The scent of blood was all around me and it was a nauseating toxic mixture of my clan's own scent. I stood just paw lengths away from the entrance into our camp, heart racing and mind whirling. What was going to await me inside, once I take those few steps through the thick trees, so I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I proceeded forward slowly.
As I stepped through, I opened my eyes, and my heart fell into my stomach. It was destroyed…my people were scattered all over, bleeding and fighting for breath. I searched for my aunt and uncle, but I saw nothing of them; I rounded up the few that were still alive. About six females were still alive and three males, making me the fourth male alive. They were afraid when they saw the two guards and cowered back when they reached to help them. I found two pups and a sick one hiding behind my aunt's hospital den, I rounded them up holding the sick one over my shoulders and putting the other two on one of the guards rhiadorns. I slowly gathered up the rest and looked at them all, "I take full responsibility for what happened here. I am supposed to be the pack leader now, and I have failed you. I should have killed Aiden when I had the chance, but instead I gave him chances, one too many." A tear was slipping down my cheek, I let my entire clan down, the ones I should have been protecting instead of going off on my own all the time. Anger began to fuel through my body. Why had I given him so many chances, I knew he was evil. I dug my claws into the ground as I pulsed between my two forms.
Aiden's sister Ava rubbed her finger across my cheek, "None of us knew Asher. It broke my heart when he…" Her voice choked, and I could see the hollowed look in her eyes as she was having flash backs of what had happened, "Aiden and an exceptionally large mutation of a werewolf came through the back of the camp. H…he took your uncle and threw him down in front of the creature." She swallowed her tears as she looked into my face, "They both looked at each other as if they knew one another. Grayson said his name, but I didn't quite pick it up… he did look somewhat familiar…almost like…" Her words trailed off, but I already knew what she was going to say, because I recognized him too, that first time Aliana and I went to the human camp. So, I finished for her quietly to both of us, "Just like my father, Acer."
I took in a deep breath and whipped around to look at the two guards that came here with me, "Take them safely to the castle and give them time to recuperate before anyone talks to them, please; and thank you guys, for coming, for helping me." They both gave me a short smile and then questioning looks as if I was saying goodbye; truth is, I kind of was saying goodbye, I needed to find out if that werewolf really was, my father and if Aliana is safe.
"I need to go look around a bit. I'll be just fine." I nodded at them to go ahead and leave, giving them a reassuring smile as I turned towards the West. I didn't know what to think; honestly, I didn't want to think right now but I had to; I didn't know what to expect, but as usual I kept going and went on my way into an unknown territory that I wouldn't know what I would encounter, whether if it was my death or something else, but I still went forward as I did everything. Danger was like a thrill to me, adrenaline, rushing through my blood stream. I wanted the danger, and I wanted to be the hero.
Before I left the rogue camp, I searched everywhere, for any signs of anything still alive; I wish I would not have though. I saw two dead pups, and I found my aunt…lying over top of those pups. I sat there and stared at her, with tears streaming down my muzzle. Then my mind went back to when Aliana was talking about the Guardians; were my aunt and uncle Guardians now? I talked to myself quietly, and yet like I was talking to someone else that was not there, hoping they would hear how grateful I am to have had my aunt and uncle in my life, and to hope that those pups could find a better life after death. I went over to grab a bunch of fallen leaves and tree branches and covered my aunt and the pups. I set my nose on each of theirs, dead and cold. I sent a silent prayer to the Guardians, hoping they were there and having a better afterlife.
The sky was getting dark now, and all I wanted to do was sit and mourn, but I had to be stronger than that, because if I were not strong enough, I would not be able to face my father if I had to.
I could smell the stench from the West as I stood here in my demolished home; so many memories flashed through my mind as I slowly walked out, I remember being dragged into a large clearing of trees when I was incredibly young, and everyone making their homes and claiming this as our camp. I always tried helping my mother with everything; back then my father did all the hunting, he is the one that taught me. I do remember a bit after I was born, our home was different, we had buildings just like Aliana's people. I do not know what made us resort to building a small camp, nor do I know why we left wherever we had come from. There was still so much to be discovered about my people; the so called "rogues."
I did not know what I was doing or where I was going, but it seemed like I was heading towards the west. I had not had anything planned, but I knew I should hurry, but I did not want to. I could not seem to pull myself back together, but I was being stronger than I thought I could be.
My head was hanging low, and my nose was stuffed with unspent tears stuck inside my throat. I finally looked up into the sky and saw that black smoke that was so familiar to me, but this time it was darker and seemed closer. I looked towards the South where Aliana had gone; nothing to give a sign that she was still alive or what her decision had been. Then I heard a piercing shriek of a female. My heart went into a panic and instantly began to pump blood through my veins rushing me into adrenaline mode. I began to sprint as fast as I could through the darkness, through the dying trees, and through the suffocating air.
My lungs began to sting as I got closer, my eyes watered, and my heart was breaking down. I had so many thoughts rushing through my mind of what was happening; I was exactly half a day away from walking, but running with adrenaline pumping through me, I hoped to get there within moments. The gift of my people is incredible stamina, speed, and strength, but only fueled by adrenaline, along with our healing abilities. So why didn't Aliana's people have this? Where did we rogues come from? And is that why the castle people shunned us? I had so many unanswered questions and horrifying thoughts running through my brain.
I promised Aliana I would protect her, and when I make a promise, I would die over it; and if Aliana died, I would avenge her and then let myself die. How could I have been so mental to let her go off by herself? I could not bear to live without her… I could not go on with my life knowing that I had left her and let her die.
My lungs wrenched in my chest and twisted, and I had to stop to catch my breath; the smoke stinging inside me. I was about a quarter of the way there already, but I could not stop, but I needed to. I sat there with my tongue hanging out of my mouth as I panted; looking around me for some type of water source, but the land was dry and charred. What use would I be exhausted?
That is when I heard a sound of a miracle, rain. The thunder clashed, and the lightning struck across the darkness of the sky, as small drops of water began to fall on my muzzle as they grew into larger drops. It was so refreshing but had a small tinge of the stench in the air, but I was grateful. Rain cleansed the air and the land, and afterwards it always felt so new.