Chapter 24: Panic

Not being able to stand to lie here anymore, I went back into the castle and went straight to the infirmary, where Aliana was sitting up…alive. Her eyes glowed when she saw me and so did my heart as I was overcome with relief. I went over and hugged her, I wanted to hug her so tight, but I knew how hurt she had been. My wounds have seemed to already be half healed, which I had never noticed that the rogues heal faster than the castle wolves until I overheard the healer say it himself. "Aliana, you are one of the bravest women I have ever had the honor to come to know." She giggled at me and smiled, but then just as quickly as her happiness came, it faded into a saddened smile. "Something terrible is about to happen Asher. We need to warn your clan immediately and locate the progress of the humans and how quickly they are moving towards us." Then she cupped her hand to my ear, "I need to talk to the prophetess; I need answers."

Answers to what, I was not sure of what she had meant; all I knew, is that I would follow this girl anywhere. I searched her eyes for fear, to see if she was afraid; afraid of anything, but all I saw in those gorgeous eyes was straight determination. This girl was ready to save her people, even my people, and she was ready to save her entire world. "Aliana, you aren't well enough to go anywhere." She heaved a sigh and gave a little wince of pain, "I can ride a rhiadorn just fine."

Nodding to her I helped her out of bed; she had a huge bruise on the back of her shoulder blade and a scratched-up face. It hurt seeing her like this, but she was determined to help Telaerion. I took her hand in mine and I could see a smile cracked on her face, but then she winced once more as she fully stood up. She looked up at me with pain in her eyes, "Thank you so much Asher, for everything." Then she leaned her face towards mine, I froze as my heart pulsed, but then she just kissed me on the cheek and proceeded her way into the hallway with my hand still in hers as she led me behind her.

Once we came downstairs Queen Raina stood in front of the large door that led out into the courtyard, her body gleaming in armor ready for battle, she had two short swords on both of her hips. Aliana suddenly dropped my hand and stalked over to her mother. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" her voice was full of panic and her eyes were becoming glossy with tears. Raina set her hand on Aliana's shoulder, "I am going to speak with the humans." Tears fell down Aliana's cheeks, "You know they won't listen; you know they will just want to shed blood; especially yours." She put her hand over her mouth.

"Aliana, I want you and Asher to go to the north and inform the rogues and possibly have them come aid me." Her mother gave her a stern look and caressed her cheek, wiping away her tears. "My dear sweet Princess, you will make a wonderful Queen someday." Raina's eyes filled with tears, but she turned around before Aliana could see her cry. She opened the door and looked over to the stables as she shouted, "Caiman! I want your two soldiers with them, and you with me." She began to walk over to Caiman when Aliana grabbed her hand, "I want you to wait until we get back. So, we can go with you." Raina heaved a sigh and folded her arms around her daughter. "Aliana, this is something that cannot wait."

"But I know what needs to be done, what needs to be said; it's me that needs to do this mother, not you." She looked at Raina with swelling eyes, "I can't lose you yet." Raina's lips turned up into a small smile, "You won't." Then she proceeded over to the stables passing Caiman as he came up to us with two rhiadorn's reins in his hands; a big jet-black stud and a pure white one that had a grey splotch on his eye, he was slightly smaller than the black one.

Intrigued that I have never seen a rhiadorn so close, I never appreciated how mighty and large they were, but I also never had the need for one. I looked at Aliana, "I can't just run wolf style?" She gave a short smile, "Yes, but you'll be the only one on foot…or paws. We don't just use rhiadorn's for riding, they make great defense as well, like we are riding our own shields." I shrugged and shook my head at Caiman. He handed the white one's reins to Aliana and took the black one with him back to the stables.

Aliana stopped and looked at me, "A…Asher, we need to go separate ways. I need to speak with the prophetess, and you need to warn your clan." My eyes sparked with a shocking look, "But, Aliana I need to protect you. And what about the two warriors your mother is sending with us?" She looked behind me, seeing the two coming over to us. "They will both go with you." She waved at them as they came over. "Plans have changed a bit, you two will be going with just Asher, I'm staying behind to help prepare." They gave a simple nod and jumped on two brown rhiadorns and walked to the entrance to wait for me. "Aliana, this doesn't feel right, I need…I need to be with you. Especially with you being injured still."

"Asher, I can take care of myself don't worry, it's you who needs back up." She winked at me and smiled as she climbed up on her rhiadorn. I knew she was referring to her fight with Aiden. I shook my head and gave her a smirk as I set my hand on her knee and pulled her chin to me with my other hand, I gave her a quick kiss on the lips that seemed to last a lifetime, then flashed her a daring smile and shifted into my feral form as I bolted away to the north, already knowing her cheeks were blushing a bright pink.

It was excited to be back in my own territory again, yet I was a bit nervous to see what I would find. Once I passed through the river and entered the northern territory with the two guards trailing behind me, I noticed something had changed instantly; the trees were becoming weaker, thinner, and the air smelled sickening. My mind started to panic; I could not help but worry even more about my clan, my family. I picked up the pace and started sprinting through the barren trees. As I heard the guards shouting at me from behind, I suddenly stopped. What if there is something waiting for me at the camp. I need to save my energy to fight, or to help in any way I can.

I was in a panic, my heart was racing, and I had noticed the sky was getting dark, the colors and the liveliness of the day were fading. My will was slowly breaking. I did not know what was waiting ahead of me or if I was even prepared. As the guards came up to my sides, they looked at me with understanding in their eyes. The one on my left nodded to me then proceeded forward. The one on the right took a step back and waited for me to move. I took a deep breath, looked ahead of me into the darkness of the trees, held my head high and proceeded into the barren forest towards my people.