep breath, I was about to suggest we could try and ask the valcores for help as well, but then I remember the Prophetess say they would kill a wolf on sight. She was right, this was not their war, at least not yet; not until the humans discover them as well.
My mother looked away to the front door of the castle then back at me, "I don't think the rogues would take to us becoming allies once more. It's been a long time since we weren't fighting each other."
"Mother I can just go talk to Asher, and he will let me talk to his clan…hopefully." I suggested what I thought would work, plus I had not seen Asher in days. My mother let me go and beckoned to Caiman, "You and two other soldiers must go with her into the northern territory. She must speak to this…Asher and get the rogues to side with us. Also, we must make extra preparations for extra supplies." Caiman nodded and then went into the other room where we kept a lot of our armor and weapons. He grabbed some light armor and a small sword. He handed me the small sword in a halter. I shook my head and pointed to my bow on my back. "Your bow won't be particularly good for up close and personal battles. Always have different strategies in every situation." Then he pointed to his two men, "That is why I have a bowman with a dagger, and a man with a long sword and shield. Then there's me; I carry two light swords and sometimes I bring an axe." He gave me a small grin then bowed to my mother, "My lady I will protect Aliana no matter what." She rested her hand on his shoulder, "I know you will." Then she beckoned to the second guard in command, "I would like you to stay and assist me with the towns people, they have become very antsy since Aliana has returned and announced a dreadful situation without my consult." She raised her eyebrows at me to que her disagreement at my approach but then she turned away. Caiman bowed before her and then to me as he followed. Halfway up the stairs she looked back at me, "Be safe my daughter, I will never be too far from you." She placed her hand over her heart before turning around and proceeding back up the stairs.
Caiman threw some mail chest armor at my feet, then beckoned that I go put it on quickly, apparently, he was planning on leaving immediately. I didn't even have time to bathe or look remotely decent. I heaved a sigh once more and went into another room. It was the lower-level washroom; I at least washed my face and fixed my hair up into a tight ponytail.
When I came out of the washroom, all three of them were standing at the door. They all bowed to me and then Caiman offered his hand, I took it and he led me out to the stables by the blacksmith. The rhiadorns have already been prepared; they gave me a bulky white stallion with a black splotch on his face. I smiled at the fact that I had a gray streak on my tail when I was in my feral form. I patted the rhiadorn's muzzle and then climbed onto his back. I thought to myself, if only we could tame a unicorn, if only they were so easily found. The unicorns of Telaerion were a magnificent species; we think of them as a rare species, but that is what we thought of the valcores as well. I have only seen one unicorn in my lifetime. It was when I was four years old, both my father and mother took me to the river on a hot day and played with me. My father had explained how rhiadorns were descendants of unicorns. That was an incredibly good day. I shook my head and paid attention to where I was steering the rhiadorn. I had almost run into Caiman; he was leading, and the other two men were behind me.
As we got closer to the rogue territory, I could feel that something was a bit off about it. Usually, I would embrace it knowing that I was just a bit closer to Asher, but this time it felt dangerous.